Thursday, December 26, 2019
Significance Of History Lessons And Education About...
HIROSHIMA It is often said that history has a common tendency of repeating itself; thus, the significance of history lessons and education about historical events. There are some past events like drought or war that people do not wish to see happen again. One such event is the dropping of the first atomic bomb over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese. After the attack on their land, the United States of America sought to put an end to the war by hitting Japan with one overwhelming attack on her key cities. At 8.15am on the sixth of August 1945, the worst attack on Japan’s Hiroshima city by the United States of America took place. The attack was so devastating that it instantly†¦show more content†¦According to the accounts of several Japanese doctors and survivors, this was not just an ordinary bomb but an atomic bomb. Apart from instantly killing thousands of people, the atomic bomb left the survivors with strange sympto ms and injuries such as burns and illnesses. â€Å"About a week after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima; an unclear, incomprehensible gossip reached the city – that the city had been wrecked by the energy released when atoms were somehow split into two†(Hersey 62). The attack by the American troops totally shocked the city and its public with unbelievably overwhelming effects. For instance, from an estimated total of two hundred and fifty thousand people that were living in the city, over a hundred thousand people were killed by the attack, and a hundred thousand more were injured or affected by the poisoning from radiation. The first effects after the attack were; instant deaths, severe injuries, and fires all across Hiroshima. Due to the severity of the attack, may people become confused as the city started catching fire. Some people helplessly tried to search for their family members, friends, and relatives in the midst of the confusion where some succeeded and oth ers failed. According to a testimony by Father Kleinsorge and Mr. Tanimoto who were an injured at the time, they tirelessly searched for their family members and friends in the midst of the confusion and the grace of God; they managed to aidShow MoreRelatedThe Holocaust Museum : The Importance Of Monuments1079 Words  | 5 Pagescommemorate a person or an event. The commemoration could either be a picture, a book, a special day, or a monument. Monuments are created to honor a famous person or a historic event. But before state/federal agencies or local communities start building a monument, there are some factors they should take into consideration. Including; the location, the cost, historical background, nature, and the significance of the monument, as well as the community’s perception about the monument. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Intervention Plan And Care Of Hispanic Men Essay - 2805 Words
Intervention Plan and care in Hispanic Men with T2DM The literature review provides various insights of the evidence-based interventions that have been effective in the past. The intervention plan specifically needs to address the various challenges faced by Hispanics including acculturation, ethnic background, language barriers, social barriers, limitations in communication, perception, adherence, and understanding of treatment. The other challenges that need to be solved are the family and culturally related barriers. The lack of intervention strategies was cited as one of the causes for the barriers. Interventions that can address the barriers include family support, management skills education and culturally relevant resources. There is also need to establish ways of addressing the miscommunication that occurs between the NPs and Hispanic men. Self-management is among the best evidence-based strategies for the management of T2DM across all populations. Self-management education, physical exercise, screening and healthy diets are crucial self-management strategies that can be useful for managing T2DM among the Hispanic men. Self-management education is particularly an important strategy for enhancing the results related to the condition among the Hispanic men. Self-management techniques can be spearheaded by the NPs who play a significant role of educating patients about T2DM. The Valencia et al (2014) study provides insight that these strategies will be instrumentalShow MoreRelatedHeritage Assessment Tool Essay1189 Words  | 5 Pages429V Heritage Assessment Tool: Varying Cultures Introduction The Heritage Assessment Tool is designed to â€Å"give nurses an understanding of the patient’s traditional health and illness beliefs and practices so that culturally appropriate interventions can be initiated. The tool is a series of twenty nine questions. These twenty nine questions are designed to determine a patient’s ethnic, cultural, and religious background,†(Flowers, D.L., 2005). Within this paper, the author will summarizeRead MoreThe Implications Of Hispanic Satisfaction Of Healthcare Delivery1540 Words  | 7 PagesTheory Implications in Hispanic Satisfaction of Healthcare Delivery Projections that the United States will undergo an unavoidable demographical change by 2043 in which the minority population will be seen as the majority (Colby, Ortman, 2014), has been consistent. The United States Census Bureau (U.S.) (2014) projects that as the largest ethnic minority, Hispanics, will grow exponentially to 128.8 million by 2060 from 53.3 million calculated in 2012 and having profound repercussions in the nation’sRead MoreHeritage Assessment1246 Words  | 5 Pagesadoption of health assessment tool helps meet the prerequisites of diverse patient populations to offer quality all-inclusive care. The following paper reviews the assessment of three culturally dissimilar families, and demonstrate how a nurse would continue with health promotion centred on the variances in health traditions between the three cultures. The three cultures include Hispanic culture, Native American Indian culture and White American culture. The objectives of this essay are to reco gnise differentRead MoreThe Heritage Assessment Tool: a Cultural View of the Patient1121 Words  | 5 Pagesa series of 29 questions designed to determine a patient’s ethnic, cultural, and religious background. The tool gives nurses an understanding of the patient’s traditional health and illness beliefs and practices so that culturally appropriate interventions can be initiated (Flowers, D.L., 2005). 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Transcultural nursing addresses cultural influences such as values, beliefs, and behavior and examines how they affect health and wellness. In this paper, I will discuss perceptions of health and illness in the Hispanic community, examine the overarching issue presented in a video that I reviewed, discuss what can be done to overcome the issue in the video, and share a barrier that I experience in my nursing practice and how I overcome the barrier. Cultural BackgroundRead MoreThe Intervention Of Safe Sex And Less Drug Use1411 Words  | 6 Pagesresults confirmed that the intervention is effective as far as with the learning materials and the classes but as far as for the practicing of safe sex and less drug use, it is not effective enough. From previous research it was stated that â€Å"after the intervention, the amount of protected sexual acts increased for all partners (and especially HIV-negative partners) among participants who received the in-person intervention. 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Some people say Hispanics are those descending from Spain and speak Spanish. Others say it is not the same because Latinos include people from Latin American countries. Since this would include non-Spanish speaking countries it is not the same as Hispanic. So technicallyRead MoreHiv Prevention Is A Preventable Disease1062 Words  | 5 Pagessexual contact; therefore, HIV prevention is closel y linked to the sexual and reproductive health of men and women. Effective prevention programs include interventions that promote sex abstinence, delay sexual initiation, maintain a mutually faithful partner, limit sexual partners, use condoms consistently and correctly, and counsel and test for HIV. The most effective combination of these interventions depends on the characteristics of groups infected with HIV. Effective programs also consider the social
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Business Statistics Report
Question: In this assignment you will have to work on the initial research proposal. Basically you will have to follow the instructions attached with the initial research proposal and have to edit the proposal and make it into a full fledged report with a definitive answer. So just converting the proposal into a complete and finished report. Please follow the instructions carefully and if there are any questions please do ask me. Answer: Business Research Topic Tourism is one of the most important industries in Australia. The tourism industry contributes to increase in the GDP of Australia. The tourism industry in Australia provides employment in Australia and it helps in removing unemployment in the country. The tourists include both domestic and international tourists to the country. The tourism industry all over the world faces many challenges and it is very important to overcome these challenges as this would help in the development of the tourism industry (Mialon et al. 2016). Providing proper food and lodging to the tourists is one of the major issues or challenges that people in the tourism industry face. Additionally, digitalization is another problem that people associated with the tourism industry face. The launch of internet services such as WWW has made the life of the tourists easier however; there still exists many tourists who do not have their own websites that makes many tourist companies unreachable (Brimblecombe et al. 20 13). These issues need to be addressed so that the tourism industry in Australia flourish and prosper to its best. In this report, the data collected shall be taken into consideration and statistical techniques shall be used to analyzed the data and provide proper recommendations to the issues identified. Literature Review According to Yap (2010), tourism in Australia has developed strongly over the last decade. Tourism gross value added 1 (GVA) 1998 has elevated steadily from AUD 22 billion to AUD 31 billion in the year 2006, entails that tourism industry in Australia have augmented their production of products and services by forty three percent. Client satisfaction is a significant indicator of the capability of a destination to distribute a product that demands to the tourist, and an indicator of the capability of a location to deliver on the guarantee that is made through the promotion image which is grown in the mind of the traveler (Chen 2012). Another study made by Brimblecombe et al. (2013), reveals that Tourists in and out of Australia explore the country throughout the year. Tourists that visit this country belong to various regions and ethnic groups. International tourism is considered as a unique sort of intercontinental trade, and its economic implication is often argued in relation to nationwide balance of expenditure accounts. Inbound tourism is looked upon as an export, a shot to the countrywide economic output, evidence as a credit in the present account. Outbound tourism on the contrary is observed as an import that is an outflow of a national wealth and emerges as a debit entry into the present account (Athanasopoulos et al. 2013). International tourism is considered as one of the special kind of international trade and its economic importance is discussed in relation to the balance of payments that is left in Australian accounts. Domestic tourism is considered as an export that leads to growth of the national economic output (NS and Getz 2014). Hence, it may said that tourism plays a very important role in the growth of Australian economy. People love to travel from different states for reasons that may vary from education to business or even pleasure. The number of visitors in Australia has increased from 2 million in the year 1992 till 6 million in the year 2014. Tourism in Australia is expected to continue and this shall lead to growth in the Australian economy (Brimblecombe et al. 2013). Research Questions: Based on the research proposal the following research questions can be framed: How satisfied are the tourists with the beverage, food and other services that are provided during the tour in Australia? What is the budget of the people who come and visit Australia? How many days do they like to spend in Australia? Are the customers satisfied with the methods of booking in Australia? How can tourism be improved in Australia? Research Methodology: Research Methodology is a well defined chapter that contains the appropriate approaches that are required for achieving a detailed and complete result. In this part of the research, focus is on the theories that are adopted for completing the research methodology. The research methodology helps in focusing on the errors that tend to limit the approach of the researcher (Pope et al. 2014). The researcher tries to apply every detail of the methodology process so as to obtain better results of the analysis that conducted to study tourism in Australia. The research onion is a tool that helps in knowing the different layers of research. The research onion helps in understanding the different layers that are used in the process of research methodology (Ruhanen and Whitford 2014). The research outline highlights the techniques that are used for analyzing the subjects of the research accordingly. The research onion can be categorized in the following categories: Research Philosophy Research Approaches Research Strategy Research Choices Time Horizons Research Techniques Research Procedures Figure 1- Research Onion (Source: Author) Tourists visit Australia all throughout the year. People who come and visit Australia belong to different ethnic groups and different regions. A sample of these tourists shall be chosen and their preferences regarding food and lodging shall be noted (Walker 2016). Additionally, their accessibility to the online booking portals would also be evaluated and how accessible these online portals are for booking. The data of the tourists shall be taken into consideration and analysis of the data shall be categorized depending on the satisfaction level of the customers. Based on the results appropriate methods shall be launched (Ruhanen and Whitford 2014). While surveying the tourists, it was noted that the tourists like the ethnicity of Australia and it is for this reason why many people visit Australia quite frequently. Tourists like to explore different regions of Australia and with their interest in exploration they come across different types of foods and beverages in Australia (Reeve a nd Gostin 2015). Gantt chart Table 1: Gantt chart (Source: Author) Description of the Research Process The research philosophy aids in deriving significant knowledge from a particular research and understand them. Research philosophy involves realism, positivism, interpretivism and post positivism. The research approaches are of two types. One of the approaches is inductive and the other one is deductive. The deductive approach moves from a generic to a specific process. This process involves quantitative research. In terms of the inductive reasoning the approach moves from specific to generic process. In order to establish a proper research process, survey method was adopted. Survey was done on the tourists regarding their view on the ethnic taste of Australia. If the tourist prefers the ethnic taste of the country then a new trade model could be launched in order to expose the diverse ethnic taste of the nation, so that tourists could explore the native food and beverage of the different places they visit in Australia (Pollard et al. 2014). He survey strategy will be helpful in the data analysis process, since this would help the researcher to obtain the outcomes based on comparative research approach. Data collection and Analysis The tourists who visit Australia will be asked about their preferences for the indigenous beverages and food and the kind of food and beverages they had over the period of their tour. The accessibility of the restaurants and stores shall also be inquired about and the same will be questioned about online booking system. The budget of their tour and the number of days they will be spending in Australia shall also be questioned. Based on such data, analysis can be made about their preferences in Australia (Reeve and Gostin 2015). The data collection method in this research will be primary and secondary in nature. The primary data shall be collected with the use of qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Primary data helps the researcher to obtain an overall measurement of the chosen research topic (McCarthy 2015). Secondary data such as journals, websites and related books are also relied on for completion of the research process. Data analysis is a very important part of the research analysis. To conclude the research, the data analysis method shall be applied with the objectives of the research. For data analysis many methods can be applied (Duarte and Krajsic 2016). The techniques used for data analysis are distribution of frequency, analysis of variance and regression. The data will be represented through different tables with the representation of diagrams and charts. Research Outcomes: The questionnaire method is a cost effective method that helps in obtaining data of respondents who visit Australia as tourists. In this research, 50 tourists were chosen in Australia and they were told to answer the questions online. The questions were related to their choices and preferences in Australia (Duarte and Krajsic 2016). The main motive of this survey was to identify the level of satisfaction of the tourists in Australia. It was noted that out of 50 tourists more than 40 tourists were happy and contended with the tourist environment in Australia. The remaining people were not sure of the conditions prevailing and very few seemed dissatisfied with the prevailing conditions. Conclusion and Recommendation The outcome of this research was positive and it was seen that tourists like to travel to Australia and explore new things there. The business that is established to attract tourists under the indigenous set up is expected to flourish. The availability to allow the tourists to make online booking shall make their work easier and shall make their visit to Australia more frequent. The online tourists booking shall make the work of the tourists easier and this will attract the customers to visit Australia more frequently. This will lead to flourishing of the tourist industry in Australia and this will allow more tourists to visit Australia. References: Amelung, B. and Nicholls, S., 2014. Implications of climate change for tourism in Australia.Tourism Management,41, pp.228-244. Athanasopoulos, G., Deng, M., Li, G. and Song, H., 2013.Domestic and outbound tourism demand in Australia: a System-of-Equations Approach(No. 6/13). Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics. Brimblecombe, J., Ferguson, M., Liberato, S.C., Ball, K., Moodie, M.L., Magnus, A., Miles, E., Leach, A.J., Chatfield, M.D., Mhurchu, C.N. and ODea, K., 2013. Stores Healthy Options Project in Remote Indigenous Communities (SHOP@ RIC): a protocol of a randomised trial promoting healthy food and beverage purchases through price discounts and in-store nutrition education.BMC Public Health,13(1), p.744. Chen, J.S. ed., 2012.Advances in hospitality and leisure(Vol. 8). Emerald Group Publishing. Duarte Alonso, A. and Krajsic, V., 2016. Perceptions and images of typical Australian dishes: An exploratory study.Journal of Foodservice Business Research,19(2), pp.147-163. Harvey Lemelin, R., Powys Whyte, K., Johansen, K., Higgins Desbiolles, F., Wilson, C. and Hemming, S., 2013. Conflicts, battlefields, indigenous peoples and tourism: addressing dissonant heritage in warfare tourism in Australia and North America in the twenty-first century.International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research,7(3), pp.257-271. McCarthy, B.L., 2015. Trends in organic and green food consumption in China: Opportunities and challenges for regional Australian exporters.Journal of Economic Social Policy,17(1), p.6. Mialon, M., Swinburn, B., Allender, S. and Sacks, G., 2016. Systematic examination of publicly-available information reveals the diverse and extensive corporate political activity of the food industry in Australia.BMC Public Health,16(1), p.1. NS Robinson, R. and Getz, D., 2014. Profiling potential food tourists: An Australian study.British Food Journal,116(4), pp.690-706. Pollard, C.M., Landrigan, T.J., Ellies, P.L., Kerr, D.A., Underwood Lester, M.L. and Goodchild, S.E., 2014. Geographic factors as determinants of food security: a Western Australian food pricing and quality study.Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition,23(4), p.703. Pope, A., Walker, M. and Acting, C.E.O., 2014. Australian Red Cross, Dietitians Association of Australia and Public Health Association of Australia: Submission on Performance Audit of Food Security in Remote Indigenous Communities. Reeve, B. and Gostin, L.O., 2015. Creating the Conditions for People to Lead Healthy, Fulfilling Lives: Law Reform to Prevent and Control NCDs.Dancing in the Rain: Living with Chronic Disease, G. Blashki and H. Sykes, eds, Future Leaders, Australia. Ruhanen, L. and Whitford, M., 2014. Indigenous Tourism and Events for Community Development in Australia.Tourism as an Instrument for Development: A Theoretical and Practical Study (Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice, Volume 5) Emerald Group Publishing Limited,5, pp.183-194. Walker, G.S., 2016. Food authentication and traceability: An Asian and Australian perspective.Food Control. Yap, G.C., 2010. An econometric analysis of Australian domestic tourism demand.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Microcycle of an Aerobics Routine free essay sample
Micro Cycle Rene Zucchini A prediction of how suitable a generic aerobic micromole based on my own levels of fitness and suitability to aerobics would reflect upon the content within the micro cycle lasting one week. A micromole is a one-week training program designed for one specific focus. It consists of 1-7 days of training to target a selected component of fitness. A megacycle was generally designed as one 2-3 month training phases during a year. It takes 4-6 weeks for training adaptation to take place. The macromolecule is a training program that lasts for an entire year. This cycle is usually used when an athlete is preparing for major events such as an Olympic games. Which in turn meaner that an athlete would undergo four macromolecules when preparing for an Olympic games. (Queensland physical education textbook) Day one of the micro cycle would be very beneficial to all athletes because stamina and aerobic capacity is incorporated through an exercise known as Bartlett running speed play. We will write a custom essay sample on Microcycle of an Aerobics Routine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This workout recruits your fast twitch muscle fibers, ensuring that the muscle is getting a full beneficial workout. This workout will help build core strength to hold positions and be able to last the full activity. Because the muscles contract quickly and release energy rapidly they fatigue rapidly due to anaerobic metabolism providing the energy. Although this is not a crucial factor needed as my levels of fitness are high enough in the field of aerobic capacity. (Charles Stuart. (2009). Training performances. Available: http://has. CSS. Dude. AU/peeped/corer/focus/focusing/2-1-4/face_1 _4_6. HTML. Last accessed 1/4/13. ) Day two of the micromole is based of the component of fitness flexibility. Doing the full micromole warm up and then continuing on to the condition phase of the exercise work flexibility. The conditioning phases relies on 20 minutes of Palates and 15 minutes of yoga. Both use the bodies own resistance to build physical strength and flexibility while reducing stress. The yoga foundation of this workout will provide students, athletes etc. With the two main factors of yoga Paraguayan and saunas. These two categories summaries all the positions held in yoga. Saunas will include standing or seated poses where you are required to bend forward, backwards an assortment of twists. Paraguayan might include very gentle stretches to highly stimulation exercise. All yoga is used to help build and loosen your muscles and joints. Palates is similar to yoga although it does not focus on the whole body; it focuses on the main core muscles. These muscles include lower back, abdominal and the stabilizing muscle around the back, spine and trunk. This group of muscles is often known as the powerhouse in Palates because they provide the foundation around which the limbs and other muscles move. While other parts of the body do get attention in Palates, the majority to work is centered on the core. The benefits from this workout will be stronger abdominal muscles and a flatter stomach. Therefore the core strengthening exercises will help stabilize the spine, which vastly improves posture, balance and confidence in holding certain positions. (Ethan Smith. (2011). The difference between yoga and palates. Available: http:// yoga. Sport. Com/yoga-guides/the-differences-between-yoga-palates. Last accessed 2/4/13. ) Day three of this Micromole is focused on building muscular strength. Muscular strength will help the athlete prepare for their activity by allowing for them to increase their total workload intake. Muscular strength is defined as the maximum mount of force muscles can exert against some form of resistance in a single effort. An example of this can be even shown simply by lifting yourself out of a chair, picking up a heavy object and even pushing a piece of furniture. It depends on a fast twitch muscle fiber because it requires quick bursts of energy rather then long bursts. This strength is useful and relevant to this Micromole because it prepares the athlete undergoing the Micromole for core activities and being able to hold poses when set in a stationary position. (Elise Woodrow. (2011). Muscular strength. Available: http:// inerrableness. Tripod. Com/did. HTML. Last accessed 1/4/13. ) Day four consists on the component of fitness agility. Agility is defined as the ability of a system to rapidly respond to change by adapting its initial stable configuration. This is an exercise that is practiced by performing drills and movements that require the body position to change efficiently. The reason behind these movements is balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, strength and endurance. The ability to maintain the equilibrium when stationary or in a moving motion relies on the sensory functions such as the yes, ears overprotective organs. This certain are of fitness will help athletes change positions smoothly and be coordinated when moving through the motion of these poses and movements. This is would be a very beneficial day in the Micromole for me as I have trouble when finding a center of balance for holding poses. Road Boyd. (2009). Balance and speed. Available: http://www. Brinkman. Co. UK/ agility. HTML. Last accessed 3/3/13. ) Day five is working the body speed; this is an essential and main factor in many physical activities, however when speed is incorporated into yoga its not a must have factor. Fast twitch muscle fibers show Speed is not Just how fast an individual can run but how fast they can accelerate from a stationary position and holding the form to prevent deceleration. The way this speed is preserved is by running the most economical way to maintain speed and create an autonomous mechanical running style. Like mentioned previously speed does not have to be a main factor although if one is usually fast (speed) they are fit in other aspects of fitness already. This specific day in the micro cycle would not greatly inept me, as I am fairly fast enough. This day for me would be a general training session, which would require minimal effort. (Susan Trout. Speed workout. Available: nntp://elite. Dallying. Com/teetered- stories/restorative-yoga/. Last accessed 17/3/13. ) Day six is the similar to Tuesday relating to the flexibility part, although there is also power on this day. Power in some ways is close to muscular strength but has its own uniqueness. Power is defined as the amount of work performed per unit of time; it is a element of skill related fitness that is needed to excel in athletics based performances. When strength is increased it doesnt always mean that power will increase. An example of this could be a person with strong upper body ability can lift heavy weights but may not have the ability to throw a shot put very far, this because the speed cannot be generated. When practicing the art of yoga a athlete will need to be able to lift their own body weight when doing push ups, planks and many other self weighted movements. (Allan Bozo. (2012). Define power. Available:http://www. Livelihoods. Com/article/ 1 1 5549-define-strength-power-muscular/ . Last accessed 5/3/13. Day seven was included to allow for the Micromole participant to have a break before actually performing their routine or yoga performance the next day. This is important because if the athlete doesnt have the recommended interval break they could be mentally tired or even fatigued which would lead to lack of interest or even muscle soreness for the event the Micromole has prepared them for. As you can see now the Mi cromole has specific components of fitness included in each day to allow for the athlete to have maximum preparation for the event that they are undergoing the Micromole
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Donating blood essays
Donating blood essays Nowadays blood donating becomes more and more common and takes a more important part in medical treatment career. Fresh and healthy blood is needed everywhere. Many people join the group of donating blood, to consider that to be an obligation for a member of the society. But there are some difficulties for this good action to spread all over China. Because of the notion errors of some Chinese people, it is hard to be universal. Many people thought that donating blood could have terrible impacts on their bodies, for example, some think that will do harm to their eyes and ears, some think that will make their bodies very weak, even some girls think that donating blood will have their weight putting on. Alll that thoughts seem to be silly. Actually, blood donating will not do harm to your health, but will refresh you blood and make you healthier. Some people like to donate on their birthday or special occasions, celebrating their good health with others. Give the gift of life - give blo od. It is a gift you can keep on giving. So where do these blood go to? May be the blood is now travelling in a baby ¡Ã‚ ¯s body, or just beating strongly in a leukemia patient ¡Ã‚ ¯s heart, some blood might be used for the people who need it. I think the volunteer donors may gain a special feeling of happyness from blood donating, and I am sure that I will join the group of those blood volunteer donors. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Role of Supply Chain Risk Management in Ensuring Smooth Functioning
The Role of Supply Chain Risk Management in Ensuring Smooth Functioning Introduction A number of issues such as changes in product design, branding and employee are likely to cause risks that threaten supply chain. Risk management in this field is a fundamental activity at the executive level in most organizations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Supply Chain Risk Management in Ensuring Smooth Functioning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Several studies have developed various models and theories that attempt to provide an explanation of the need for supply chain management in reducing risks. The purpose of this paper is to review and analyze some research articles from various authors with an aim of exploring theories and models developed over the last few decades. Model and theory analysis: Review of research Lin and Zhou (2011) carried out a study to address the impact that product design changes have on supply chain, with a special focus on the risks involved. Using a case study, the researchers developed some concepts that attempt to explain how supply chain runs under risks when the product design changes significantly. The theory attempts to show that such changes predispose an organization to a number of risks in supply, policy and delivery. Moreover, this theory suggests that change in product design leads to an array of risks at the internal level, which in this case involves research and design, production, planning, organization and information. This theory seems to indicate that any change in the product design that may have a significant impact on the customer and retailers perception of a product is likely to expose the supply chain system to these risks, which means that both customer-requested and company-initiated change in product design exposes the supply chain system to these risks. Using an in-depth longitudinal case study, Khan, Christopher and Burnes (2012 examined the impact of product design on the supply chain risk. The case st udy was based on a major cloth retailer in the United Kingdom. The researchers aimed to address the questions associated with the increasingly important issues of the impact of product design on the risks involved in supply chain management. The case study leads to a concept that was used to explain the impact of product design in the supply chain and the associated risks. The researchers theorize that risk management in supply chain is heavily dependent on the product design, where recognition of a design is a creative function of managing risks. In addition, the theory attempts to show that recognizing product design is a fundamental platform, on which risks are managed with ease and effectiveness.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This concept attempts to show that recognition of product design must be one of the major activities as well as requirements for risk m anagement at the executive level. In addition, this theory seems to have closer association with the theory developed by Lin and Zhou (2011), as both of them emphasize on the need to consider product design as one aspect or factor that may lead to risks as well as effective management of risks in the supply chain. Christopher and Peck have attempted to present a good analysis on how supply chain management can effectively control risks by building a resilient supply chain system. Although the research is an analysis of findings rather than an empirical study, it provides the reader with some important theories that attempt to explain how product design impacts the supply chain in modern organizations. An important model developed in this article is the argument that building a resilient supply chain depends on a number of features that can be engineered into the supply chain to improve resilience. Among these factors is the need to focus on product design, which should be incorporat ed into the general designing for the supply chains in organizations. In addition, the concept argues that product design plays a major role in the process of understanding the supply chain and its structure. According to the article, products are the major aspect of a supply process, which means that their nature and impact on the whole process are fundamental. Therefore, failure to focus on product design when engineering supply chains is likely to involve risks that threaten the integrity and effectiveness of a supply chain management in a globalized business environment. This theory is important in providing some background information on the need to focus on product design when managing and engineering supply chains. In fact, it shows the important role that product design plays in mitigating risks in supply chains. The article by Chopra and Sodhi (2005) is based on real-life examples of how risk management in supply chain poses threats to the business process in a modern busin ess environment. The authors used two cases in which an electricity supply plant operated by Royal Philips Electronics in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was hit by a lightning in 2000. The massive surge the impact of the lightning caused at the grid started a fire that completely destroyed the plant’s microchips. Nokia Corporation was one of the major customers of the Royal Philips at the time. The impact of the lightning caused a massive reduction in the number of microchips at the Royal Philips stock, which made corporations like Nokia and others find it difficult to deal with the company.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Supply Chain Risk Management in Ensuring Smooth Functioning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, it is worth noting that Nokia Corporation had more than one supplier in its supply chain strategy, which made it possible to switch from ordering chips from the Royal Philips on a tem porary base. This proved effective in risk mitigation. On the other hand, the authors compared this situation with the impact of the problem at Telefon AB Ericsson Corporation, another major customer of the Royal Philips Corporation. This company had a single provider of chips in its supply chain. The company suffered from the problem, which led to a complete shut down of operations until the Royal Philips resumed production. From the two examples, the authors attempt to develop a theory, in which they explain the need for an effective design in the supply chain system. In this theory, the authors argue that corporations that use multiple designs for a product that is either sold or outsourced are likely to mitigate the risks involved when one product line or design is affected by any problem that may arise. In other words, this theory hypothesizes that multiple supply chain designs are more effective in risk management and mitigation than single-design supply chains. Supply chain m anagement in the process of supplying and delivering high risk products such as oil and gas proves to be one of the most crucial aspects of managers in these corporations. In fact, high risk but, at the same time, high profitable oil and gas production and supply provide a good example of how risk management in the supply chain can be enhanced with product design. Vosooghi, Fazli and Mavi (2012) used this example to develop additional concept of product design and its impact on supply chain management in the oil supply industry. The researchers use the fuzzy analytical hierarch process (FAHP) to weigh and analyze the risks related to crude oil supply chain. The study, carried in Iran, developed some theory that can be used to explain how risks can effectively be managed and mitigated in crude oil supply process. This model argues that regulation and environmental risks as well as cooperation polices can be viewed from a design perspective. Although the theory does not deal with prod uct design, the conclusions made in the article indicate that the way, in which the product is designed, usually influences the effectiveness of risk management in the supply chain.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The aerospace industry is another high-risk field that requires attention when studying risk management and product design. Sinha, Whitman and Malzahn (2004) developed a study, in which they aimed at explaining how risk management can be effected in aerospace industry. The researchers argue that most of the supply chain systems involve a single supplier, which is likely to increase risks involved. Therefore, risk management proves to be an important area of management in companies that adopt this system. The researchers’ aim was to develop a model that can mitigate risks in supply chains adopted by aerospace companies. The results of the study have provided some models that can be used to mitigate risks in these companies. According to the study, IDEF0 concept is a model that mitigates risks in the aerospace supply chains. The model has five stages: risk identification, risk assessment, planning, and failure analysis and continuous improvement. Although this model focuses on a number of issues, it is worth noting that the design of the products in the supply chain system is a fundamental aspect of the model. Tang (2007) published an article that explains the risks involved in supply chains and how they can be managed with effectiveness even during crisis. The researcher develops a model that attempts to show how supply chain managers can enhance the supply chain to navigate through major disruptions whenever they occur. According to this model, inherent fluctuations are the first aspect that increases the risks, which implies that they should be the first issues to address in management. Secondly, the model indicates that corporations must design and reengineer their supply chain systems to enhance resilience and the ability to withstand the impacts of major disruptions. In addition, the model indicates that enhancing residence is strongly linked to the process of retaining apprehensive customers. Goh, Lim and Meng (2007) developed a study, in which the y attempted to develop a model for enhancing risks management in globalized supply chain networks. The study, carried out in Singapore, provided a scholastic model that indicates the need for risk management in supply chain to reduce the threats involved in globalized organizations.The model, known as multi-stage global supply chain network, incorporates a number of supply chain aspects in a globalized business system. For instance, it considers a new focus on related risks such as supply, demand, disruption and exchange as the most important areas of focus in managing risks. In addition, the model provides a new solution methodology that makes use of Moreau-Yosida regulation, design and logarithm that enhances the process of risk management and mitigation in diagnosing risk associated problems in globalized and multi-staged networks. Although this model is difficult to implement, it is highly effective in managing and mitigating risks in supply chains. Sheffi (2001) takes a differe nt approach to developing a model for risk management and mitigation in supply chains. In this article, Sheffi (2001) takes an example of risks posed by terrorism as a major threat to modern supply chain systems. The author analyzes the companies that were affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US. Using several examples, the researcher develops a model for explaining the importance of supply chain management in risk mitigation. This model focuses on two issues. First, it argues that corporations must adopt strategies to set certain operational redundancies in order to enhance their preparedness for risks. Secondly, it focuses on reduction of reliability on lead time and certain demand scenarios. The model suggests that private public partnership is the best way, trough which companies can organize themselves into networks that will enhance risk management and mitigation. In 2007, American corporations IBM, KPMG and ACE sponsored a study with an aim of revealing the best prac tice for managing risks in supply chains. The researching institute, the Economic Intelligence Unit, developed a comprehensive study and a report that show their hypothesized model for managing supply chain risks in the modern concept. In its simplest form, the model suggests that risk management is a discipline that has moved from loss avoidance to assume a new position as the key contributor to market advantage. According to the model, this is achieved through improved corporate reputation and better stand among the companies with the role of oversight such as rating industries. In addition, the model hypothesizes that risk management in supply chains has become an area that needs both technology and workmanship, because ideas must be generated, devised and implemented. In addition, it indicates that technology is an additional source of risk for supply chains, especially at a time when supply of products has gone virtual thanks to the internet technology. However, the author†™s model does not imply that technology should be avoided. Rather, it suggests that technology and workmanship should be integrated to provide the best method for mitigating and managing risks in supply chains. Conclusion From this analysis, a number of aspects should be noted. For instance, the models developed over the years to enhance risk management in supply chains tend to focus on the product, product delivery and internal aspects of the management. They incorporate the ideas of understanding the risks, developing prior knowledge of the risks, ensuring everyone is involved, company-company or company-public sector relations and the use of technology. Although the models are different, most of them attempt to show that supply chain is one of the areas of corporate management that runs under high risks due to the link between the company and other parties in its supply chain system. Therefore, changes in product design, branding and employees are likely to cause risks that thr eaten supply chain. Risk management in this field is a fundamental activity at the executive level in most organizations. These models/theories have attempted to provide an explanation of the need for supply chain management in reducing risks. References Chopra, S Sodhi, M, 2005, â€Å"Managing Risk To Avoid Supply-Chain Breakdown†, MIT Sloan Management Review, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 53-64. Christopher, M Peck, H, 2004, â€Å"Building the resilient supply chain†, International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1-13, Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007, Best practice in risk management: A function comes of age, Economist Intelligence Unit, New York Goh, M, Limb, J Meng, 2007, â€Å"A stochastic model for risk management in global supply chain networks†, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 182, no. 1, pp. 164–173 Khan, O, Christopher, M Burnes, B, 2012, â€Å"The impact of product design on supply chain risk: a case study†, International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management, vol. 38 no. 5, pp. 412-432 Lin, Y Zhou, L, 2011, â€Å"The impacts of product design changes on supply chain risk: a case study†, International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 162-186 Sheffi, Y, 2001, Supply Chain Management under the Threat of International Terrorism, International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1 – 11 Sinha, PR, Whitman, LE Malzahn, D, 2004, â€Å"Methodology to mitigate supplier risk in an aerospace supply chain†, Supply chain management: An international journal, vol.9, no. 2, pp. 154-168. Tang, C, 2007, â€Å"Robust strategies for mitigating supply chain disruptions†, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications: A Leading Journal of Supply Chain Management, vol. 9, no.1, pp. 34-56. Vosooghi, M, Fazli, S Mavi, R, 2012, â€Å"Crude Oil Supply Chain Risk Management with Fuzzy Analyt ic Hierarchy Process†, American Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 12, no. 46, pp. 34-42
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The main differences between conventional bank and Islamic bank Essay
The main differences between conventional bank and Islamic bank - Essay Example Even this is unchanged in the asset category. All assets including fixed assets and other assets are summed accordingly after that. The total assets are written below. Doha Bank had an additional investment in an associate company which Qatar Islamic Bank did not have. In the liabilities section, again there are a lot of similarities. Net liabilities at the end of 2010 for Doha Bank stand at 39, 319, 885 Qattari Riyals while those of Qatar Islamic Bank stand at 20, 979, 710 Qatari Riyals. Qatar bank had liabilities due from Sukook financing activities which are nowhere to be seen in the Doha Bank balance sheet statement. Total shareholder’s equity of Qatar Islamic Bank stood at 9,124, 004 while that of Doha Bank stood at 6,043, 493 (All amount in Qatarri Riyals) . There is hedge reserve in Doha Bank while Qatar Bank did not have any hedge reserve. Income statement: Net income for Qatar Islamic Bank as of year ending December 2010 is specified as 1,833,139 while that of Doha Ba nk is 1,054,245 (all figures stated in QR). The way in which income is calculated is very different for both banks. In Doha Bank net operating income is calculated as the sum of net income from insurance activities, net Islamic financing and investing income, net fees and net commission income. In Qatar Islamic bank the above categories are not used.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Paul of tarsus life, career, writings, and teaching Term Paper
Paul of tarsus life, career, writings, and teaching - Term Paper Example This work will also touch on the methodology of preaching the gospel and how he was able to get followers and his ways of establishing churches through his missionary journeys to various towns in Asia. In this analysis, I will use information contained in history about the political atmosphere and how it fostered his work. The other part of this work will be a description of his death and what the church today can learn from his life. The Bible speaks little on Paul’s family. Philippians 3.5 records him as a Hebrew from the tribe of Judah in Israel. However, in Acts 23.3, Paul implies ancestral connections to the Pharisees. His was born in Tarsus, in the province of Cilicia. Nevertheless, his upbringing is recorded to have been in Jerusalem and was trained in the law by Gamaliel through whom he became perfect in Jewish laws. Paul records in (Acts 26.4-11) that he used to persecute the church. This was true of his early life and many could attest to. Little is known about the e ntire life except of his involvement in persecution of early believers of Christ, which he calls the new way (Acts 22:4). This can be evidenced through his active participation in killing of Stephen. He was not among the disciples of Jesus and he is portrayed to come after Jesus was crucified. However, one time as he journeyed from Jerusalem to Damascus for the very works of persecution, a bright light met him and as a result he lost his sight. It was after three days that Ananias who was sent by God to him prayed for him and he regained his sight. This encounter formed the basis of Paul’s conversion from his former way of life as an anti-Christian into an apostle to the very gospel he persecuted. Jason, in a study named Saul’s Recruitment on the Road to Damascus, argues that it is not an easy task for one to change from one group to another or simply changing identities. In changing from one lifestyle of a Judean non believer to another lifestyle of believing in Jesus was painful as it involved separation and aggregation. Jason in fact argues that the conversion is best referred to as â€Å"recruitment†. The conversion of Saul to Paul, now a believer in Jesus, is legitimized by the Jewish ritual of baptism. This symbolized the recruitment into another group and a change of identity (Lamoreaux 122,132). Paul transformed from his earlier lifestyle of persecuting the church to active participation in evangelism and is in fact accorded the honor of taking the gospel to the gentiles and having them counted among the believers of Christ. The book of acts cites with emphasis the struggles that Paul underwent through in the transformation; first because of his prior state as a persecutor of the gospel and later as a witness to the same gospel and more so because of his struggles for acceptance in the society. Earlier on, Paul had a legacy of terrorizing and killing the Christian Jews who argued that Jesus was the savior and the king of the Jews. Among the many issues that supported his persecution was that the Jews saw Christ’s death as a curse and not an honor. He therefore used the synagogue punishment system to inflict sufferings to all those who were followers of Christ. This was the main reason why Saul, now Paul, experienced a lot of resistance while he came back in support of the same faith he was persecuting. He suffers a lot in the Mediterranean
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Fitness Essay Example for Free
Fitness Essay Why do people exercise? This may be a simple question, but it can generate multiple and varying responses. Assumptions such as pure weight loss, arise. Although this may be true, weight loss is not the only reason that drives people to engage in such activities. If curious minds dig a little deeper within this topic, different perceptions are brought up or given a better understanding of the situation. People exercise for many reasons. These reasons can be categorized to physical, psychological, and emotional dimension. In the physical sense, people exercise to better their appearance by losing or maintaining weight and overall health. One of the most noticeable effects of exercise is the physical changes that occur to the loss of body fat in a person. A person who may be overweight see exercise as a tool to help him achieve his desired body composition. With continuous exercise, the body burns calories. Excess fat that are stored within the body are utilized and burned for energy, leading to weight loss. Aside from weight loss, exercising provides beneficial heart effects to a person. It strengthens the heart muscle by allowing it to pump blood more effectively which results in the reduction of pressure on the walls of the blood vessel, which lowers blood pressure. (Sherwood, 2010). Other heart benefits include good HDL cholesterol levels, reducing bad LDL cholesterol levels, and reducing inflammation of arteries, as suggested by the University of Maryland Medical Center, or UMMC (as cited by Sherwood, par. 4). According to the website WebMD, regular exercise can help prevent diseases and ailments such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, back pain, and osteoporosis. Beyond the physical effects of exercise come psychological effects. Running, after a long and stressful day at school or work can help a person feel better afterwards. The link between exercise and mood is pretty strong, Michael Otto, PhD, a professor of psychology at Boston University says. Usually within five minutes after moderate exercise you get a mood-enhancement effect. (as cited by Weir, 2011). Aerobic exercises help the body produce chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are polypeptides that that bind the neuron-receptors in the brain which provides relief from pain (ciarac, 2006). Endorphins also help treat contributing factors to anxiety and depression. Exercise can help reduce immune system chemicals that may worsen depression. Aside from that, it helps increase body temperature that may have calming effects on a person. Some people also exercise as an alternative to drinking. Exercise is a healthy coping mechanism for anxiety and depression, as opposed to drinking alcohol or dwelling on negative thoughts which can lead to difficult situations. Engaging in moderate amount of exercise will result in improved emotional state as well. Some people exercise in the assumption that they will gain a sense of achievement. In some cases, exercising provides that first push for a person to aim for, and achieve self-confidence. When a person meets his or her exercise goal or challenge, it helps feed that yearning of achievement. The emotional state of a person also ties in with the physical result of exercise. When a person loses weight, he or she tends to feel better about his or her appearance. Being able to wear clothing you desire, gives that extra good feeling. Exercising also becomes a positive distraction from the stresses of everyday life. It helps take a person’s mind off his or her worries temporarily. Another reason why people exercise is to get more social interaction. Exercising can provide opportunities to meet more people by going to the gym, jogging at the park, or signing up for dance class. Positive interaction improves a person’s emotional state. These interactions can vary from a friendly smile to creating strong meaningful bonds. Exercise promotes better sleep as well. Regular physical activity tires you out and get to fall asleep faster as well as deepen it. Do you feel tired or out of shape when it comes to sex with your special someone? It could sparks up more intimacy in your relationship between lovers as well. Regular physical activity can leave you feeling energized and looking better, which may have a positive effect on your sex life. But theres more to it than that. Regular physical activity can lead to enhanced arousal for women. And men who exercise regularly are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction than are men who dont exercise. As well as performance that both the male and female enhances for greater pleasure. Gain health benefits as you have fun. If you want to lose weight or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more. Remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns. One more important thing about exercising is that it is very fun when you just think about it. Exercising is one of the best way to better your connection within your family, you’re not just improving your health but your well-being too. There are several ways you can enjoy exercise, not just going to the gym constantly, such as hiking, mountain climbing, swimming, snorkeling, diving, etc. There is wide variety of activities to choose from just to keep yourself from being bored from doing the same thing every day. So work out, get your lazy behinds up and get a move on. You won’t get the satisfaction like any other just by sitting down doing nothing but watching television.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Conformity in the 1950s Essay -- American Culture History Conformity E
Conformity in the 1950s During the post WWII period in America, the face of the nation changed greatly under the presidency of Truman and Eisenhower. America underwent another era of good feelings as they thought themselves undefeatable and superior over the rest of the world. Communism was the American enemy and American sought to rid the world of it. Because of the extreme paranoia caused by Communism, conformity became an ideal way to distinguish American Culture from the rest. Conformity became a part of every American Life to a large extent. It became evident through the medium of culture, society and politics throughout the era of the 50s. When WWII ended, Americans were left in the hands of Harry Truman. Known as an aggressive Cold War fighter, he led Americans against...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Arkansas Expedition of de Soto and de La Salle
The respective expeditions of Renà © Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, or Robert de La Salle and Hernando de Soto have grown interests both from archeologists and historians. Their expeditions in Arkansas region have found significance in the history of the region and the people, and the possible influences and the impacts to the locals and their countries alike. The succeeding two paragraphs will deal with their expeditions.Hernando de Soto, with the hope of finding gold, silver and other valuable treasures, led an expedition of 600 to 700 men, 24 priests, 9 ships and 220 horses. On May of 1539, the group landed on the western coast of Florida. The place was named Espiritu Santo that is now Bradenton, Florida. The exact route of the expedition is still under discussion. It was agreed by many that the expedition ran west-northwest crossing Mississippi, Arkansas and Oklahoma until Texas. Though others suggested a northern route crossing Kentucky and Indiana to the Great Lakes.In sp ite the uncertainty, the most accepted study of the route of the de Soto expedition was from the year 1939 from an anthropologist John R. Swanton (Wikipedia). Swanton’s theory â€Å"relied largely on the four surviving accounts of the expedition, on study of the terrain over which the army marched, and on the meager archeological information that was available at that time†(Mitchem 2000). As a prà ©cis, from Espiritu Santo the de Soto expedition progressed to Florida and Southern U. S. where they brutally ran sacked the villages.Joined by the interpreters Juan Ortiz and Perico they reached Anhaica, capital of Apalachee, which presently located near downtown of Tallahassee, Florida, The expedition continued to the Eastern Appalachian Mountains and crossed what were now Georgia, South and North Carolina and Tenesse. In search for the famous treasure of the tribe Cofitachequi and accompanied by the rival tribe Ocute, they reached what is now Columbia, South Carolina. Th e said famous treasure of gold turned out to be copper. In dismay, they took everything and destroyed the village. They then crossed Carolinas, Georgia and Alabama.In the city of Mauvila (or Mabila), the Choctaw tribe ambushed the group where they were wounded and lose some men and possessions. On May 8, 1541, they reached the Mississippi River and traveled westward to Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. They fought with Tula tribe in Caddo River and lose everything. On May 21, 1542, de Soto died in Guachoya (near present McArthur, Arkansas). The expedition was then aborted (Wikipedia). Robert de La Salle’s expedition was separated into two parts. First, when he led only 23 Frenchmen and 18 Native Americans on Mississippi River on 1682. He marked and claimed what is now Venice, Lousiana as a France territory.De La Salle returned to France and prepared for a return expedition to establish a French colony. He led 300 colonists and 4 ships. On the way, they lost 2 ships and 1 ship ran aground. They reached Fort Saint Louis of Texas and headed eastward to locate the Mississippi. It was in 1687 that de La Salle was murdered near the site of now Navasota, Texas by uprising followers. His colony lasted only until 1687 when Indians took it over (Wikipedia). The de Soto and de La Salle expeditions were made with different purposes. Though both their expeditions failed, the events that took place that led to their failure differed significantly.â€Å"The records of the expedition contributed in large part to geographic, biological, and ethnologic knowledge in Europe. The de Soto expedition's descriptions of the North American natives are the earliest known source of knowledge on the societies in the southeastern North Americas†(Wikipedia). While â€Å"The encroachment of La Salle and other representatives of French interests into the Spanish claimed territory of Texas, led Spain to establish a fort, Presidio La Bahia (Goliad, Texas), in 1721, at the site of th e remains of Fort Saint Louis†(Wikipedia).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Antisocial Urbanism of Le Corbusier
The Antisocial Urbanism of Le Corbusier Antisocialism in Social Cities 002.png"/>Outline Social versus Antisocial CitiesIntroductionWhat is Socializing?Assorted types of SocializingPhases of Socializing by Richard Moreland and John LevineLe Corbusier vision toward metropoliss and unfavorable judgmentBodyCharles Fourier and Le Corbusier vision by Peter SerenyiArgument of Charles FourierFourier program in â€Å"The Social Destiny of Man†Worlds as Social BeingsCartesian method Vs. John LockeGeorg Simmel: Individuality and Social signifiersBlaise Pascal and Le Corbusier: pointless human relation shipsAntisocial aspiration and criminalismAlbert Camus: Public and private forceDecisionAntisocial City consequence on people lifeLewis Mumford: political and cultural association as chief subjects in the metropolisJane Jacobs: â€Å"people need other people†Sociable metropolis and its citizens: How could a metropolis survive with antisocial symptoms?Social versus Antisocial Cities Socialization is the process through which a individual acquires to bond to an assembly or civilization and act in a manner accepted and recognized by this group or society. Mentioning to most societal experts, socialisation fundamentally expresses the full method of civilization during the life sequence and is a chief inspiration on the public presentation, positions, civilization and activities of all ages. ( Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014 ) Richard Moreland and John Levine ( 1982 ) , proposed a typical method of an assembly socialisation which rely on the statement that people every bit good as groups modify their positions, appraisals and behaviour when interacting through clip. Moreland and Levine propose that an expected classification of stages which arises to let for an single to alter when being portion of a group. They differentiated five stairss of socialisation which indicate this alteration which are: enquiry, socialisation, preservation, resocialization, and memory. Pass ing by each degree, people assess each other through which an development or decrease in confidence to socialisation can be reached. Why metropoliss need socialisation while being a positive thing? Why do we follow it as a good construct through which people are involved in urban diverseness and chances? Is it indispensable for citizens to mix in their metropolis? These questions normally examined explicate the fact that people are non certain about the presence of socialisation in their metropolis. Additionally, people can non deny the negative impact on metropoliss that have an unorganised societal life that should be escaped. By analyzing the chief visual image of Le Corbusier toward the metropolis, these inquiries will be more elucidated. In his Plan Voisin from 1925, his vision involved the proposition of pulverizing the centre of Paris and replace it by towers following a certain grid without taking into consideration the bing surrounding and its historical importance in that country of the metropolis. This image is considered a utopic vision shaped to unite adult male with a well-organized environment follo wing certain regulations and guidelines. However, by making so, he isolated prosaic flow and paths from the roads and streets by overestimating the car as chief tool of motion in the metropolis. This vision is no more prefering the societal contact between the metropolis users who are losing the construct of socialisation by concentrating more on the uniformities of the modern metropolis more than the common bonds and their bounds. Seventy old ages of restated unfavorable judgment of Le Corbusier has been revealed refering socialising since he forgot that metropoliss occur to heighten this procedure. Le Corbusier was considered as a negligent and huffy individual as described by some newsmans. Charles Fourier, the nineteenth-century ideal philosopher was considered besides as an highly hopeless, individual, vagabond individual while being compared to Le Corbusier by Peter Serenyi. As a effect, they both detested human society. Actually, the chief statement presented by Charles Fourier is that societal interaction favor the aggressive behaviour among people since they are motivated by their antisocial passions so if they are obliged to populate together they tend to float apart ( Serenyi, 1967 ) . Fourier suggested in his bookâ€Å"The Social Destiny of Man†( 1808 ) , to divide the society into parts that encompass 16 hundred occupants per piece where each one live in studios, while populating a big house that he named a â€Å"phalanstery.†The result of each piece is monitored by a specialised director that he named the â€Å"areopagus, †who is besides responsible for the societal dealingss among the inmates. Subsequently, people will get down to kill each other after the inmates be isolated to new phalansteries. Serenyi claims that this manner of be aftering a society as the program of Fourier’s and the urban designs of Le Corbusier is decidedly a huffy manner of believing about society ( Serenyi, 1967 ) Zooming in into the architectural graduated table, what qualities shall an single possess in order to be a existent homo being? The dominant answer to this enquiry is that worlds are ab initio societal existences that behave consequently in a societal life in order to carry through their demands. Bing portion of this position, the personality is unsolidified and alterations when combined with human senses and common mechanisms as societal, cultural, and lingual where everyone articulation ( Richard, 2007 ) this manner of believing contradicts that of Descartes if we are to detect theDiscourse on Method( 1637 ) andMeditations on First Philosophy( 1641 ) , since societal engagement is removed from the procedure of happening truth. For Descartes, our motive to achieve opposite positions is the consequence of undependability that we found in when trusting on our senses. The chief intent of this manner of thought is to take people from what they acquired and experienced as old information in order to be able to specify precisely the truth that is behind each one of us. This purpose is sort of impossible since a individual can non deny the old history and behaviour scene that he used to and that are barricading his ability to acknowledge the kingdom. The most trustingly truth is found within each one of us and non following certain regulations and ordinances to make it. ( Richard, 2007 ) In contrast to Maslow pyramid where an indispensable degree in human being life is the belonging demand because people has a fright of purdah, they need to hold this sense that makes them more safe and secured. A human being ever brush alterations and procedure throughout his life that is interchangeable harmonizing to the society and clip factor and non a fixed entity. If a individual does non take part within his society, he or she won’t be able to be a to the full single. For Locke, socialisation is an indispensable procedure to go through through in each phase or one’s life. ( Locke, 1988 ) The German sociologist Georg Simmel, argues that sociableness is independent from a individual development. For him, an person is unable to make a cultural background unless he is involved in his society. ( Simmel, 1968 ) he stated that through being portion of a big group in the society helps developing the individualism of each individual since people within these groups hunt for common evidences between each other in order to collaborate and incorporate more by making meshing relationships. The chief purpose is clear: every bit long as a individual involves and interacts socially with his milieus and society, he or she discovers more about himself and develop more his individualism which would be besides reflected in the scenes of the metropolis. For Simmel, the border nowadays between individualism and collectivity is non a stable: a individual is neither an single animal nor a corporate 1. ( Simmel, 1968 ) hence, a impression has been ever used which is more complex, disordered, rich a society is the more it is able to supply its single with rich experience that is indispensable for the edifice of their ain development and strength. This methodological analysis indicates the importance of the procedure of socialisation in the advancement of a society. However this construct was non applied by everyone and some others found the demand to travel into and antisocial society. ( Richard, 2007 ) A metropolis theoretician would back up the thought of socialisation in the metropolis every bit long as he or she regards it as a positive mean for the metropolis. In contrast to Le Corbusier, who didn’t take into consideration this method. A protagonist of Le Corbusier manner of thought is Pascal’sPenseesin 1670. For Pascal, populating within a group and being attached to the society, people will be making tonss of activities that will deviate them from looking their ain truth and individualism. The lone account of one’s interaction with others is for this individual ain satisfaction and demands. Pascal provinces that relationships between persons are useless and meaningless. Since human qualities and behaviours change through clip therefore, single shall non blow their clip in understanding and cognizing more about others qualities and common evidences. Through purdah, a individual is able to analyse his or her ain ego without pass oning with others that would be obstructions for our true ego. Therefore, Pascal tries to convert to non trust on other people and go devoted to them. Le Corbusier denoted the manner of thought of Pascal when he was inspired about the societal life that he predicted in his programs for the metropolis of Paris. For him, remainder is when a individual spends more clip in his room in his purdah analysing his ain ego. He intended to coerce people to pass more clip in their room more than disbursement it with other people in other topographic points ( Richard, 2007 ) . The manner of thought of Le Corbusier indicates his vision of segregating people each one on his ain by prefering the clip they spend with their purdah. He had multilevel where the autos transit meets the prosaic to cut down common interaction between people. Other inside informations were thought of in order to perfectualize his vision such as making one floor that hosts a large kitchen that has the map of functioning all the suites, no public eatin g houses are available. Sound proofing walls are adding to cut down any noise coming from neighbouring cells. The proposed towers have a cross form to cut down ocular interaction between people. The lone positions to the exterior is nature as sky and verdure. As a drumhead, Le Corbusier insists on the fact that a individual should his ain infinite bubble where he is free to make whatever he desire without being disturbed from other interfering in his ain ego and purdah. However, this sort of individualism is insulating the metropolis from its users where the group construct is removed hence a metropolis would ne'er germinate and come on since each one is populating on its ain with no demand of others. However a group is able to act upon the metropolis and authorities determinations toward the metropolis users. As illustration the purposes to do a main road base on balls through users edifices in Mar Michael el nahr, Beirut, people started attesting against it and making runs to act upon the authorities determinations, individualism can ne'er work out such issues. However, Le Corbusier was non cognizant of these antisocial aspirations, neither their chief menace which is criminalism. Similarly an observation was done by Albert Camus to research the rate the grade of association of the antisocial manner of thought and public presentation of people while linking it with criminalism. â€Å"Every ethic conceived in purdah, implies the exercising of power†Camus provinces inTheJohnny reb( 1951 ) . There are different types of offenses as offense of passion, offense of logic that an antisocial individual detect. The chief thought of Camus was believing that rebellion is an indispensable component of life even if this rebellion might be reflected into force whether in ideas, in society or in individualism, this can non deny its importance. For him, revolution is sincere, every bit long as it does non transform the idea into act, nevertheless by making so, it is considered as a fixed action. Therefore, the rebellion must hold a manner that coexist along the boundary line half off from isolation and society. This shows how Le Corbusier was unable to hold on the menaces that a constructed antisocial metropolis would host. He is considered as more than an first-class designer at the architectural graduated table but when he started to believe on the urban graduated table, this is where the calamities started with him. Presents, metropoliss are valued and measured, without inquiry, depending on the grade of societal activity that they host par excellence. Therefore, holding an thought of making an antisocial metropolis, as a proposal by an urban contriver, is considered an foreign thought to the current ways of thought and behaving. That’s why the thoughts of modern theoretician and utopic manner of thought should be dismissed and replaced by the demands of the metropolis and its users ( Richard, 2007 ) . During the first half of the 20th century, Le Corbusier stressed on believing about metropoliss, nevertheless, in her bookThe Death and Life of Great American Cities( 1961 ) , Jane Jacobs, an urban economic expert who opposes wholly the antisocial vision of Le Corbusier, discussed that â€Å"real people are alone, they invest old ages of their lives in important relationships with other alone people, and are non interchangeable in the least. Severed from their relationships, they are destroyed as effectual societal existences  sometimes for a small piece, sometimes forever.†In other footings, being engaged in a condensed cyberspace of accountable societal interaction, people will be able to get characters and individualities. While observing an assembly of rambunctious kids in a communal undertaking, Jacobs stated that â€Å"these were anon. kids, and the individualities behind them were an unknown. . . . Impersonal metropolis streets make anon. people†¦ I think that people need other people.†One might see that merely in small towns, people demand other people and need to populate closely. However, the chief statement of Jacobs is that populating in metropoliss deliver a diverseness in relationships and interaction among people, this could go on merely if antisocial urban contrivers are out to picture the metropolis streets as â€Å"detached†and their users as â€Å"unidentified.†( Richard, 2007 ) A relevant illustration could be mentioned is the local Lebanese purposes of devaluating the usage of autos in topographic points in the metropolis, such as the â€Å"Beirut By Bike†activity launched to prefer a more eco-friendly and human motions in the metropolis, a merriment chilling bike drive around Beirut.These activities serve as urban tools to promote societal inclusions, interaction and usage of the metropolis streets by the metropolis users. These activities are besides manifested in Tripoli where a biking event was initiated with a defined motorcycle flight from Maarad Rashid Karami as get downing point traveling to the waterfront and valance. A metropolis without its streets and a street without the metropolis users can non work. Similarly to the instance of Gemayzeh, Beirut, chief additive narrow street, it is a heavy strip in the metropolis and really active during the twenty-four hours and dark. What a metropolis needs is ever a human graduated table bed meshin g with its map, grid, substructure and other beds. The metropolis needs its users and frailty versa and the streets are the chief topographic points lying between the two where the extreme human societal activities should happen to do the metropolis map. Even though societal metropoliss has negative impacts on the users as prefering jobs, confronting more troubles and increasing complications, but its negative impact is able to be grasped more than that of the antisocial metropolis. That’s why making an antisocial metropolis is non a solution for the jobs encountered in a societal metropolis but a manner to increase its complications more. MentionsChief article:Richard, S. ( 2007 ) . The Antisocial Urbanism of Le Corbusier,TheUrban Reinventors, volume 13, issue ( 1 ) , pp. 50-56Jacobs, J. I2007 ) . What Makes A City? Planing for Quality of Space,IOS Press: Dutch capitalBeecher, J. & A ; Bienvenu, R. ( 1971 ) . The Utopian Vision of Charles Fourier, BeaconImperativeness: BostonCamus, A. ( 1978 ) . The Rebel An Essay on Man Revolt, Alfred A. Knopf: New YorkRichards, S. ( 2003 ) . Le Corbusier and The Concept of Self, Yale University Press: NewHaven and LondonSimmel, G. ( 1968 ) . Conflict and the Web of Group Affiliations, THE FREE PRESS:New YorkSerenyi, P. ( 1967 ) . Le Corbusier, Fourier, and the Monastery of Ema,Art Bulletin49.4,pp. 277 – 92.Locke, J. ( 1988 ) .Two Treatises of Government, erectile dysfunction. Peter Laslett ( 1690 ; Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, pp. 269 – 78, 283 – 302, 318 – 53.Pascal, B. ( 1670 )Pensees, trans. A. J. Krailsheimer, London: Penguin, 40,42, 43, 59, 275.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Gamma Rays essays
Gamma Rays essays Starting with nuclear fission is important because, nuclear energy is being looked at as one of the next main power sources of the future, and this energy is made through the process of nuclear fission. Nuclear Fission is the main way of producing nuclear energy, it occurs when a free neutron with a heavy element is split into two smaller nuclei. Fission reactions release neutrons, gamma rays, beta rays, and a extremely large amount of heat. Any combination of lighter nuclei may be produced as long as the total number of protons and neutrons equal those in the original fissioning neuclous. (http://hyperion.advanced-org/3471/noNetscape/fission.html) with the energy that we get from nuclear fission, we also get large amounts of nuclear waste. The main three types of nuclear waste that we get are alpha radiation, beta radiation, and gamma radiation. In this paper I will discuss gamma radiation, also known as gamma decay and how I believe that this form of waste should be used because of all the possible ways it could benefit us. It also would help in the removal of some of our nuclear waste because it would be putting a waste, that once did nothing, to practical use. Gamma decay occurs because the nucleus is at energy state that is too high. The nucleus falls down to a lower energy state and, in the process, emits a high energy photon known as a gamma particle ( ). A photon is a small unit of light and is also referred to as gamma rays. Gamma rays are like X rays, only much more energetic and harmful to humans. These rays were previously only made in outer space and absorbed by the ozone, but because of pollution, we have -N burned a hole into the ozone which is letting them through. We are also producing them ourselves by the process of nuclear radiation. Photons/gamma rays can have very bad effects on the human body. Although a dose of just 25 rems(ro...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Replacement for and replacement of
Replacement for and replacement of Replacement for and replacement of Replacement for and replacement of By Maeve Maddox Prepositions and particles are tricky in any language. Its not an easy matter to explain why some words are followed by to while others are followed by in or for. The native speaker just knows. Recently, Ive noticed the use of to with the word replacement where Id expect for or of. Homeopathy as replacement to antibiotics†¦ Offers a cost effective replacement to broken parcel shelf string†¦ i have lost 12v ac 2.4 power adapter when moving home and am looking for a replacement to said item†¦ The two most frequent meanings of replacement are a person who or thing which replaces another; a substitute. The action or an act of replacing something When replacement is used in the first sense, its synonymous with substitute. For that reason, for is the obvious choice: I need a replacement for my windshield wiper. We need a replacement for Mr. Jones the math teacher. It seems to me that in all three of the examples given above, for is the obvious choice: Homeopathy as a replacement (substitute) for antibiotics†¦ cost effective replacement (substitute) for broken parcel shelf string†¦ looking for a replacement (substitute) for said item. Used in the second sense, replacement is followed by of. Requests for the issuance or replacement of military service medals†¦ Operations involve either metal pinning with screws and/or plates or replacement of the hip joint with artificial parts†¦ Thats not to say that to must never follow the word replacement. The word is often followed by an infinitive: Sansoms replacement to be decided today†¦ SMPT gateway replacement to make mail testing easier Sometimes replacement is followed by a prepositional phrase beginning with to: Procedure now calls for the mayor to nominate a replacement to the board†¦ Budget woes delay shuttle replacement to 2015 However, in these examples, the to phrases do not qualify replacement; they modify the verbs: the shuttle replacement is being delayed to 2015; the mayors choice will be nominated to the board. Whats the consensus? Is replacement to instead of replacement for a regional thing, or an aberration? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Possessive of Proper Names Ending in S50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and FingersPersonification vs. Anthropomorphism
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Alternative Fashion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Alternative Fashion - Research Paper Example A person who spots alternative fashion styles usually does so, to stick or conform to the subculture that has a unique way of conducting itself outside the mainstream lifestyles. Subcultures, in this case, refer to cultures that consume a majority of a person’s time and are different from predefined social norms. This way, alternative lifestyles are used to show conformity and a sense of identity with the group that one belongs to and its significance. For example, nudism as an alternative lifestyle advocate for people to stay naked or expose their bodies in any manner that makes them feel comfortable. In this case, the alternative fashion is that which helps them identify and portray the values that their lifestyle stands for. However, on alternative lifestyles, people are sometimes classified according to various stereotypes found in the society and not according to their lifestyle. For example, for people who like to live a gothic lifestyle from the dark ages, are usually labeled as Satanists despite having no affiliations with such groups or practices (English Republic). Since this is just but a stereotype, the real value of their lives lies in their outlook of the world around them. In this case, their outlook on life is usually dark, and their thought focus is usually on death. The need to sport alternative fashion in the form of torturous materials and disturbing images adorned on their clothes comes from this outlook. Moreover, on lifestyle, alternative fashions are adorned by members of certain groups and stick to them as their identifying factor in the lives they lead. The groups do not necessarily have written codes but an understanding of how they behave and conduct their activities is known. This is in people such as hippies who are known to be friendly, open-minded and tend to love everyone they meet.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Inclusive Science Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inclusive Science Education - Essay Example 5). People with physical impairments have long encountered barriers to pursuing careers in science. These barriers come in various forms, including historical, institutional, physical, attitudinal, and curricular hindrances. The CLASS Project uses professional development workshops to prepare educators for inclusive classrooms, thereby helping them do away with obstacles for their students. (Bargerhuff, 2004, p-319) The eventual objective of the project is to augment the depiction of individuals with disabilities pursuing careers in or related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Persons having impairments have worked hard for decades to attain reasonable outcomes in all areas of their lives, employment, independent living, and education. Until the passage of the Education of All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) in 1975, many students with disabilities were regularly excluded from public school.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
School Reformation Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
School Reformation Policies - Essay Example First of all, I would suggest smaller classes with more and highly qualified teachers for disabled students and those with special needs and backgrounds. In addition to reducing the number of students per teacher, more care and time must be afforded to these groups. This would help even the achievement gap that has not been emphasized on at all, in NCLB. For example, both blacks and whites are seen to be equally improving and so the gaps are still left unchecked. This must not be the case, and extra attention must be paid to correct this gap. Special students like the blind for instance, during examinations, must have provisions to have questions read out to them.Secondly, I would urge for measurement of improvement and academic progress per student as opposed to the collective assessment under NCLB. It is possible for schools to retain high ratings even at high achievement gaps since NCLB only measures average school performance. Achieving 100% same-state standards by 2014 as is env isioned in the Act is unrealistic, to say the least as many variables are often involved especially in disability cases. This is a simple illusion.Carris’ Ghosts of No Child Left Behind (2011) further states that the NCLB Act requires only a bare minimum of standards to be met without specific attention to any further improvement beyond the set minimum. It simply groups everyone together as one and discourages any personal talent and improvement in the long run, as all students are simply to be above average. Gifted students are awfully maligned and their enhancement disregarded hence. In some states like Michigan, state funding for gifted and talented programs was cut by up to 90% in the year after the Act became law. I am also of strong opinion that cutting funds for ‘failing’ schools only serves to hinder even more, any chances they have to regroup and improve performance potential. On the contrary, it is my belief that such schools
Monday, October 28, 2019
Sexual behavior Essay Example for Free
Sexual behavior Essay Many do not know that as a child is growing up they have normal childhood sexual behaviors even as a baby. Today we are going to discuss the different stages of childhood sexual behaviors.  The first stage that will be discussed is infancy(0-2). Young infants discover the joys of self- stimulation. Many can see that as they change their baby or maybe washing a baby that when the wash the genital area the baby will either laugh or smile with enjoyment. This is actually very normal to happen. Young babies may also begin to do a pelvis thrust which has been observed with infants of the monkey and ape species and has also been observed in humans. It has been noted that baby boys as young as 5 months can so behaviors that resemble an orgasm and females are able to have behaviors the resemble an orgasm as young as 4 months. It has also been stated that children will begin to masturbate as early has 5 months. The next stage that will be discussed is early childhood (3-8). When it comes to the data on children and their sexual behavior it is mostly all a speculation because not many want to talk about their children and their sexual behavior or just that they may not see certain things as sexual behavior. One study that was done was with question mother of over 1,000 children and question like does your child masturbate was not asked more question such as does you r child does private area when they are home is asked. The study showed that about 42% of boys touch or try to touch breast and for girl the percentage is about 43%. About 60% of boys touch privates when at home and about 43% females. Then about 26% of boys try to look at people when they are either nude or undressing and also about 26% for females. The next stage is preadolescence (9-13). A report that was done around the 1950s by Kinsey and his colleague’s states that masturbation is the main source for sexual orgasm at the preadolescence stage for females and males. The study states that about 51% of males and 15% of females have masturbated by the age of 13. Also this is the stage that sexual education is being learned. Many times when asking one where they have learned information about sex from they would state that it was from their friends or from a media source. The next stage that will be discussed is adolescence. In the stage of adolescence come puberty and with puberty there comes a change of hormones and hormone levels that causes one to want to be more sexual active. Also at this stage one is trying to discover what their sexual orientation is. As growing up we are able to see what sex one is attracted to and what to do more things with. Here is the stage where many will engage in sexual intercourse and the risk of getting STI’s and pregnant becomes greater.
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