Monday, September 30, 2019
Whether the Construction Industry Is the ‘Pillar’ Industry in Hong Kong?
BRE216ECONOMICS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE Kwan Tsz Him (11168188D) Kwan Cheuk Pui (11055717D) Cheng Ming Xian (11704592D) Introduction Although Hong Kong has less land, there are always construction projects happening everywhere in Hong Kong, for example, West Kowloon Cultural District development, Kwun Tong redevelopment project, etc. However, workers and capital involved in the construction industry have been decreasing.In this report, we will discuss whether the construction industry is the ‘pillar’ industry in Hong Kong and we disagree with it. Focused industries As proposed by the Government decades ago, there are four ‘pillar’ industries in Hong Kong, namely, financial services, trading and logistics, tourism and producer and professional services. They account for about 60% of GDP and nearly half of the total workforce, in which construction industry is counted in the producer and professional services.In the 21st century, the Government wants to look forward and follow the trend of technological and advanced world, they proposed another six new ‘pillar’ industries, concerning testing and certification, medical services, innovation technology, culture and creative industries, environmental industry and education services, in which construction industry is not counted in any ‘pillar’ industry and no longer treated as important by the Government. Features of local construction industry There are several features for local construction industry in Hong Kong, with dangerous working environment being the major one.Without doubt, accidents happen all the time in Hong Kong when you simply flip through the newspaper. Some of the accidents are inevitable while some happened due to carelessness. For example, the workers may not be aware of the safety regulations, accidents always happen while the workers do not obey the safety regulations as well as not to follow the working regulations. Besides, competiti on between overseas contractors is keen. Nowadays, a lot of construction projects in Hong Kong are outsourced to overseas contractors. It is because the technology is more advanced in overseas countries such as in Germany, the United States, France, etc.With reasonable price and advanced technology, the other countries sometimes are more competitive. Moreover, labor intensive is also the label of construction industry in Hong Kong. Limited land with high population is a characteristic for Hong Kong. Labor can be easily found, however, is only applicable in the past. This will be examined in the report later. Concerning the environment, pollution is in line with the construction industry to a large extent. Since construction work will inevitably pose noise, air and sometimes water pollution.The pollution extent depends on the scale of the project. Basically, the larger scale of a construction project, the greater the pollution will be resulted. Reasons of excluding construction indus try as pillar an industry in Hong Kong As mentioned before, the feature of labor intensive can only be described in old years due to the transformation of economy. In late 80s, the HKSAR has been transforming the whole economy from labor intensive industry to commercial industry which is defined as tertiary services as finance and accounting, investing, banking and so on.In such knowledge-based society, the unemployment rate for those with low education level could be especially higher. Also, there is no new blood to enter such industry. This can actually be explained by the above phenomenon. Nowadays, most of the workers are 50 years old or above and the industry faces the aging problem. As this cannot be fixed, construction industry will decline gradually. Nowadays, the opportunity of receiving proper education is higher, thus the citizens do not willing to enter to an industry with gloomy future. Diagram showing the percentage of population distribution in different working secto rsAs for the construction industry, we may see that the percentages are actually fluctuating throughout the years and increased from 5. 4% to 6. 8% in 1971 and 2006 respectively. Only a light increase in population is resulted and also, it just accounts for a little percentage. Frankly speaking, a lot of buildings are, nowadays, built for different uses for economic development and social settlement. However, the problem of aging of such industry is becoming more serious and we can barely see how the government has implemented any scheme to cope with such problem.Total building and construction output and annual percentage change (Census and Statistics Department) | Total construction as % of GNP| Current value| 2006| 25. 1| 14. 2| 2007| 23. 7| -0. 1| 2008| 21. 1| -15. 6| 2009| 13. 8| -44. 6| 2010| 9. 2| -35. 0| Direct and indirect employment construction (Census and Statistics Department) As the diagram above suggests that the direct and indirect employment in construction is shrin king from 2004 to 2010. Also, the total output as well as the total construction as percentage of GNP is decreasing from 25. 1% to 9. 2% in 2004 and 2010 respectively.This data has indicated that the economic return and contribution to Hong Kong is contracting to a large extent. Construction distribution to GDP Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Economic Activity – Percentage Contribution to GDP at Basic Prices (Census and Statistics Department) | 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| 2010| Construction| 2. 7| 2. 6| 3. 0| 3. 2| 3. 3| Services| 91. 7| 92. 8| 92. 5| 92. 6| 92. 9| GDP refers to the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. From the table above, we can find that from 2006 to 2010, the construction industry only contributed about 3% to GDP.To compare with other industries, construction industry seems has not reach the standard of becoming a pillar in Hong Kong. The problem of construction industry in Hong Kong Building contractors in Hong Kong are usually small. The competition between domestic and foreign building contractors is keen, because our building technology is labor-intensive and traditional. They compete on price, and cut costs, and sometimes, very unfortunately, corner as well. Consequently, the problems of safety and lack of technology development happened. Besides, the building cost in Hong Kong is among the highest in advanced economies.As a result of low profitability, most industry participants adopt a short-term view on business development. Complex infrastructure projects have been undertaken by international contractors most of the time. According to Labour Department accident statistics for 2005, the accident rates per 1,000 workers in the construction industry is 59. 9, these figures were higher than the overall accident rate of 30. 6 per 1,000 workers in all industries. Due to the risk is higher than other industries, lack of graduates over the next two/three years will associate with con struction.The potential danger has reduced the possibility to attract leaving certificate students into the construction professions, it increases the difficulty to continue and expand the construction industry. Number distribution of workers in construction industry (Labour Department) | End of 2000| Beginning of 2009| Total workers| 83924| 51944| Public| 44355| 20825| Private| 32704| 31119| Building| 61676| 40772| Civil| 22248| 11172| Conclusion To conclude, we do agree that construction is very important in Hong Kong. Real estate is closely linked with the economy and it creates many job opportunities.During the â€Å"financial tsunami†, government even earmarked large amounts of public money on construction projects to stimulate the economy. However, the distribution from construction industry to GDP becomes less and less while compare with the past, it only holds about 3% of GDP every year. Besides, with many problems in this industries, it is not easy for the Government to make it as a ‘pillar’ industry. We suggest that the Government still need to put focus on construction industry but it need not to be the pillar industry in Hong Kong. Reference 1.Census and Statistics Department: Report on the Quarterly Survey of Construction Output, 3rd Quarter 2011 http://www. censtatd. gov. hk/freedownload. jsp? file=publication/stat_report/commerce/B10900022011QQ03B0100. pdf&title=Report+on+the+Quarterly+Survey+of+Construction+Output&issue=Third+Quarter+2011&lang=1 2. Census and Statistics Department: Real Estate Project Statistics http://www. censtatd. gov. hk/hong_kong_statistics/statistical_tables/index. jsp? tableID=119 3. Census and Statistics Department: Statistics in the industry section of construction http://www. enstatd. gov. hk/hong_kong_statistics/statistical_tables/index. jsp? tableID=116 4. HK Job News http://www. hkjobnews. com/2010/03/7. html 5. Construction Workers Registration Authority. Annual report http://www. cwra. org. hk /information/AnnualReport/report11/index. htm 6. Shair W, Bright horizon for Hong Kong's construction sector: Recruiting newcomers. http://www. careertimes. com. hk/english/article/show_article. asp? category_id=1037;article_id=14111;title=bright-horizon-for-hong-kong-s-construction-sector;listby=date;listby_id
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Banning Smoking in Pubic Places Speech Essay
Have you ever come home with the stench of smoke just protruding from your clothes? Have you ever coughed and choked as you inhaled a cloud of smoke as a group of immature smokers passed by? If you have, then you would agree that neither one of these experiences is very pleasant, and could have been avoided if smoking was banned in public places. Everyone knows that smoking is not the healthiest activity for your body. The inhaled fumes go directly to the smoker’s lungs and can result in a number of terminal illnesses in the long run. There’s no doubt that your body would appreciate it if you would just set that lighter down. However, one thing that everyone forgets, or chooses to ignore, is that second hand smoking is just as harmful. Second hand smoking comes in two forms, which are sidestream smoke and mainstream smoke. Sidestream smoke is the smoke that comes from the lightened end of a cigarette, pipe, cigar, or whatever the case may be. Mainstream smoke is the smoke exhaled by the smoker. When non-smokers inhale these fumes, they are being exposed to involuntary smoking, or passive smoking. These chemicals are also extremely unhealthy for your body, especially as they accumulate in your system the more you breath them in. Here’s something you may not know. According to the American Cancer Society, tobacco smoke itself contains more than 7,000 chemical compounds. More than 250 of these chemicals are known to be harmful and at least 69 are known to cause cancer. Just keep that in mind the next time you sit next to your buddy while he/she smokes away. But before you do, let me throw some more facts at you. Second hand smoking has been linked to lung cancer, and there is also some evidence that it might be linked to lymphoma, leukemia, and brain tumors in children, as well as cancers of the larynx (vocal box), pharynx (throat), nasal sinuses, brain, bladder, rectum, stomach, and even breasts. These side effects are very dangerous and very real. For example, I’m sure all of you have come across heavy smokers, including women, who have developed rough, raspy voices. Yeah, that’s not normal. That happens because their vocal cords have been damaged by all of the smoke they have inhaled. But not only is second hand smoking negatively affecting the generations of today, but also the generations of tomorrow. This is because of the fact that pregnant women exposed to second hand smoking are proven to often have difficulties with the birth and health of their child. Birth weight is the most important determinant for the survival, health, growth, and development of an infant. Low birth weight is linked to fetal and neonatal and cognitive development, and risk of chronic diseases in later life. Smoke is considered a dangerous risk factor for low birth weight in newborn infants. In a study done in Malaysia, a total of 420 pregnant women were tested, 209 exposed to second hand smoking, 411 non-exposed. The experiment concluded in the fact that not only was there a significant reduction in birth weight because of second hand smoking (12.9 grams for each unit of cigarette), but more exposed women had premature deliveries. In another study done, researchers found that exposure to second hand smoke increased a non-smoking pregnant woman’s chance of having a stillborn baby by 23 percent and increased the risk of delivering a baby with birth defects by 13 percent. In some cases, pregnancies may result in SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), which is the sudden, unexpected death of an infant within its first year of life. As you can see, smoking is not just a personal choice or bad habit, it is something that affects everyone, and encompasses the well being of people other than the smoker. You do not have to have the cigarette in your mouth to suffer from its deadly consequences. So not only do the smokers tear themselves down, but they also drag along with them other adults, kids, and even babies that are yet to be born. It is with much urgency that I say that smoking must be banned in public places.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Strategic Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Strategic Outsourcing - Essay Example And this is still true today, the two main reasons for outsourcing attested to by a number of scholars are 1. Improve Company focus, 2. Reduce and control operating costs (Mylot, 1995; Field, 1998; Greaver, 1999; Barthelemy, .2001). However, in recent times, organizations have become increasingly dissatisfied with their outsourcing contracts. An article from the MIT Sloan Management Review (1998) states that a survey by Cap Gemini Ernst & Young found that only 54% of companies are satisfied with their outsourcing, down from more than 80% a decade ago. The landscape of outsourcing has also changed dramatically in the last year with the increased popularity of SOA and raises questions such as 1. How will software vendors react to service-oriented architecture, real-time infrastructure and fusion? 2. How will enterprises achieve value on their investments in software? Similarly how the ESP are going to address to the questions such as 1. Transform their business models from highly c ustom one-to-one services to a one-to-many or many-to-many service model? 2. Effectively partner with ESP’s that are moving or have moved to a leveraged service model.Interestingly enough Gartner predicts that â€Å"by 2007, driven in part by SOA-based Web services, 18 percent of all IT professional services will be deployed in a multi enterprise, shared service environment. Enterprise application vendors are the likely beneficiaries of the SOA bounty when it comes to outsourcing. Vendors such as Oracle and PeopleSoft have grown.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Politics - public policy Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Politics - public policy - Outline Example The third stage is characterized by the solving the problem is demanding both in terms of finance and in sacrificing our comfort. In some cases, the issue can be solved by advances in technology without sacrificing our comfort but in other cases, especially in social problem, such sacrifices may be necessary and this form part of the third stage. Realizing the cost of the solution to the problem leads to a gradual decline in public interest in solving the problem. This gradual decline which result from some member of the public feeling threatened by the cost of the solution, other becoming discouraged and yet others overcome by boredom, constitute the fourth stage in the cycle. The final stage in the cycle is characterized by lesser attention or occasional interest in the problem by the problem. For a social problem to pass through these five stages it must have three characteristics. In the first place, relatively only a numerical minority suffers from the problem. Second, a majorit y or powerful minority benefit from the existence of the problem. Third, the problem is intrinsically unexciting.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The case of Mrs. Mendez Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The case of Mrs. Mendez - Essay Example Mendez’s case. Her physical condition is deteriorating, which affects her psychologically. Her children will not let her talk about her impending death, which creates an imbalance in her psychological condition and she copes with this by withdrawing. Drake (2012) presents an adaptation model to understand how cancer patients should be taken care of as they are going through the process of living and dying. Some of the things that would be important to know, according to this scale include in this model are: why her shortness of breath is affecting her intake of fluids and food. Her physical appearance may be important to her as she lays in her bed, is better, which can effect QOL for many patients. There is no mention of church for her, though she â€Å"seems†to be religious, or at least superstitious. This should be explored. Drake (2012) states that nurses must understand early whether their patients are feeling depressed and help them receive treatment for it. Palli ative care will need to be discussed and end of life arrangements. 1. Discuss how a nurse can foster hope in this scenario? When and how can the concepts of palliative care be introduced in the scenario? How can you explain the differences between Palliative care and Hospice care? Fostering hope can be difficult in a situation with the Mendez family, because they are not willing to talk about the impending death of their mother. They are also not open to helping her prepare for death. Butt (2011) states that hope is a multidimensional and it changes as the terminally ill patient continues through their illness. Butt (2011) also states that hope is a factor that creates a better quality of life for the individual. In this situation, more has to be known about the family. Mrs. Mendez seems to be losing hope because the family cannot talk about the impending death. It is important to help the patient feel hopeful, despite what is happening, because it keeps them from being depressed or feeling despair (Turco, 1998). A nurse can foster hope by maintaining a positive relationship with the patient, helping the patient see humor whenever they can, touching the patient appropriately and reassuring them, and helping them control pain (Turco, 1998). In the Mendez family, the nurse can foster hope by providing good care for Mrs. Mendez, which includes making sure that she is comfortable as her pain increases. The nurse may also need to intervene for Mrs. Mendez by contacting the primary care physician and describing the situation as it stands now. According to Tyson (2001) the Hippocratic Oath states that the individual healthcare provider will consult with others who are more expert in situations when necessary, to help their clients. In this situation, Mrs. Mendez needs help from the nurse to create the resources needed for the family to thrive, and for Mrs. Mendez to have the quality of life that she needs as she moves toward death. Palliative care was important to ta lk about as soon as Mrs. Mendez refused chemotherapy. She and her family must understand Mrs. Mendez’s needs as her health decreases. The family must face the inevitable and they may need to see a therapist or a priest or minister to deal with the situation. In a study done by Hermann and Looney (2011), the authors found that patients need a thorough understanding of their symptoms and what to expect as becomes more debilitating.
HUMAN RIGHTS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
HUMAN RIGHTS - Assignment Example These violations show up in one form or other ranging from domestic violence to religious extremism, ethnocentric outlook of the societies, exploitation of the weak, human trafficking, poverty, all these make up for human rights violation. The mandate on human rights came to forth in 2000 when the general secretary proposed a mandate classification for human rights protection. The nongovernmental organizations as well as the intergovernmental organizations in different countries strive for ensuring implementation of human rights on all levels. Other sources constitute the Security Council resolutions and actions relevant to protection of human rights. Where ever there is any oppression of human rights, the U.N. and its security council ensures that this is being stopped on immediate basis. For example, in cases of wars between states and in international affairs the United Nations ensures that human rights are not being violated. Emergency meetings and veto are being passed in this r egard to protect the human life, honor and property from any unjust measures and means. General Assembly of the Security Council looks up to the human welfare and human rights aspect of the international affairs. ... With no access to the basic commodities of life, human rights violations are a perfect example in display and action there. Various bodies are in place for the cause of protection of human rights, and ensuring that no highhandedness goes unnoticed and is being brought to the justice. These sources come in form of Human Rights acts and strong penalties against the violations. United Nations Human Rights Council and United Nations Human Rights commission are few of the entities and sources in place that provide firm grounding to the United Nations cause of protection of human rights. Each of these faculties has one thing in common and that is to help the downtrodden, underdeveloped, suppressed and underprivileged with equal consideration of elimination of injustice and lack of opportunity. With prime focus on human rights, United Nations has taken concrete steps towards the development and insurance of human rights all over the world. This comes in form of development of mandates and s ources establishment for the purpose of human rights protection. The main agencies in this regard are: Declaration of Rights of Disabled: International Bill of Human rights is another move towards the insurance of human rights at different levels. Disability Rights and Education Defense Fund Universal Declaration of Human rights(Sweet, 2003), UNICEF: United Nations International Children Education Fund. UNHCR: United Nations High Commission for Refugees International law legislation and treaties and accords in this regard are few of the steps and functions that make up for the mandate system of the United Nations. United Nations role: United Nations has played a significant role in the domain of human rights and for this purpose it has established specialized entities which look after
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
International Business - Essay Example This study deals with the in-depth analysis of a variety of international environmental influences and impact of uncertainties on international business. This paper includes critical analysis of the motivating factors for MNEs to invest in abroad, critical arguments on protectionism, international trade and its benefits for a country, contribution of MNEs and markets in international trade and investment, conflicts between interest of MNEs and host nations. These are main constituent of the paper and analysis on discussion will be made on these areas of international business. MNEs and why the invest abroad Multinational Enterprises are the large business entity that has business activities or registered in multiple countries as business entity in more than one country. The international traders are not multinational entrepreneurs because the main criteria to categorise as MNE is that a firm need to both produce and sell goods and services in more than one country whereas internation al traders generally involved in export and import of goods and services. Multinational enterprises are the main constituents of worldwide globalization. Emerging trend of internalisation of leading domestic business businesses of many countries lead to more foreign direct investment. Internationalisation of firm was initiated by leading businesses of developed countries and they started diversifying into emerging countries in search of more resources and potential markets. Leading businesses of many countries are willing to invest to in foreign markets after saturated penetration in the foreign markets. There are several motivations behind foreign direct investment by the businesses. These motives can be categorised as traditional motivations and emerging motivations. Traditional motivations include the forces that has been drove the leading business to divest into foreign markets. There are four major traditional motives behind foreign direct investment by the companies. Market se eking Business always finds potential market to enjoy demand of their product and services. Therefore, once a business saturated in a particular region or a domestic country then it started finding potential market in the foreign countries. This is one of the most efficient strategies of business expansion as well as sustains increasing demand of product and services. Another reason of market seeking may be that specific product or services requires specific markets for getting appropriate demand or value of the product. Many companies seek foreign markets in this motive. Resource seeking Resource is next most important factor for a business. All businesses try to find out bets resources in low cost and this is the reasons behind major diversifications of the leading firms of developed markets. FDI helps the company to identify and develop production unit in the foreign markets with major availability of resources. Major seeking resources are raw material for product companies and m anpower for service based companies. Strategic asset seeking Another important motive of companies behind foreign investment is to invest in potential foreign businesses to build strategic assets. This may involve in partnership establishment with the existing foreign firms. This is one of t5he most efficient and popular diversification strategy of MNCs. Efficiency seeking Multinational corporations always want to reorganize or restructure their asset holding in overseas markets. The motive behinds this is to efficiently respond to macroeconomic changes that have
Monday, September 23, 2019
The effect of Indian culture on McDonalds advertising Research Paper
The effect of Indian culture on McDonalds advertising - Research Paper Example Like McDonald’s advertisement in Hindi which was made to reach out to majority of the people seeking happiness, as Hindi is the prominent language in India. It has also named its product in Hindi like Chicken Maharaja-Mac. In any country non-verbal communication plays a vital role in its culture. India is rich with her ceremonial greetings. Each gesture has its own language. Hence marketers need to be clear about the meanings associated with each of the symbols and signs. Like McDonald. The logo of McDonald now not just represent a hamburger restaurant, it has changed in India to represent vegetarian foods also. Since in India, the concept of beef was not allowed across many states, hence McDonald changed their strategy to introduce vegetarian restaurants in India. Also it uses a mannequin representing a joker with folded hands doing Namaste in Indian style. It represents greetings in Indian culture. Rituals and customs are ways in which a society practices of follows their religious beliefs. These are also passed down from generation to generation. The purpose of rituals is to maintain social acceptances, social bondage, and satisfaction. Consumers are also guided by these rituals. McDonald had to change their marketing strategy to introduce items of Indian origin like Wraps Pizza McPuff, McAloo Tikki Burger, Mc Veggie, and Curry Pans to make win over the consumers. Traditions are the rules which society follows and each religion has their unique tradition to follow. Over the years this tradition does evolve to accommodate new traditions. For a company this tradition guides the responses of consumer in response to a strategy. Indians by are vegetarian by religion. Hence McDonald understood the huge potential of making money from vegetarian outlets. Hence they also opened vegetarian outlets to adapt to Indian society. In a country like India, which has many subcultures in it, good taste means many different things to a variety of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Working With Groups of Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Working With Groups of Children - Essay Example The deductions from the study revealed that children develop excellent communication skills from the group interactions with regard to the level of development of the children (Wilson, 2008, 87). These children have an easy time in conceptualizing ideas of their colleagues hence this makes the learning of various communication skills through interaction with their fellow colleagues smooth. This is because they have already grasped communication styles and techniques necessary for communication. This shows that the children can gain more from an objective and resourceful interaction from mature persons and their fellow colleagues too (Grossman, 2005, 39). However, the children peg their friendship on the physique and the closeness of their friends. The environment in which the children are operating, and the people the child interacts with are vital in gauging the progress in the development of communication skills through small group interactions. For instance if a child is subjected to harsh people and bad environmental conditions while learning, the child will retreat hence no learning will occur. On the other hand, when a child interacts with a charismatic and friendly pe ople, he or she is likely to open up and will learn ideas presented to him or her. It was found that the environment also a determining factor in the development of a child’s communication skills (Machado, 2012, 97). Another aspect of interaction among children is that same sex children are more likely to learn from each other more easily than children of the opposite sex. This improves their social life because they socialize with less difficulty and losing such attachment slows a child’s social development and communication skill development. Moreover, this may lead to self-centeredness in a child .At this age, children learn from each other through imitation and they agitate to show their psychosocial, emotional and cognitive skills.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Harvard Guide to Happiness, Freakonomics, Cant a Woman Be Einstein Essay Example for Free
Harvard Guide to Happiness, Freakonomics, Cant a Woman Be Einstein Essay The methods suggested from a research conducted over 10 years on 1,600 Harvard students are relevant today more than ever. The global trend of shift in workforce from manufacturing to white collar work necessitates workers obtain higher degrees of education. Individuals with higher education degree are more equipped with the capacity to better manage given tasks of the service sector employing analytical thinking. Workforce comprised of such highly educated individuals enhances competitiveness in the increasingly complex global economy. Thus the value of individual academic pursuit is critical in sustaining economic development of a nation. Assuming that students furthering their studies decide based on freewill, keeping students motivated is the key to encouraging them to pursue higher education. Basing on the results from the study, increasing interaction among the various elements within the school system such as faculty and peer-students propel students to achieve higher grades, become more intellectually engaged and increase their overall happiness. An NBER study of a group of Kenyan girls in 69 primary schools comparing those who were randomly selected to receive scholarships to those who did not receive any surprisingly concluded that greater education does not in fact lead to greater democracy. However I believe the relationship between education and democracy can either be strengthened or weakened based on the content of the education received by the citizens and how it is famed in the classroom setting. Education systems that emphasize and value freedom of expression through heated discussion among peers inevitably provide an opportunity for the students to experience democratic way of handling things. The way information was given to the young girls in Kenya and its substance may have been the reason in the failure of increased education to result in greater democracy. The essay that demonstrated that biological difference exists between male and female but does not suggest a difference in aptitude pose an important issue in the field of education. I agree that the results hint a change in the education system but I hesitate to agree with Leonard Sax in his belief that â€Å"coed schools do more harm than good†. The fact that current coed schools might not provide an environment for boys and girls to learn at the pace of their maturing brains does not necessitate those students to be educated in single-sex schools. The problem, if there is any, would lie in the lack of division of classes based on the level of each subject. Division of class in coed schools based on proficiency, for instance beginners, intermediate and advanced seems an appropriate response that effectively deals with the problem embraces outliers at the same time.
Friday, September 20, 2019
What Are The Effects Of Child Labour Young People Essay
What Are The Effects Of Child Labour Young People Essay Child labour is the working of children of ages under 18 years old for number of hours that contrast their body growth and affects their health badly. This research is studying the affects of child labour on development of countries and trying to prove that the child labour is cause of delaying of some countries due to its effects on education. To prove that an interviews with labour childrens and their families have been made. More over a lot of statistics have been gathered by me of child labour in several countries from uniceff and international labour organization in addition to world health organization .the results which have been indicated is that most of the child labour found around the world is in the developing countries because children leave schools to work so in the future they become untrained adult can work. i-Introduction Child labour is the working of young children under the age of 18 years old for large number of hours and in unsuitable jobs .It was noted that The Child labour it is the work of children in un suitable ages for unsuitable work hours or under unhealthy conditions and under certain circumstances that contrast with their body growth and their education and also their ability for creations (February 2, 1992, The Child Labour Situation) . also it was conducted that child labour is breaking of human rights which obstacle there psychological life and their physical activities (international labour organization ). Further more the child labour is mainly found in the developing countries and in Africa and Asia . some statistics The high percentage of child labor occurs mainly in mali with percentage of 54.5 Burkina Fasowith 51 percent, Niger and Uganda with 45 percent and Kenya with 4L3 percent, the report said.Bangladesh had 30.1 percent, Nigeria 25.8 Haiti 25, Turkey 24, Ivory Coast 20.5, Pakistan 17.7 percent, Brazil 16.1 , India 14.4. China U.6, and Egypt 11.2 percent. (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE. 1997). After all of that the aim of my study is to show the bad effects of child labour .moreover if the child labour has effects on developing countries in delay in development. ii-Literature review a-The meaning of child labour It was noted that The Child labour is the work of children at unsuitable ages for unsuitable work hours or under unhealthy conditions and under certain circumstances that contrast with their body growth and their education .also their ability for creations (February 2, 1992, The Child Labour Situation) . moreover it was conducted that child labour is the breaking of human rights which obstacle there psychological life and their physical activities (international labour organization ).in addition to that there is a positive meaning of child labour i.e. the children can work with their parents in home ,help in family work or get their pocket money from working in the weekends and in the summer vacations (international labour organization ). b-Causes of child labour : there are many causes of child labour the main cause for it is poverty of the families . The international labour organization noted that the poverty of the families is the main cause of child labour because the children have tow work to get money which help in keeping their life and the life of their families . in addition to that the families are not capable to pays funds of the schools . also the children who are living in slums and villages which dont have any educational facilities so they work .more over the work market are demanding more children to worm because they take low salaries and they are less trouble maker than adults for the employer . furthermore it was noted that The children works due to the poverty of their families so they need income to overcome the challenges of the life as a result they need to send their children to the work to get them money. In the other hand they cant send them to the working fields that give high wages as exportation because of restrict ing laws so they must send them to works of low wages as agriculture or servings fields. They have to work more hours to increase their income even if some of their brothers or sisters in school their parents get them out and send them to work field( number cruncher Putting children to work,By Stephen Nickell,september 2009  · prospect  · 15). In the other hand not all the causes are economic causes some of the are from family where children work with their families in farms , shops and different hand made industries said international labour organization . c-The causes of expansion of child labour The child labour spreads due to the increase in the number of the part time job with low wages and due to the simplicity of this jobs the child labour market increases . cited in (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE, 1997,GLOBAL CHILD LABOUR , Robert Evans, Reuters) . Also the large percent of divorce increases the child labour because children have to work to provides their life needs . d-Bad effects of child labour on children 1-Effects of child labour on children health The world health organization noted that the working of children in some fields are very dangerous to childrens health such as agriculture . The working of the children in the fields are very harmful because they maybe exposed to insecticides .More over they use very dangerous tools such as knives and machines . Further more they are to snakes bites , bilharithia and carrying heavy loads . The children working dont have information about how to use these machines or these tools so they can easily get hurt . Also girls are more exposed to injuries and health affections where they work at younger ages and for more hours as they work outside home and they have to work in homes too so they work for more hours . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE noted that the number of boys in the age between 10-14 is 41 million which is more than the number of girls who worked but the survey said that the girls were left at home for taking care of home and cooking and those of them who work then return and make house work so they are considered to be working more boys 2-Effects of child labour on children future and education It was noted that lately the child labour has been paid more attention specially in developing countries in which most of child labour occurs specially in countryside . further more they have noticed that child labour has many bad effects on children like reducing attendance in school . The result of child labour is that it reduces the presence in school by 46 percent and 21 percent in learning and understanding the Sciences and increasing the ability of children twice to work and moreover it affects the child health later cited in Case study integrated that In an investigation in Ghana they have discovered that due to child labour the attendance in school decreases and there is a direct proportion between child labour and the attendance in school also the ability of children to read decreases as the hours of work increases therefore there is negative proportion between child labour and education(Why Should We Care About Child Labour ?The Education, Labor Market, and Health,Consequences of Child Labor,Kathleen Beegle,Rajeev Dehejia,Roberta Gatti) The child who works today will be tomorrow un responsible adult who is un educated and not trained said ILO Director-General Michel e-Statistics of child labour in different countries International organization labour noted that 73milion children around the world from the age of 14 to 13 works two thirds of the 73 million were in Asia and 24 million were in Africa The child labour also occurs in the developed countries as united states and Britain as well as countries in south Europe It was indicated that The high percentage of child labour occurs mainly in mali with percentage of 54.5 Burkina Faso with 51 percent, Niger and Uganda with 45 percent and Kenya with 4L3 percent, the report said. Bangladesh had 30.1 percent, Nigeria 25.8, Haiti 25, Turkey 24, Ivory Coast 20.5, Pakistan 17.7 percent, Brazil 16.1 , India 14.4. China U.6, and Egypt 11.2 percent. Asia had the greatest number in the age group, with 44. 6 million or 13 percent of the total, hut Africa had the highest proportion with 26.3 percent or 23.6 million children working. Latin America lagged well behind, with 5.1 million or 9.8 percent of the group. Cited in (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE. 1997,GLOBAL CHILD LABOuR,Robert Evans, Reuters)   One in six children in developing countries are engaged in child labour  Children aged 5-14 engaged in child labour (%), by region (1999-2008) Boys are more likely to engage in child labour Children aged 5-14 engaged in child labour (%), by gender (1999-2008)       Child labour is most prevalent in Africa  Percentage of children aged 5-14 years engaged in child labour (2003-2008) Graphs and statistics are cited in child info with sponsored by uniceff iii-Methodology An example of the child labour I choose Ahmed who is 14 years old working at a small shop ironing and dry cleaning, in the midst of hard work already. After making interview with Ahmed i know that his family consist of 5 brothers and sisters he is the middle one. his father make him work to help him overcoming the life needs . Ahmed said that i wake every day at 7:00 oclock and ran to the shop to help my boss in ironing the customers clothes and when it is after noon i went to the customers delivering to the clothes and getting others to start ironing them and give back to the customer at night . more over i make an interview with the cause his father and with owner of the shop who permits this work . by interviewing Mr Kmal who Told me that Ahmed who works for 12 hours a day in this small age is that he now can turn on dry cleaning machine at his own without the help of know one . moreover he can iron alot of clothing in short time . by asking Ahmeds father he said that i think tha t the working of children is more greater benefit than education and Ahmed can get his own pocket money without education. more over he said that even his older brother who has been educated till thanwya ama did not working while Ahmed did. further more after getting statistics from uniceff and international labour organization I realized that that there were some 2.7 million working children aged between six and fourteen (noted in international labour organization) . i use all of this interviews and statistics to prove that the child labour is 1 of the cause of not developing our countries . iv-Reference page Goodyear, Rosemary .(2006) overworked children? , New Zealand Journal of History ,Vol. 40 Issue 1, p75-90, 16p, 1 Nickell, Stephen.(sep2009) Putting children to work, Economist and the Warden of Nuffield College, Oxford , Issue 162, p15-15, 1/3p Evans, Robert.( 1997), International Journal of Humanities Peace , GLOBAL CHILD LABOR ,Vol. 13 Issue 1, p86-86, 1p International labour organization About child labour Child Labour and IPEC: An overview,international labour organization World health organization,hazardous child labour
Thursday, September 19, 2019
clear channel :: essays research papers
Clear Channel      Ever turn on the radio and hear the same five songs over and over again? You can thank clear channel for that. According to a study conducted last summer the top songs are played more than 85 times between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. and only add around 15 songs a week giving the most air time to the largest sum accepted in the promotional payment contract. In blunt terms it is the illegal practice of payola which allows goods and/or money to be exchanged for air time. But Clear channel has managed to cut corners through indies who are hired by a record label to get stations to play certain songs. Included in their promotional payment contract the musical artist must agree to perform at a Clear Channel concert with in a certain time frame such as Jingle ball held in Philadelphia. This practice leaves little room for an independent artist to be heard on air because of their lack of a middle man; an indie, as well as, the money needed upfront to form a promotional payment contract that ranges around six figures. The abandonment of independent artists is an example of negative synergy. In regards to the contract, the record label’s client not only agrees to perform but also to advertise clear channel stations through voice tracking. Wit the help of a computer assisted voice segments the listener is fooled into believeing the program is locally produced when it is not because the same basic phrase is broadcasted to seventy five other stations. For example you will hear your favorite musician say a phrase like â€Å" Hello Allentown†on one station and in California the same musician is broadcasted to be saying â€Å"Hello L.A.†Voice tracking is not only evident through celebrities but also from radio personalities and their programs. For example Rush Limbaugh is not only broadcasted in Pennsylvania but also Texas. This however violates the communication Act of 1934 where the FCC encourages a diversity of voices so as to promote a vibrant democracy. The multi broadcasted programs such as Limbaugh and Dr. Laura leave their audience with a one sid ed republican view. Born from the same state Enron and Clear Channel both faced the Department of Justice investigation, lawsuits for inappropriate business practices, and they both currently have a bill in Congress to border their impact on their industry. The only difference is that Clear Channel is getting away with their monopolistic corporation and scandals. clear channel :: essays research papers Clear Channel      Ever turn on the radio and hear the same five songs over and over again? You can thank clear channel for that. According to a study conducted last summer the top songs are played more than 85 times between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. and only add around 15 songs a week giving the most air time to the largest sum accepted in the promotional payment contract. In blunt terms it is the illegal practice of payola which allows goods and/or money to be exchanged for air time. But Clear channel has managed to cut corners through indies who are hired by a record label to get stations to play certain songs. Included in their promotional payment contract the musical artist must agree to perform at a Clear Channel concert with in a certain time frame such as Jingle ball held in Philadelphia. This practice leaves little room for an independent artist to be heard on air because of their lack of a middle man; an indie, as well as, the money needed upfront to form a promotional payment contract that ranges around six figures. The abandonment of independent artists is an example of negative synergy. In regards to the contract, the record label’s client not only agrees to perform but also to advertise clear channel stations through voice tracking. Wit the help of a computer assisted voice segments the listener is fooled into believeing the program is locally produced when it is not because the same basic phrase is broadcasted to seventy five other stations. For example you will hear your favorite musician say a phrase like â€Å" Hello Allentown†on one station and in California the same musician is broadcasted to be saying â€Å"Hello L.A.†Voice tracking is not only evident through celebrities but also from radio personalities and their programs. For example Rush Limbaugh is not only broadcasted in Pennsylvania but also Texas. This however violates the communication Act of 1934 where the FCC encourages a diversity of voices so as to promote a vibrant democracy. The multi broadcasted programs such as Limbaugh and Dr. Laura leave their audience with a one sid ed republican view. Born from the same state Enron and Clear Channel both faced the Department of Justice investigation, lawsuits for inappropriate business practices, and they both currently have a bill in Congress to border their impact on their industry. The only difference is that Clear Channel is getting away with their monopolistic corporation and scandals.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Sports In The Law :: essays research papers
May 6, 2001 -- He was surrounded by his teammates, but yet Larry Johnson felt alone. Not part of the group. Not part of the struggle to advance deeper into the playoffs. And now, with the season over and done with, Johnson is extremely worried that he may never be a part of it ever again. "Man, I just don't know," Johnson said yesterday on his way out the door of Purchase College. Johnson's career might be finished. He missed the final six games of the regular season and the entire five-game playoff series loss to the Raptors. The only way Johnson was able to dull the pain in his back was with medication, which he stopped taking during the season because he feared possible side effects would be damaging to his health later in life. Next week, Johnson says he will meet with doctors to discuss his options. There is a real chance he will be forced to retire at the age of 32. "Having the ability to play? I'm concerned about it all," Johnson admitted. "This was the playoffs, and I didn't play one minute." In his 10th NBA season and completing his fifth with the Knicks, Johnson averaged a career-low 9.9 points a game, shot a career-worst .411 and played in only 65 games. He continued to operate out of position as an undersized power forward and despite his diminished production, his big-shot potential was missed by the Knicks in their playoff ouster at the hands of the Raptors. "I'm really worried about LJ," said Kurt Thomas, who filled in admirably for Johnson. "Obviously Larry's health is a huge issue," added Jeff Van Gundy. "Larry over time has really meant a lot to this team. I'm just hopeful he's able to resume his career and be healthy, but for me to guess about that would be irresponsible. We have to wait and see and let time take its natural course.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Its Influence on Society Essay
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Its Influence on Society The German political philosopher and revolutionary, Karl Marx is best known for his radical concepts of society. His socialist views are best seen in his work Communist Manifesto. As one of the most influential thinkers of all times, he was able to convey revolutionary ideas in a manner that all could understand. Due to its comprehendible nature and usefulness to the people of his time this document was widely popular among commoners of the Nineteenth Century. In fact some historians refer to the Manifesto as the first systematic statement about modern socialism the world has ever seen. Powerful language and fueled by desires for better standards of living this great historical document forever changed the world. The Manifesto has been a major influence in all-communist literature since its publication in 1848. Translated in many languages and published in hundreds of millions of copies the piece has spurred wars, massacres, and countless protests. The Communist Manifesto was written as a response to a cold hard world, and ever since then the world has been responding to it with rejection and praise. The works of Karl Marx have influenced and inspired millions of lives throughout human history. 1 During the Nineteenth century when Marx and Engels created The Communist Manifesto, the bourgeois rejected their work, yet it was openly accepted by thousands of proletariats. The immediate response was not only found in Marx’s true followers, members of the Communist League. These people strongly supported and believed in the ideals of socialism. The central idea at the heart of the Communist Manifesto was Marx theory of histo... ...ited: 1 Attack on Capitalism ( Waterloo: Canada and the World, 1999). 19-22. 2 â€Å"Karl Marx†3 March 2002. (16 April 2002). 3 â€Å"Friedrich Engels.†26 February 2002. (16 April 2002). 4 Rich Kuhn. â€Å"Manifesto of the Communist Party 1848.†13 December 1999. (16 April 2002). 5 Gerhard Rempel. â€Å"War Communism.† (16 April 2002). 6 Mathew White. â€Å"30 Worst Atrocities of The 20TH Century.†June 2000. (16 April 2002). 7 Gilman, Antonio. The Communist Manifesto, 150 Years Later. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Battle of Marathon
The battle of Marathon is one of history's most famous military engagements. It is also one of the earliest recorded battles. Their victory over the Persian invaders gave the fledgling com/world-history-unit-3/">Greek city states confidence in their ability to defend themselves and belief in their continued existence. The battle is therefore considered a defining moment in the development of European culture. In September of 490 BC a Persian armada of 600 ships disgorged an invasion force of approximately 20,000 infantry and cavalry on Greek soil just north of Athens.Their mission was to crush the Greek states in retaliation for their support of their Ionian cousins who had revolted against Persian rule. Undaunted by the numerical superiority of the invaders, Athens mobilized 10,000 hoplite warriors to defend their territory. The two armies met on the Plain of Marathon twenty-six miles north of Athens. The flat battlefield surrounded by hills and sea was ideal for the Persian cavalry . Surveying the advantage that the terrain and size of their force gave to the Persians, the Greek generals hesitated.One of the Greek generals – Miltiades – made a passionate plea for boldness and convinced his fellow generals to attack the Persians. Miltiades ordered the Greek hoplites to form a line equal in length to that of the Persians. Then – in an act that his enemy believed to be complete madness – he ordered his Greek warriors to attack the Persian line at a dead run. In the ensuing melee, the middle of the Greek line weakened and gave way, but the flanks were able to engulf and slaughter the trapped Persians. An estimated 6,400 Persians were slaughtered while only 192 Greeks were killed.The remaining Persians escaped on their ships and made an attempt to attack what they thought was an undefended Athens. However, the Greek warriors made a forced march back to Athens and arrived in time to thwart the Persians. â€Å"With you it rests, Callimach us†– Indecision before battle Known as the â€Å"Father of History†, Herodotus wrote his description of the battle a few years after it occurred. We join his account as the Athenians arrive at the battleground and are joined by a force of approximately 1000 of their Plataean allies.The Greek military leaders split on whether they should immediately attack the invaders or wait for reinforcements: ADVERTISMENT â€Å"The Athenians were drawn up in order of battle in a sacred close belonging to Heracles, when they were joined by the Plataeans, who came in full force to their aid. The Athenian generals were divided in their opinions. Some advised not to risk a battle, because they were too few to engage such a host as that of the Persians. Others were for fighting at once. Among these last was Miltiades.He therefore, seeing that opinions were thus divided, and that the less worthy counsel appeared likely to prevail, resolved to go to the polemarch [an honored dignit ary of Athens], and have a conference with him. For the man on whom the lot fell to be polemarch at Athens was entitled to give his vote with the ten generals, since anciently the Athenians allowed him an equal right of voting with them. The polemarch at this juncture was Callimachus of Aphidnre; to him therefore Miltiades went, and said:‘With you it rests, Callimachus, either to bring Athens to slavery, or, by securing her freedom, to be remembered by all future generations. For never since the time that the Athenians became a people were they in so great a danger as now. If they bow their necks beneath the yoke of the Persians, the woes which they will have to suffer†¦ are already determined. If, on the other hand, they fight and overcome, Athens may rise to be the very first city in Greece. ‘ ‘We generals are ten in number, and our votes are divided: half of us wish to engage, half to avoid a combat.Now, if we do not fight, I look to see a great disturbance at Athens which will shake men's resolutions, and then I fear they will submit themselves. But, if we fight the battle before any unsoundness shows itself among our citizens,†¦ we are well able to overcome the enemy. ‘ ‘On you therefore we depend in this matter, which lies wholly in your own power. You have only to add your vote to my side and your country will be free – and not free only, but the first state in Greece.Or, if you prefer to give your vote to them who would decline the combat, then the reverse will follow. ‘ Miltiades by these words gained Callimachus; and the addition of the polemarch's vote caused the decision to be in favor of fighting. ‘†The Battle Begins Miltiades arranges the Greek line of battle so that it stretches the length of the opposing, and far superior, Persian army. Then, much to the surprise of the Persians, he orders the Greek warriors to charge headlong into the enemy line. â€Å"The Athenians†¦ char ged the barbarians at a run.Now the distance between the two armies was little short of eight furlongs [approximately a mile] The Persians, therefore, when they saw the Greeks coming on at speed, made ready to receive them, although it seemed to them that the Athenians were bereft of their senses, and bent upon their own destruction; for they saw a mere handful of men coming on at a run without either horsemen or archers. Such was the opinion of the barbarians; but the Athenians in close array fell upon them, and fought in a manner worthy of being recorded.They were the first of the Greeks, so far as I know, who introduced the custom of charging the enemy at a run, and they were likewise the first who dared to look upon the Persian garb, and to face men clad in that fashion. Until this time the very name of the Persians had been a terror to the Greeks to hear. The two armies fought together on the plain of Marathon for a length of time; and in the mid-battle the barbarians were vict orious, and broke and pursued the Greeks into the inner country; but on the two wings the Athenians and the Plataeans defeated the enemy .Having so done, they suffered the routed barbarians to fly at their ease, and joining the two wings in one, fell upon those who had broken their own center, and fought and conquered them. These likewise fled, and now the Athenians hung upon the runaways and cut them down, chasing them all the way to the shore, on reaching which they laid hold of the ships and called aloud for fire. †The Persians Attack AthensMiltiades arranges the Greek line of battle so that it stretches the length of the opposing, and far superior, Persian army. Then, much to the surprise of the Persians, he orders the Greek warriors to charge headlong into the enemy line. â€Å"†¦ the Athenians secured in this way seven of the vessels; while with the remainder the barbarians pushed off, and taking aboard their Eretrian prisoners from the island where they had le ft them, doubled Cape Sunium, hoping to reach Athens before the return of the Athenians.The Persians accordingly sailed round Sunium. But the Athenians with all possible speed marched away to the defense of their city, and succeeded in reaching Athens before the appearance of the barbarians†¦ The barbarian fleet arrived, and lay to off Phalerum, which was at that time the haven of Athens; but after resting awhile upon their oars, they departed and sailed away to Asia. â€Å" Battle of Marathon The battle of Marathon is one of history's most famous military engagements. It is also one of the earliest recorded battles. Their victory over the Persian invaders gave the fledgling Greek city states confidence in their ability to defend themselves and belief in their continued existence. The battle is therefore considered a defining moment in the development of European culture. In September of 490 BC a Persian armada of 600 ships disgorged an invasion force of approximately 20,000 infantry and cavalry on Greek soil just north of Athens.Their mission was to crush the Greek states in retaliation for their support of their Ionian cousins who had revolted against Persian rule. Undaunted by the numerical superiority of the invaders, Athens mobilized 10,000 hoplite warriors to defend their territory. The two armies met on the Plain of Marathon twenty-six miles north of Athens. The flat battlefield surrounded by hills and sea was ideal for the Persian cavalry. Surveying the advantage t hat the terrain and size of their force gave to the Persians, the Greek generals hesitated.One of the Greek generals – Miltiades – made a passionate plea for boldness and convinced his fellow generals to attack the Persians. Miltiades ordered the Greek hoplites to form a line equal in length to that of the Persians. Then – in an act that his enemy believed to be complete madness – he ordered his Greek warriors to attack the Persian line at a dead run. In the ensuing melee, the middle of the Greek line weakened and gave way, but the flanks were able to engulf and slaughter the trapped Persians. An estimated 6,400 Persians were slaughtered while only 192 Greeks were killed.The remaining Persians escaped on their ships and made an attempt to attack what they thought was an undefended Athens. However, the Greek warriors made a forced march back to Athens and arrived in time to thwart the Persians. â€Å"With you it rests, Callimachus†– Indecisi on before battle Known as the â€Å"Father of History†, Herodotus wrote his description of the battle a few years after it occurred. We join his account as the Athenians arrive at the battleground and are joined by a force of approximately 1000 of their Plataean allies.The Greek military leaders split on whether they should immediately attack the invaders or wait for reinforcements: ADVERTISMENT â€Å"The Athenians were drawn up in order of battle in a sacred close belonging to Heracles, when they were joined by the Plataeans, who came in full force to their aid. The Athenian generals were divided in their opinions. Some advised not to risk a battle, because they were too few to engage such a host as that of the Persians. Others were for fighting at once. Among these last was Miltiades.He therefore, seeing that opinions were thus divided, and that the less worthy counsel appeared likely to prevail, resolved to go to the polemarch [an honored dignitary of Athens], and have a conference with him. For the man on whom the lot fell to be polemarch at Athens was entitled to give his vote with the ten generals, since anciently the Athenians allowed him an equal right of voting with them. The polemarch at this juncture was Callimachus of Aphidnre; to him therefore Miltiades went, and said:‘With you it rests, Callimachus, either to bring Athens to slavery, or, by securing her freedom, to be remembered by all future generations. For never since the time that the Athenians became a people were they in so great a danger as now. If they bow their necks beneath the yoke of the Persians, the woes which they will have to suffer†¦ are already determined. If, on the other hand, they fight and overcome, Athens may rise to be the very first city in Greece. ‘ ‘We generals are ten in number, and our votes are divided: half of us wish to engage, half to avoid a combat.Now, if we do not fight, I look to see a great disturbance at Athens which will shake men's resolutions, and then I fear they will submit themselves. But, if we fight the battle before any unsoundness shows itself among our citizens,†¦ we are well able to overcome the enemy. ‘ ‘On you therefore we depend in this matter, which lies wholly in your own power. You have only to add your vote to my side and your country will be free – and not free only, but the first state in Greece.Or, if you prefer to give your vote to them who would decline the combat, then the reverse will follow. ‘ Miltiades by these words gained Callimachus; and the addition of the polemarch's vote caused the decision to be in favor of fighting. ‘†The Battle Begins Miltiades arranges the Greek line of battle so that it stretches the length of the opposing, and far superior, Persian army. Then, much to the surprise of the Persians, he orders the Greek warriors to charge headlong into the enemy line. â€Å"The Athenians†¦ charged the barbarians at a run .Now the distance between the two armies was little short of eight furlongs [approximately a mile] The Persians, therefore, when they saw the Greeks coming on at speed, made ready to receive them, although it seemed to them that the Athenians were bereft of their senses, and bent upon their own destruction; for they saw a mere handful of men coming on at a run without either horsemen or archers. Such was the opinion of the barbarians; but the Athenians in close array fell upon them, and fought in a manner worthy of being recorded.They were the first of the Greeks, so far as I know, who introduced the custom of charging the enemy at a run, and they were likewise the first who dared to look upon the Persian garb, and to face men clad in that fashion. Until this time the very name of the Persians had been a terror to the Greeks to hear. The two armies fought together on the plain of Marathon for a length of time; and in the mid-battle the barbarians were victorious, and broke and pursu ed the Greeks into the inner country; but on the two wings the Athenians andthe Plataeans defeated the enemy . Having so done, they suffered the routed barbarians to fly at their ease, and joining the two wings in one, fell upon those who had broken their own center, and fought and conquered them. These likewise fled, and now the Athenians hung upon the runaways and cut them down, chasing them all the way to the shore, on reaching which they laid hold of the ships and called aloud for fire. †The Persians Attack AthensMiltiades arranges the Greek line of battle so that it stretches the length of the opposing, and far superior, Persian army. Then, much to the surprise of the Persians, he orders the Greek warriors to charge headlong into the enemy line. â€Å"†¦ the Athenians secured in this way seven of the vessels; while with the remainder the barbarians pushed off, and taking aboard their Eretrian prisoners from the island where they had left them, doubled Cape Sunium, hoping to reach Athens before the return of the Athenians.The Persians accordingly sailed round Sunium. But the Athenians with all possible speed marched away to the defense of their city, and succeeded in reaching Athens before the appearance of the barbarians†¦ The barbarian fleet arrived, and lay to off Phalerum, which was at that time the haven of Athens; but after resting awhile upon their oars, they departed and sailed away to Asia. †References: Herodotus's account appears in: Davis, William Sterns, Readings in Ancient History (1912); Creasy, Edward, The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World (1969). Battle of Marathon Despite of the disadvantaged conditions of Athenians, according to the records of Herodotus, their victory was still achieved through well-planned military strategy by the leading of Miltiades, and by taking advantage over the terrain and weather during war. Introduction From the very start of the war preparation, the smile of victory was not even a glimpse clear to Athenians.The Athenians learned the Persian army were soon sailing from Eretria to Marathon, and with this knowledge, they commenced their preparation for battle (6. 1023).The Athenians were completely beginning their combat in a disadvantaged state. During their preparation, external and internal conflicts occurred that held them unable to form alliance with other Greek nations. From Herodotus accounts, the internal problems occurred mainly due to the division in the ten Athenian generals (6. 109).They were arguing the most convenient military strategy, but the military had doubts as to whether they should give bank agai nst the enemy outside the city or else allow the situation to lead out a siege (Grote 2001 304).By quantity, the records of Persians and Sacaes’ army surpassed the union of Athenians and Plataeans (6. 113).Therefore, the triumph of Persians was initially more conceivable due to their immense battling power and the disadvantaged condition of Athens. Discussion Disadvantages of Athens Over Persians During the Battle With the historical accounts on Athenian versus Persian’s military, Athens suffered the most in terms of military quantity and conflicting military strategy. The Persian army came across the Aegean Sea on a large fleet. Their fleet’s first activity destroyed the small city of Eretria on Euboea, and then crossed over to Attica.Considering this illustration, the Athenians were vastly outnumbered by the Persian fleets. The only military advantage of Athenians was to meet the Persian army in land (Dandamaev 1989 178). However, even by land, the Athenians w ere in a difficult position and they initially had no reason to hope for assistance outside their realm. An estimate of the Persian army in 490 B. C. â€â€at about 4,000 to 6,000 warriors, including 500 to 800 mounted men- overpowered Athenian’s fleet. Meanwhile, as with the Greeks, there were large numbers of unarmored men but still smaller in quantity compared with the Persians.In addition to this, the neighboring districts, such as Bocotia, could have posed as Greek allies, but turned against them by openly welcoming the advent of the Persians (Creasy 1863 50; Grote 2001 304). Fortunately, the Athenians were able to find alliance with the Plataeans to combat the Persians (6. 111).In terms of internal problems of Athens, political disagreements were occurring during the time of their war preparation, which gravely placed Athens in a disadvantage position over the Persians. The last tyrant of Athens who was deprived of his power and exiled from Athens was Hippias. However , He was given a position by the Persians as governor of the town of Sigeum on the Hellespont in order to illustrate the illusion of their political generosity to Greeks (Creasy 1863 52).The political strife continued between the aristocrats and the democratic party. In particular, there was the noble family of the Alcmeonids (who had been deprived of their power by their political opponent Miltiades) united itself with the adherents of Hippias and hoped to return Hippias power with their political strife. Some of the Athenians were prepared to help the Persian and without publicly acclaiming so, hoped for their victory. Now, at an advanced age, he returned with the Persian army to Attica where his secret adherents awaited him (Grote 2001 305).Many Greek Elites were opposed to the risky war with the Persians, since the defeat from war would lose their riches and influence (Dandamaev 1989 177).Some were tempted to surrender the city to the Persian and to take all possible advantage f rom this voluntary submission. The Strategies of War by Persians Under the guidance of Hippias, the former ruler of Athens, the Persians chose the plain of Marathon for their debarkation area (Creasy 1863 53).The mission of the Persian commanders Datis and Artaphernes were the first to debark the army at some point on the Athenian coast, and then to attack and conquer the city of Athens itself. Arguing, if an Athenian army should appear in the open countryside, then it would first had to be defeated and driven back (Grote 2001 304).Unfortunately, the Athenians were unable to determine the landing point of the Persians. It was at a distance of about nineteen miles from Athens and their landing point was unguarded by Athens. As for these statements, the Athenians were completely disadvantaged in their positions of war towards the Persians.However, the argument still lies on how Athenians were able to combat the Persians and attain victor. When the Persian army disembarked at Marathon, there was considerable disagreement in the Athenian assembly concerning the tactics for the impending battle with the Persians. Miltiades, the leader of the conservative farmers who was once Athenian strategoi (the highest military commanders), feared betrayal from the side of the pro-Persian faction and therefore insisted on an immediate advance upon the Persians (Dandamaev 1989 179).In addition from Herodotus accounts, the ten military generals of Athens were divided with the opinions on how to strategize the war (6. 109).Athenians were confronted with political division, military disorganized tactics, and an army with mostly unarmored peasants. The Acts of Miltiades and the Turn to Athenian Victor From the discussed portions of this study depicting the weakness of Athens both externally and internally, their side was still able to triumph the war. From the accounts of historian Gillis, the Athenian army consisted of about 10,000 men who marched to the plain of Marathon.There wer e also approximately 1,000 men from the allied Boeotian town of Plataea, located at the border of Attica (44). The Athenians did not expect help from the other Greeks because the neighboring Greeks were already indifferent towards the fate of Athens, which had the impudence to wage war against â€Å"the Great Kin†’. Moreover, other neighboring Greeks considered the alliance to Persian army against Athens, such as the neighboring island of Aegina, which for long had been a rival of Athens.Athens was condemned in loosing the battle unless formations of ally were to be made. Fortunately, it was Miltiades, who resolved the issues of alliance, with his agreement with Callimachus (Herodotus, 6. 110).In addition, Miltiades resolved the conflict of the ten generals rendering their internal military forces unified. At the same time, from the accounts of Gillis, the famous runner Pheidippides was sent to Sparta in order to present the Athenian request for help (44).The Spartans promised assistance but they did not hasten to send out their soldiers as there was an old belief that it was impossible to start a campaign before a full moon (MacGregor 2005 194). Sparta was afraid that the Persians, after conquering Attica, would advance towards the Peloponnesus and set up a naval blockade of the peninsula (Gillis 1831 44).Many from the Athenian Elites and civilians were opposed to immediate action of war; however, Miltiades and his adherents finally managed to persuade the Athenians to attack and defeat the Persians. It should be noted that the Persian army was encamped in the open plain where it was possible for them to deploy their cavalry. The Athenians, who were without cavalry, had assembled in a narrow part of the plain.The terrain was an advantage for Athenians as it offered no advantages to the Persian horsemen. In the meantime, the situation of the Persian army had deteriorated, and the Persian commander Datis, awaiting in vain some sign from his friend s in Athens, was forced to rake a decision as to the necessary course of action (Gillis 1831 44).He apparently knew about the Spartan decision to march towards Attica after the next full moon, and wanted to decide the war before their arrival (Mure 1853 130).At the same time, he was unable to move his army towards the defile where the Athenians were entrenched. Datis attentively followed events at Athens, whence he expected the signal (a shield lifted up above the city walls) that would indicate the city had come under the control of the adherents of the dethroned tyrant, Hippias (Mure 1853 132).In Athens, the supporters of the Persians were ready to act, but they could not decide on whether to take the risk or not. Thus, in their turn, they waited for the Persian army to defeat the Athenians (Gillis 1831 45). The battle commenced on the morning of the 12th of August, 490 B. C. (for the chronology, see Burn 1970:257). The Athenians quickly lined up, left their defensive position in the narrows and in a quick march descended down the defile to the enemy (Mure 1853 132).The front line of the Athenians was as wide as that of the Persians, although in the centre the Athenian ranks were not as deep. The disposition of both armies was in accordance with the traditions of both sides: the Persians positioned the best troops in the centre, while the Greeks usually attempted at all cost to fight a victory on the flanks and subsequently to turn upon the centre of the enemy ranks. When full moon had come, Sparta sent 2,000 soldiers to the assistance of the Athenians. However, Spartan force arrived when the battle had already been decided. The Spartans looked with interest at the corpses of the fallen Persians, as most of them had never seen Persians before (Mure 1853 132).The victory at Marathon was the first success of the Greeks in the wars with the Persians who had previously seemed invincible (MacGregor 2005 194).ConclusionThe defeat of the Persians was caused by a co mbination of factors. First, although their army to a certain degree surpassed in number that of the Athenians, only part of the Persian troops could take part in the battle, while the cavalry could not join in at all and had to remain idle. Second, the Persians were campaigning in an unknown country and had been forced to make a long journey to arrive at Marathon.Third, the heavily armed Greek foot soldiers, the hoplites, were protected by iron armour, and as a result, the lightly armed Persian elite troops could not breach their ranks. Fourth and of considerable significance, is the fact that the Athenian army was commanded by the talented general Miltiades, who was well acquainted with Persian military tactics.Works CitedPrimary Resources: Rawlinson, George, and Herodotus. The Persian Wars by Herodotus: Book 6 – ERATO. 1942.Secondary Resources: Creasy, Edward S. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo. Harper, 1863.Dandamaev, D A. A Political H istory of the Achaemenid Empire. BRILL, 1989.George, Grote S. A History of Greece: From the Time of Solon to 403 Bc. Routledge, 2001.Gillis, John S. The History of Ancient Greece: Its Colonies and Conquests. Thomas Wardle, 1831.MacGregor, MacGregor. The Story of Greece. Yesterday's Classics, 2006.Mure, William S. A critical history of the language and literature of antient Greece. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1853.
Monday, September 16, 2019
History of Psychology-John Locke and John Mill Essay
Psychology as a recognized science is a fairly new revelation, falling into favoritism only within the past century. Philosophy bears the roots of psychology, and philosophers have been pondering the inner workings of the mind and body for many centuries before psychology came in to favor. One of the key philosophers crucial in the development of psychology in to a formal discipline was Descartes. Their writings influenced more modern Western philosophers such as John Locke and John Mill. From this point, psychology grew into the science it is now recognized as. The Philosophers The 17th century is the cornerstone of philosophy evolving into psychology. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is often considered to be the inspiration for and credited to be the father of our modern philosophy, and psychology. He is most famously quoted for â€Å"I think, therefore I am†(Descartes, 2006). A human’s ability to reason is the only to find truth. Descartes would also not accept anything to be truth unless there was no discernable reason for doubt. â€Å"The only way to get to the certainty of truth is to arrive at oneself, relying on the clear use of one’s own reasoning powers†(Goodwin, 2008, p.33). Disenchanted with the philosophy he was taught, Descartes found nothing in his learning that could not be left to question. He was said to only believe as truth what could not be doubted and Descartes pursued to find the knowledge he could find within himself (Goodwin, 2008). Descartes was a rationalist and dualist, making him firm believer in the mind and body being two completely separate entities. His beliefs on this are debatable in philosophy and psychology and have been so in the centuries following his life. Philosophers and psychologists to this day are still trying to find the connection between the mind and the body. Western Influences John Locke John Locke was a 17th century British philosopher who is credited with being the founder of Empiricism, the idea that our experiences are our only true source of knowledge. Locke’s view on the formation of ideas was sensation and reflection is the only foundation on which we form ideas. He believed we acquired all of our knowledge form our experiences in the world and in life. Locke compared the human mind to a sheet of white paper. Over the course of life, all of our experiences are recorded upon this paper, our sensations. These sensations can later be recalled, in reflection, to add to new sensations and to acquire new compounded knowledge. John Mill John Mill is considered to be the most important contributor during the British Empirical movement. His contribution stated all knowledge is attained through experience and inborn ideas do not exist. Mill also believed a man should be able to do anything desired as long as the actions do not harm or hurt fellow man in the process. This also affected his views on the necessity of government. â€Å"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. †(Mill, 2008). Mill found the government to only be necessary for the protection of the people in defense of a war, safety against violence, and to prevent cheating or fraud. Modern Psychology The evolution of philosophy into the science of psychology rapidly took shape in the 19th century. The world was also rapidly changing; the Industrial Revolution created new technologies to help in the advancement of many facets of science. Moving into the next century, advances in the knowledge in anatomy and of the brain further assisted the progress of psychology being a science. Robert Watson was crucial in the study of the history of psychology. Founding a new division of the American Psychological Association, he encourages a study of the history of psychology. As a result, nearly all psychology programs today require a course in psychology’s history. (Goodwin, 2008) Conclusion. Psychology as the science we recognize today is barely more than a century in the making. When following the links to the past and the minds that have gotten us to where we are in psychology today, much it to be learned. From modern medicine and science all the way back to ancient philosophers, psychology is a longstanding and diverse study. References Descartes, Rene (2006). A discourse on method/ by Rene Descartes [Kindle DX version]. Retrieved from Amazon. com Goodwin, C. J. (2008). A history of modern psychology [3rd ed. ]. Mill, John S. (2008). On liberty/ by John Stuart Mill [Kindle DX version]. Retrieved from Amazon. com.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Art 101 Painting Styles
Painting Styles When we look at art and different art work some of us have trouble seeing more than what meets the eye. I myself tend to get caught up in how I feel rather than giving any thought at all to the history and details of the moment in time when the piece was created. As I have read more about different periods of art I see that there is much to be learned about the art that is beyond the surface of the piece. In the painting The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries is a piece that is categorized under neoclassical art. Neoclassical art is deeply enriched by Greek and Roman influences. The movement began in the mid 1700’s; it was known for its portrayal of subject matter in a more serious light. The painting of Napoleon shows us how regal he is and how morally just he was. This can also be seen in the formal aspects of the piece as he is obviously the center of the painting, making him the center of attention and by the fact that the light is focused on him, casting what appears to be a glow. The majority of the neoclassical art contained clean backgrounds and architectural details from Greece and Rome. Impressionism was developed in France during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These pieces of art were painted as if someone just took a quick look at the subject of the painting. The paintings usually were in bold colors and did not have a lot of detail. Paintings in this style were usually outdoor scenes like landscapes. The pictures were painted to look like they were shimmering. Luncheon of the Boating Party by Renoir is a perfect example of Impressionism and is quite beautiful. It gives me the impression of light heartedness and fun. Abstract Expressionism is a movement that became popular is the post-World War II era in the late 1940’s it is a movement of art that is highly emotionally charged. It can be said that it is an approach that involves complete freedom from all traditional aesthetic and social values and favors spontaneous, free personal expression. The work is usually loud in color and large in scale. It appears to be free in form with lines that move freely within the piece. Even though it looks very sloppy and messy there is not a single mistake or accident on these pieces. There are intentional strokes. As we see in the piece Autumn Rhythm it looks like there is just paint thrown all over the canvas at random but there is much feeling behind this piece. In this piece there are symbolic elements of nature in the rientation and color schemes that it portrays even if we do not immediately see it. It is a very emotional piece as well as a very emotional movement in art. Out of all the movements I personally like this one the best. In conclusion, these movements are all important to art, both individually and collectively. They tell stories of the time period that they belong to and about the people of these time; stories that go deeper than any history book or personal recollection of that time. I think that this is why it is so important to look at these pieces and see what lies beneath the surface or the canvas. They are all different in so many ways and the artists that belong to these movements could not be any more different either but they are all important to the story of our history. This all creates the beautiful diverse quilt that is American art. References: Sayre, H. M. (2009). A world of art (6th ed. ). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall http://www. nga. gov/collection/gallery/gg56/gg56-45831. 0. html http://www. phillipscollection. org/collection/boating/index. aspx http://www. metmuseum. org/Collections/search-the-collections/210009206
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Pornography and US Law Essay
In Catherine Mackinnon’s book â€Å"Only Words†she describes U. S law as a very strong indictment of a law system in conflict with itself. The book is divided and is a collection of three essays. The first one is a heavy and emotional criticism of pornography. The other two essays evaluate and compare pornography and sexual harassment with racial discrimination and abuse. She defines pornography as â€Å"explicit sexual material that subordinates women†(page 13). She argues that ‘pornography is sex’, as viewed by the American law, that only views it as a possible cause of injury, instead of an act of sexual discrimination that promotes sexual inequality. She holds that like other kinds of racial and hate speeches, it should be totally banned because it contributes heavily in the degradation, subordination and abuse of women in general. Mackinnon says even if pornography is a form of speech, this does not mean that it cannot be controlled and regulated by the government. She lashes out at the people who believe pornography and other acts of harassment and hate propaganda should be protected by law. Mackinnon argues that that pornography, harassment messages and racial speeches eventually do the same thing, which is ‘enact the abuse’. Porn, she says, lowers the dignity and self esteem of women and fuels the acts by â€Å"sexual harassers, wife beaters, child molesters, rapists and clients of prostitutes†(page 17). The first amendment promotes the problems the fourteenth amendment was supposed to fix. Mackinnon shows a society that is extremely hypocritical. Her words in the book have encompassed real abuse, directed at her as a woman; she has really tried to prove her point. Mackinnon believes that we need to change the first amendment in order to balance it out with the fourteenth amendment on issues concerning free speech and protection of equality. She is campaigning for the â€Å"new model in which free speech does not most readily protect the activities of Nazis, Klansmen and pornographers, while doing nothing for their victims†(page 32). She commended two Canadian court decisions which promoted the rights of people negatively affected by pornography and hate speeches and propaganda. Word that involve issues such as bribes, fixing of prices and segregation of facilities are treated as acts of law, but words or pictures target issues involving race and sex are not treated as acts of law, and that is why the courts end up permitting pornography in our societies. She shows how lawyers and judges have used the first amendment to justify the heinous acts of pornographers and racist individuals into political speech. She says that if words have ever been recognized as actions it is in situations concerning sexual harassment. She laments that the courts have reduced their effectiveness by overturning universities’ restraints of discriminatory and sexual speeches on campus by throwing out a complaint brought forward by a female shipyard worker who was harassed by having been shown pornography, which is a form of speech that is protected in the first amendment. In fact these words and pictures are protected by law explained as ‘the free and open exchange of ideas’, even reproduced for viewing. Mackinnon says that what the law is concerned with is not what the word does but what the consequences of the word is, the harassment, racism and hate speeches is showing the differences between the different social groups, the power one group has over another. Mackinnon through studies in workplaces, pornographers, on college campuses and others she shows these very discriminatory acts are protected by law as free speech; equality will only be seen and treated as a word. Mackinnon brings to the open many of the contradictions she has been saying in the previous essays, she says that â€Å"the law of equality and the law of freedom of speech are on a collision course in this country†(page 47). Mackinnon does a good job in showing the ignorance and shallow thinking of many defenders of pornography. The book is a passionate and eloquent plea to Americans to be able to see beyond the doctrines made normal by society, in particular concerning pornography and racial and hate speeches. She says that Americans suffer from obsession of expressive freedom to the trauma of the McCarthy era. Her arguments show that in some levels, pornography may be restricted, but it has not yet shown reason to be restricted. She later confuses by emphasizing that some of them are made from â€Å"actual child abuse and actual rape and tortures†(page 56). Certain weaknesses are evident in the book. First of all, she should have devoted more space for the definition of pornography so that it would have been applicable in law. Another weakness is the vague separation of debating and expressing intolerable ideas. These prevent from having clearly defined boundaries. What she fails to bring out in her book is the other side of free speech, the importance of free speech in an independent society like political accountability, self determination among others. Catherine Mackinnon’s views do have pros and cons. Her view that pornography should be controlled by the government I believe is a good thing. Pornography has really led to degradation of the society and this will reduce if it is controlled. To some extent it does lead to subordination of women leading to more cases of aggression towards women, it eventually ‘enacts the abuse’. Her suggestion that amendments should be made to the constitution to be able to defend those affected by pornography I believe is also a good thing. Campaigning for the new model that free speech does not protect the activities of those using the right of free speech to justify their actions is also a good idea. Some of the abuses of sexual inequality are regarded as free speech hence not seen as acts of sexual abuse. Lawyers and judges have used this to justify some of the issues affecting the society such as hate speeches, pornography and racial discrimination. Some of the cons is that she uses very few words to explain the definition of pornography, she should have taken more time define her view of pornography. I believe that pornography should be regulated and have to agree with Catherine Mackinnon. Pornography has caused serious consequences to the society in general and therefore should be controlled. The pornographers have the freedom to do a lot and they are protected by the constitution. To some extent it does lead to subordination of women, hence pornography should be controlled.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Technology and culture class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Technology and culture class - Essay Example Still, Ullman feels that man is not able to live without computers, and expresses her love for the programmer’s world. Bill Joy, in his book, writes that technology has endangered human species though the introduction of robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. Like Ullman, Joy has also stated the repercussions of letting machines do all the work, since it will lead to humans not doing any work in future, and all decisions will be made by machines. This brings human beings at mercy of machines. He admits that since machine made decisions are and will continue to be better that human decisions, man will continue to rely on machines, which is fatal for man’s independence in the long run. So, we see that both Ullman and Joy have talked about repercussions of computers, while admitting to their usefulness at the same time; but unlike Ullman, Joy has quoted works of famous people to support his argument, as he thinks that his argument relates to a minority of
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Atlantic Computer Pricing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Atlantic Computer Pricing Strategy - Essay Example Jowers finds that pricing is significant where the market impact, profit results, or both, of price variations, is great, and where firms have considerable discretion over the prices charged. In many instances, pricing decisions are severely constrained and are sometimes relatively unimportant. Large purchasers of industrial goods, like Atlantic Computer, may specify prices at which they will buy, determine product specifications, and send specifications to suppliers for competitive bids. This, it will prevent the company from effective competition and can lead to decrease in sales. The alternative solutions are status-quo pricing, competition-based pricing, cost-plus pricing and value-in-use pricing. Analyzing these strategies, Jowers takes into account competitors reaction and market positioning of Atlantic Computer. He supposes that frother products price may not be a relevant factor. In some technical areas where products require much research and development and involve much uncertainty, a cost-plus scheme may be used. In other situations, sellers may be almost completely free to set prices, while in still others, they may only be able to decide whether or not to sell at a price. Thus, the proposed pricing strategies have a negative or neutral impact on PESA and its strategic position on the market. The main requirements for the product are minimal acquisition costs, minimal possession costs, and the possibility to process many information requests. Introduction of the PESA is a crucial step for Atlantic Computer to gain market share and attract more client s. The plan of action will involve analysis of sales force and their ability to introduce the PESA, customers purchasing power and analysis of the first sales. Buyers are concerned not only with price, in their purchases, but also with service, status, and image. Low price alone does not result in a transaction.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The interview - Essay Example This fact is true since in most cases, experience and ability to effectively carry out a task can only be accessed by examining the recognition, attitude, knowledge, and professionalism of the candidate (Carless & Waterworth, 2012). Interview allows for the contacts between the candidate and the firm representatives, thereby making this evaluation possible. In most situations where the firm intends to retain top talents and build a reputation, sufficient time limits and effort are required from both parties. However, during the selection of the potential employees, the human resource department remains very keen on the every component of the required skills and qualification of a candidate. As stated by Boswell (et al. 2003), personal interview acts as a bridge that must be crossed by the candidate in order to move from being a job seeker to a new hire. As a candidate approach interview with utmost impressions and glitters of hope, the company, on the other hand, keenly approaches the recruitment process with an awareness of the financial side of employment. Thus, the interview provides a chance for an individual to confidently enter the workforce of the firm. In addition, successful hiring requires more than just examining ideal resume, but needs conversations and personal interview in order to access the candidate’s capabilities and compatibility to the organization’s culture. Boswell, W, Roehling, M, LePine, M, & Moynihan, L 2003, Individual Job-Choice Decisions and the Impact of Job Attributes and Recruitment Practices: A Longitudinal Field Study, Human Resource Management, 42, 1, pp. 23-37. Klotz, A, Motta Veiga, S, Buckley, M, & Gavin, M 2013, The role of trustworthiness in recruitment and selection: A review and guide for future research, Journal Of Organizational Behavior, 34, pp.
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