Wednesday, October 30, 2019
School Reformation Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
School Reformation Policies - Essay Example First of all, I would suggest smaller classes with more and highly qualified teachers for disabled students and those with special needs and backgrounds. In addition to reducing the number of students per teacher, more care and time must be afforded to these groups. This would help even the achievement gap that has not been emphasized on at all, in NCLB. For example, both blacks and whites are seen to be equally improving and so the gaps are still left unchecked. This must not be the case, and extra attention must be paid to correct this gap. Special students like the blind for instance, during examinations, must have provisions to have questions read out to them.Secondly, I would urge for measurement of improvement and academic progress per student as opposed to the collective assessment under NCLB. It is possible for schools to retain high ratings even at high achievement gaps since NCLB only measures average school performance. Achieving 100% same-state standards by 2014 as is env isioned in the Act is unrealistic, to say the least as many variables are often involved especially in disability cases. This is a simple illusion.Carris’ Ghosts of No Child Left Behind (2011) further states that the NCLB Act requires only a bare minimum of standards to be met without specific attention to any further improvement beyond the set minimum. It simply groups everyone together as one and discourages any personal talent and improvement in the long run, as all students are simply to be above average. Gifted students are awfully maligned and their enhancement disregarded hence. In some states like Michigan, state funding for gifted and talented programs was cut by up to 90% in the year after the Act became law. I am also of strong opinion that cutting funds for ‘failing’ schools only serves to hinder even more, any chances they have to regroup and improve performance potential. On the contrary, it is my belief that such schools
Monday, October 28, 2019
Sexual behavior Essay Example for Free
Sexual behavior Essay Many do not know that as a child is growing up they have normal childhood sexual behaviors even as a baby. Today we are going to discuss the different stages of childhood sexual behaviors.  The first stage that will be discussed is infancy(0-2). Young infants discover the joys of self- stimulation. Many can see that as they change their baby or maybe washing a baby that when the wash the genital area the baby will either laugh or smile with enjoyment. This is actually very normal to happen. Young babies may also begin to do a pelvis thrust which has been observed with infants of the monkey and ape species and has also been observed in humans. It has been noted that baby boys as young as 5 months can so behaviors that resemble an orgasm and females are able to have behaviors the resemble an orgasm as young as 4 months. It has also been stated that children will begin to masturbate as early has 5 months. The next stage that will be discussed is early childhood (3-8). When it comes to the data on children and their sexual behavior it is mostly all a speculation because not many want to talk about their children and their sexual behavior or just that they may not see certain things as sexual behavior. One study that was done was with question mother of over 1,000 children and question like does your child masturbate was not asked more question such as does you r child does private area when they are home is asked. The study showed that about 42% of boys touch or try to touch breast and for girl the percentage is about 43%. About 60% of boys touch privates when at home and about 43% females. Then about 26% of boys try to look at people when they are either nude or undressing and also about 26% for females. The next stage is preadolescence (9-13). A report that was done around the 1950s by Kinsey and his colleague’s states that masturbation is the main source for sexual orgasm at the preadolescence stage for females and males. The study states that about 51% of males and 15% of females have masturbated by the age of 13. Also this is the stage that sexual education is being learned. Many times when asking one where they have learned information about sex from they would state that it was from their friends or from a media source. The next stage that will be discussed is adolescence. In the stage of adolescence come puberty and with puberty there comes a change of hormones and hormone levels that causes one to want to be more sexual active. Also at this stage one is trying to discover what their sexual orientation is. As growing up we are able to see what sex one is attracted to and what to do more things with. Here is the stage where many will engage in sexual intercourse and the risk of getting STI’s and pregnant becomes greater.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
A & P - John Updike :: essays research papers
A & P takes place in a community inland that is sandy, yet near the coast. It starts out in the supermarket in which three girls in bathing suits walk in. One of these girls catches the eye of Sammy, which is working at the supermarket, Queenie. â€Å"The one that caught my eye first was the one in the plaid green two-piece. She was a chunky kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad soft-looking can with those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to hit, at the top of the backs of her legs.†Sammy sees these girls and wants to be like them, free in a sense. As time goes on the girls finally get what they wanted and decided to check-out. They make there way to Sammy’s register where there comes Sammy’s manager, Lengel, to complain to the girls about their dress attire. Sammy's feelings for Queenie changes when he hears her voice. Her voice is normal and he has built this romantic image of her in his mind. Hearing her voice and realizing she is a normal person, (that happens to be wealthy) slightly changes his feelings for her. It brings him back to reality a little. â€Å"Her voice kind of startled me, the way voices do when you see the people first, coming out so flat and dumb yet kind of tony, too, the way it ticked over "pick up" and "snacks." All of a sudden I slid right down her voice into her living room.†Sammy feels as if he has no chance to get noticed by her unless he does something out of the ordinary. So after she is done arguing with Lengel, Sammy decides to stand up for her and quit his job in hopes that she will notice him. The girls, and who'd blame them, are in a hurry to get out, so I say "I quit" to Lengel quick enough for them to hear, hoping they'll stop and watch me, their unsuspected hero. They keep right on going, into the electric eye; the door flies open and they flicker across the lot to their car, Queenie and Plaid and Big Tall Goony-Goony (not that as raw material she was so bad), leaving me with Lengel and a kink in his eyebrow. As this is happening Sammy starts to see the stupidity of what he just did, but still quits since he already stated it he might as well do it.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
“Praise Song for My Mother†Grace Nichols and “Harmonium†Simon Armitage Essay
Nichols has written a personal love poem to her mother which expresses a deep respect and admiration for her. In Armitages poem however, the tone is very different as the poet reflects upon the lack of communication between him and his father and recalls a moment when an opportunity to speak about the serious subject of death was missed. Although both poems are modern, they have quite different structures. Nichols poem uses a simple three line stanza which she repeats until the end of the poem. Each stanza begins with You were, this adds a tone of gentle sadness to the poem as she is looking back now that her childhood is gone. This repetition also helps to make the poem feel more like a song. Nichols uses repetition again when she describes her mother as replenishing replenishing here she is emphasising just how much and how often her mother gave to her, not just food, but also things such as protection as in the flame trees spread. Armitage also uses repetition when he is describin g how the instrument has become worn out through use, and leather-soled shoes, had pedalled and pedalled. The final stanza of Nichols poem is a single line and this makes the message at the end of the poem stand out. Go to your wider futures, you said it feels like it is the last thing her mother said to her as a child and the poem ends with her parting from her mother. The structure of Armitages poem is less regular. Although he uses stanzas, they are different lengths and the constant use of enjambment gives the poem a natural, conversational feel. The use of colloquial language such as bundles off to the skip adds to this very natural, everyday tone of the poem. In both poems we are presented with adults looking back on their relationship with a parent. Both poems are autobiographical and this helps to make the poems feel more personal. Nichols writes in a positive tone about her mother describing her metaphorically as water. By doing this she is suggesting that her mother was essential and even implying that she gave her life. By describing her as fathoming this implies that she knew her mother could work her out, get inside her mind and know her completely. She also describes her metaphorically as moons eye to me. The image this creates is of her mother watching over her, as the moon at night watches over the world. It is a comforting image as night time for children especially can be a frightening time. Nichols is clearly expressing a deep love and respect for her mother, whereas in Armitages poem we are presented more with a tone of regret and distance between child and parent. He too thinks of his parent metaphorically. The Farrand Chapelette is personified and we are led to make a connection between this aged and worn instrument and his father. It has lost its tongue and its keys are described as yellowed†¦fingernails. The instrument, like his father, has come near to the end of its life and his father makes the comment that he is near to death. He makes the comment that the next box Armitage will take from the church will carry the dead weight of his father. At this point we are presented with the tone of regret in the poem as Armitage remembers saying some shallow or sorry phrase and not actually talking to his father about such a real and serious matter. The poem ends on this sad tone and although there is a sense of sadness at the end of Nichols poem, her sadness is actually about understanding how well her mother prepared her for life, whilst Armitages sadness is to do with the lack of communication between him and his father. It is also noticeable that he describes his father in quite negative terms compared to the way Nichols describes her mother. For Armitage his father is in his own blue cloud of tobacco smoke, suggesting in itself a kind of separation between the two as he cant even see his father clearly. Also, by the indirect comparison to a worn out instrument, it suggests Armitage perhaps doesnt feel the glowing respect for his parent that Nichols does. Perhaps it is more typical for a daughter to be closer to her mother than a son is to his father this is one difference the two poems presents to us. In conclusion, both poems present us with very different ideas about the feelings between parents and their children. Nichols poem is very much a love poem to her mother, full of admiration and thanks, whereas Armitages poem captures the pain and sadness of a son who does not feel able to communicate with his father.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Gd on China or Pakistan Threat to India
attoVishnu, China is a bigger threat than pakistan. I am not speaking about military strength, I am speaking about economic strength. China as all the ability to take all our business, services away from us. In the future, it can stand as a big challenge when it comes to outsourcing and other IT / ITeS services there by completely paralyzing our economy through problems like unemployment etc; China.. it can also challange USA, .. India will be peanuts. pakistan†¦ both equally match†¦ so not that much big threat, but still china is kick *** for India hebiggest threat to india is the pakistan because the , the p-akistan is spreading the cold war, gueerlas war that y it important , to watch carefull the activity of pakistan definately pakistan and due to kashmir dispute. China is the bigger threat, a head on clash with china, could be damaging to India. However, pakistan offers a threat of a different kind, spreading terror, whose effect would be quite bad. hi brother its chin a. they say that arunachal pradesh belongs to them and some disputes in tibet border. its easy to fight with pakistan and win. we know the pakistan is a part of india. t has been to given a place for certain minoroties by india. so theres less threat. jai hind Currently I would say Pakistan because this is the time of Islamic aggresion in the world and Pakistan is an Islamic nation and they currently have a low level conflict with India and there have been terrorist attacks on India from Pakistan. China has the potential to be the biggest threat to anyone but they haven't really shown much aggresion. Lets hope that they remain that way. no country becoz from both we do our good relations. It all depends on how you view the situation. Neither China nor Pakistan need be our foes.We can make use of them for our mutual benefit. However, as a military force China is far superior. On the other hand Pakistan is very close to our territory. Both these factors do not count much in the modern nuclear warfare. All depends on the wisdom of the rulers of the countries and our fate. CHINA is a bigger threat to India. It has the potential to beat down India in every sphere on its own. But PAKISTAN can't do anything much without the help of bigger nations like AMERICA. As a force to compete economically, without a doubt China. But India is in a better position because US and Japan is trying to isolate China.India would soon be award the preferred trading status with US. As militarily threat, Pakistan will have more conflicts with India. There isn't much long term deep root hatred between India and China, so any dispute can be easily resolved compare to Pakistan. china provides a source of healthy competition in the world market. so ,i'd say china's not much of a threat if we realise how to make the most out of it for our advantage. we need strategic planning to implement this. the trade aggrements signed by the national leaders is a step forward in this direction. ince nation al security is of utmost importance , pakistan seems to be an immediate THREAT to the nation ,this issue is one that deserves attn rightaway. If it was a situation over what country could do more damage to India it would definatly be China†¦ But the biggest threat to India is Pakistan because China doesn't threaten and hate India like Pakistan does pakistan cant be a threat for india coz pakistan is a poor country with no economics and also india has defeted pakistan so many times, pakistan is so much spoiled internally that it cant think to fight with india. akistan is also not capable to fight with india, it is india who divided pakistan in in 1971 war and that was enough for pakistan. as far as china is concerned, we also have the same strength as china has. we are indians we are afraid of no one. to tell the truth india is in a position to defend itself if any one of the attack i. e. we are self sufficient. but if both of them get india will be ruined it will be like  "EK AUR EK GYARAH†None but India itself, notably ‘CORRUPTION' from top to bottom! The answers post by the user, for information only, FunQA. com does not guarantee the right.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
8 Principles of Stoicism
8 Principles of Stoicism The Stoics were people who followed a realistic but morally idealistic way of living, a philosophy of life developed by Hellenistic Greeks and eagerly embraced by the Romans. The Stoic philosophy had a strong appeal to Christian theologians of the early 20th century, which echoes in our own modern culture. I believe that [Stoicism] represents a way of looking at the world and the practical problems of life which possesses still a permanent interest for the human race, and a permanent power of inspiration. I shall approach it, therefore, rather as a psychologist than as a philosopher or historian.... I shall merely try as best I can to make intelligible its great central principles and the almost irresistible appeal which they made to so many of the best minds of antiquity. Knapp 1926 Stoics: From Greek to Roman Philosophy The philosophers who followed Aristotle (384-322 BC) were known as the Peripatetics, named for their walking around the colonnades of the Athenian Lyceum. The Stoics, on the other hand, were named for the Athenian Stoa Poikile or painted porch, where one of the founders of the Stoic philosophy, Zeno of Citium (on Cyprus) (344-262 BC), taught. While the Greeks may have developed the philosophy of Stoicism from the earlier philosophies, we only have fragments of their teachings. Their philosophy is often divided into three parts, logic, physics, and ethics. Many Romans adopted the philosophy as a way of life or art of living (tà ©chnà ª peri tà ³n bion in the ancient Greek)as it was intended by the Greeksand it is from the complete documents of imperial period Romans, especially the writings of Seneca (4 BC-65 AD), Epictetus (c. 55-135) and Marcus Aurelius (121-180) that we gain most of our information about the ethical system of the original Stoics. Stoic Principles Today, Stoic principles have found their way into accepted popular wisdom, as goals to which we should aspireas in the Serenity Prayer of Twelve Step programs. Below are eight of the main ideas in the area of ethics that were held by the Stoic philosophers. Nature - Nature is rational. Law of Reason - The universe is governed by the law of reason. Man cant actually escape its inexorable force, but he can, uniquely, follow the law deliberately. Virtue - A life led according to rational nature is virtuous. Wisdom - Wisdom is the the root virtue. From it spring the cardinal virtues: insight, bravery, self-control, and justice. Apathea - Since passion is irrational, life should be waged as a battle against it. Intense feeling should be avoided. Pleasure - Pleasure is not good. (Nor is it bad. It is only acceptable if it doesnt interfere with our quest for virtue.) Evil - Poverty, illness, and death are not evil. Duty - Virtue should be sought, not for the sake of pleasure, but for duty. Briefly, their notion of morality is stern, involving a life in accordance with nature and controlled by virtue. It is an ascetic system, teaching perfect indifference (APATHEA) to everything external, for nothing external could be either good or evil. Hence to the Stoics both pain and pleasure, poverty and riches, sickness and health, were supposed to be equally unimportant. Source: Internet Encylcopedia of Stoicism Serenity Prayer and Stoic Philosophy The Serenity Prayer, attributed to the Christian theologist Reinhold Niebuhr [1892-1971], and published by Alcoholics Anonymous in several similar forms, could have come straight from the principles of Stoicism as this side-by-side comparison of the Serenity Prayer and the Stoic Agenda shows: Serenity Prayer Stoic Agenda God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. (Alcoholics Anonymous)God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. (Reinhold Niebuhr) To avoid unhappiness, frustration, and disappointment, we, therefore, need to do two things: control those things that are within our power (namely our beliefs, judgments, desires, and attitudes) and be indifferent or apathetic to those things which are not in our power (namely, things external to us). (William R. Connolly) It has been suggested that the main difference between the two passages is that the Niebuhrs version includes a bit about knowing the difference between the two. While that may be, the Stoic version states those which are within our powerthe personal things like our own beliefs, our judgments, and our desires. Those are the things we should have the power to change. Read more about The Stoic Philosophers Sources Updated by K. Kris Hirst Annas, J. 2007. Ethics in Stoic Philosophy. Phronesis 52(1):58-87.Ierodiakonou, K. 1993. The Stoic Division of Philosophy. Phronesis 38(1):57-74.Internet Encyclopedia of StoicismKnapp, C. 1926. Professor Gilbert Murray on the Stoic Philosophy (Religion). The Classical Weekly 19(13): 99-100.McAfee Brown, R. (ed) 1986. The Essential Reinhold Niebuhr: Selected Essays and Addresses. New Haven: Yale University Press.Sellars, J. 2007. Stoic Practical Philosophy in the Imperial Period. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies: Supplement 94: 115-140.Remple M. 2014. Stoic Philosophy and AA: The Enduring Wisdom of the Serenity Prayer. In: Miller JA, and Plants N, editors. Sobering Wisdom: Philosophical Explorations of Twelve Step Spirituality: University of Virginia Press. p 205-217.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Industrial Revolution. essays
Industrial Revolution. essays By reading this chapter I learned that three major thesis conquered the history of Western society between 1750 and 1914. They there: political disturbance caused by major Revolutions in the West; introduction of Western European institutions and values to colonist countries such as United States; industrialization. The greatest change of all was industrialization. The Industrial Revolution modernized the economy, first in Britain and then in the rest of western Europe and United States. It presented dramatic new technologies and a new systematization of work. The Industrial Revolution was a period from 1700-1850 in which new technology was being discovered at an alarming rate. The average British person born in 1760 saw more changes in his or her lifetime than ten generations of descendants had seen in theirs. There were many factors that aided the Industrial Revolution. In the 1700s many wealthy landowners began to look for new ways to increase the size of their harvests. The first man to experiment in this way was Jethro Tull he improved the process of sowing the seed by a seed drill; it allowed farmers to sow seed in well-spaced rows at specific depths. The second invention to follow was the invention of crop rotation; many farmers wanted to find a way to keep their fields fertile so they would waste a year of planting. So instead of letting the field be barren was to grow a different crop each year so it would stay fertile and you could still grow crops. The next improvement in farming was when Robert Bakewell began trying to raise his quality of livestock; by allowing only the best animals to breed he increased the weight of his sheep and also greatly improved the taste of the mutton. This improvements in farming had great effects on the population, since there was a more food more children were born and that fuel more workers for the factories. The next fuel for the Industrial Revolution wa ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Battle of the Crater in the Civil War
Battle of the Crater in the Civil War The Battle of the Crater occurred July 30, 1864, during the American Civil War (1861-1865) and was an attempt by Union forces to break the siege of Petersburg. In March 1864, President Abraham Lincoln elevated Ulysses S. Grant to lieutenant general and gave him overall command of Union forces. In this new role, Grant decided to turn over operational control of the western armies to Major General William T. Sherman and moved his headquarters east to travel with Major General George G. Meades Army of the Potomac. The Overland Campaign For the spring campaign, Grant intended to strike General Robert E. Lees Army of Northern Virginia from three directions. First, Meade was to ford the Rapidan River east of the Confederate position at Orange Court House, before turning west to engage the enemy. Further south, Major General Benjamin Butler was to move up the Peninsula from Fort Monroe and menace Richmond, while to the west Major General Franz Sigel destroyed the resources of the Shenandoah Valley. Commencing operations in early May 1864, Grant and Meade encountered Lee south of the Rapidan and fought the bloody Battle of the Wilderness (May 5-7). Stalemated after three days of fighting, Grant disengaged and moved around Lees right. Pursuing, Lees men renewed the fighting on May 8 at Spotsylvania Court House (May 8-21). Two weeks of costly saw another stalemate emerge and Grant again slipped south. After a brief encounter at North Anna (May 23-26), Union forces were halted at Cold Harbor in early June. To Petersburg Rather than force the issue at Cold Harbor, Grant withdrew east then moved south towards the James River. Crossing over a large pontoon bridge, the Army of the Potomac targeted the vital city of Petersburg. Situated south of Richmond, Petersburg was a strategic crossroads and rail hub which supplied the Confederate capital and Lees army. Its loss would make would Richmond indefensible (Map). Aware of Petersburgs significance, Butler, whose forces were at Bermuda Hundred, unsuccessfully attacked the city on June 9. These efforts were halted by Confederate forces under General P.G.T. Beauregard. First Attacks On June 14, with the Army of the Potomac nearing Petersburg, Grant ordered Butler to send Major General William F. Baldy Smiths XVIII Corps to attack the city. Crossing the river, Smiths assault was delayed through the day on the 15th, but finally moved forward that evening. Though he made some gains, he halted his men due to darkness. Across the lines, Beauregard, whose request for reinforcements had been ignored by Lee, stripped his defenses at Bermuda Hundred to reinforce Petersburg. Unaware of this, Butler remained in place rather than threatening Richmond. Despite shifting troops, Beauregard was badly outnumbered as Grants troops began arriving on the field. Attacking late in the day with the XVIII, II, and IX Corps, Grants men gradually pushed the Confederates back. Fighting resumed on 17th with the Confederates doggedly defending and preventing a Union breakthrough. As the fighting continued, Beauregards engineers commenced constructing a new line of fortifications closer the city and Lee began marching to the fighting. Union assaults on June 18 gained some ground but were halted at the new line with heavy losses. Unable to advance, Meade ordered his troops to dig in opposite the Confederates. The Siege Begins Having been halted by the Confederate defenses, Grant devised operations for severing the three open railroads leading into Petersburg. While he worked on these plans, elements of the Army of the Potomac manned the earthworks that had sprung up around Petersburgs east side. Among these was the 48th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, a member of Major General Ambrose Burnsides IX Corps. Composed largely of former coal miners, the men of the 48th devised their own plan for breaking through the Confederate lines. Armies Commanders Union Lieutenant General Ulysses S. GrantMajor General Ambrose BurnsideIX Corps Confederate General Robert E. LeeMajor General William Mahone A Bold Idea Observing that the closest Confederate fortification, Elliotts Salient, was a mere 400 feet from their position, the men of the 48th conjectured that a mine could be run from their lines under the enemy earthworks. Once complete, this mine could be packed with enough explosives to open a hole in the Confederate lines. This idea was seized upon by their commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel Henry Pleasants. A mining engineer by trade, Pleasants approached Burnside with the plan arguing that the explosion would take the Confederates by surprise and would allow Union troops to rush in to take the city. Eager to restore his reputation after his defeat at the Battle of Fredericksburg, Burnside agreed to present it to Grant and Meade. Though both men were skeptical about its chances for success, they approved it with the thought that it would keep the men busy during the siege. On June 25, Pleasants men, working with improvised tools, began digging the mine shaft. Digging continuously, the shaft reached 511 feet by July 17. During this time, the Confederates became suspicious when they heard the faint sound of digging. Sinking countermines, they came close to locating the 48ths shaft. The Union Plan Having stretched the shaft under Elliotts Salient, the miners began digging a 75-foot lateral tunnel that paralleled the earthworks above. Completed on July 23, the mine was filled with 8,000 pounds of black powder four days later. As the miners were working, Burnside had been developing his attack plan. Selecting Brigadier General Edward Ferreros division of United States Colored Troops to lead the assault, Burnside had them drilled in the use of ladders and instructed them to move along the sides of the crater to secure the breach in the Confederate lines. With Ferraros men holding the gap, Burnsides other divisions would cross to exploit the opening and take the city. To support the assault, Union guns along the line were ordered to open fire following the explosion and a large demonstration was made against Richmond to draw off enemy troops. This latter action worked particularly well as there were only 18,000 Confederate troops in Petersburg when the attack began. Upon learning that Burnside intended to lead with his black troops, Meade intervened fearing that if the attack failed he would be blamed for the needless death of these soldiers. Last Minute Changes Meade informed Burnside on July 29, the day before the attack, that he would not permit Ferreros men to spearhead the assault. With little time remaining, Burnside had his remaining division commanders draw straws. As a result, the ill-prepared division of Brigadier General James H. Ledlie was given the task. At 3:15 AM on July 30, Pleasants lit the fuse to the mine. After an hour of waiting without any explosion, two volunteers entered the mine to find problem. Finding that the fuse had gone out, they re-lit it and fled the mine. A Union Failure At 4:45 AM, the charge detonated killing at least 278 Confederate soldiers and creating a crater 170 feet long, 60-80 feet wide, and 30 feet deep. As the dust settled, Ledlies attack was delayed by the need to remove obstructions and debris. Finally moving forward, Ledlies men, who had not been briefed on the plan, charged down into the crater rather than around it. Initially using the crater for cover, they soon found themselves trapped and unable advance. Rallying, Confederate forces in the area moved along the rim of the crater and opened fire on the Union troops below. Seeing the attack failing, Burnside pushed Ferreros division in to the fray. Joining the confusion in the crater, Ferreros men endured heavy fire from the Confederates above. Despite the disaster in the crater, some Union troops succeeded in moving along the right edge of the crater and entered the Confederate works. Ordered by Lee to contain the situation, the division of Major General William Mahone launched a counterattack around 8:00 AM. Moving forward, they drove Union forces back to the crater after bitter fighting. Gaining the slopes of crater, Mahones men compelled the Union troops below to flee back to their own lines. By 1:00 PM, most of the fighting had concluded. Aftermath The disaster at the Battle of the Crater cost the Union around 3,793 killed, wounded, and captured, while the Confederates incurred around 1,500. While Pleasants was commended for his idea, the resulting attack had failed and the armies remained stalemated at Petersburg for another eight months. In the wake of the attack, Ledlie (who may have been drunk at the time) was removed from command and dismissed from the service. On August 14, Grant also relieved Burnside and sent him on leave. He would not receive another command during the war. Grant later testified that though he supported Meades decision to withdraw Ferreros division, he believed that if the black troops had been permitted to lead the attack, the battle would have resulted in a victory.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Mc Donalds and Coca Cola Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mc Donalds and Coca Cola - Essay Example As the discussion stresses the innovative and appealing advertisements of Coca Cola have created a great demand for the product in the current market. They are using the social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube which form effective means of marketing mix in the modern world where most of the population are technology savvy. This has enabled makes the company to capture the minds of young generations and impress upon them a definitive brand image. The most effective means of traditional media behind the success of the brand Coca cola has been was television.  Newspapers and websites also attract consumers. Thus, the brand image has remained very consistent for this company.This paper stresses that McDonalds is the largest chain of fast food restaurant in the world. The customers recognize its logo instantly as it appears in the media. They also use social media like Facebook, Twitter, My Space and in addition to traditional media like TV, newspapers as well as magazines. In their case also, a marketing mix using both the forms of media, has helped them create and retain an everlasting brand image. Both media are effective communication tool with the consumers. Both companies use these media to generate the demand for their product. This has increased the brand image name of both companies. It has become a significant factor in the business. Coca cola is a soft drink company and McDonalds maintains the top spot in the fast food industry.
Fish oil Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fish oil - Assignment Example This effect is achievable when fish oil is consumed with amino acids. Another benefit of fish oil is that it enhances the immunity by supporting the white blood cell activity (Sears, 2014). It also enhances insulin sensitivity in muscles and promotes the delivery of nutrients across the cell membrane. Furthermore, it is beneficial in acceleration of metabolism and reduction of triglyceride levels. Ultimately, omega-3 plays a crucial role in brain development, especially in babies and recent research shows that it is beneficial in treating cognitive conditions, dementia as well as Alzheimer’s disease (Sears, 2014). The digestion of fish oil occurs in the small intestines through the process of hydrolysis by the pancreatic lipase and bile salts to produce two fatty acids and a monoglyceride that are absorbed in the intestines and reassembled to triglycerides (Maroon, 2006). The triglycerides are transported into lymphatic channels and later into the blood stream by chylomicrons (Maroon, 2006). Bioavailability refers to the ability of the ingestible capsule of omega 3 fatty acids to be absorbed by the body into the bloodstream, tissues and organs. Bioavailability is important because it determines the amount of capsule to be ingested for proper effect on the body (Wexler, 2007). Research demonstrates that the most bio available fish oil is that with the re-esterified triglyceride form. Ingestion of omega-3 supplements is more effective after a meal as compared to ingestion on an empty stomach (Wexler, 2007). The risk of heart diseases is best prevented by lowering the levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDLS) and blood cholesterol and increasing high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) in the blood. Eskimos diet consists largely of fatty fish. It is noteworthy that obesity in this community is prevalent (Luten, 2006). Recent studies conducted on sardines and salmons, which are their main food revealed that, albeit their heavy weights,
Friday, October 18, 2019
BUS310 WEEK 3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
BUS310 WEEK 3 - Research Paper Example Involving staff in the recruitment process ensures harmony in the organization. Workers can be involved during induction to welcome new staff into the organization (Mathis, 2010). A diverse workforce refers to a work force that has employees with different believes and cultures. Diverse workforce will ensure equality in the workforce; the workers are rated with regards to quality of work rather than believe. Diversity enables the organization to understand the needs of the diverse community. The company will be able to attract more customers than a non diverse company. Worker conflict can be reduced since the employees understand each other and respect workers believes and boundaries. The corporate culture in the organization will improve due to diversity in the workforce. Client’s relations can be improved due to diversity in the workforce. The work force will be better equipped to deal with the diverse work force (Mathis, 2010). Compensation and benefits ensure the stakeholders and employees are motivated. The compensation strategy used by Vodafone requires the firm to pay its employees commission on the sales made. This ensures that the employees maximize sales to increase their remuneration. The stake holders benefit from the interest offered by the company. Manager’s performance evaluation depends on the output contributed towards the company’s success (Ahlstrom,
Social Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Social Marketing Plan - Essay Example So it is fair to say that the success of the company is not only in the number of customers but also in the use of social media (Drell, 2011, p. 123). Through adequate study on the impact of social media in marketing strategy, the company has formed its own guideline for controlling the interaction between the company and its customers. The Coca-Cola Company presence in social media is, therefore, incredibly vital in engaging its customers in the company’s operations and in facilitating constructive conversation between the company’s management and other stakeholders in the market (Coca-Cola, 2012, p. 37). The essay below therefore seeks to expound on the advantages and disadvantages of using social networking plan in Coca-Cola Marketing strategy. Coca-Cola brand is a highly valued brand in beverage and food industry. The brand is commonly known for its community involvement as well as its high sales in global market. On the other hand, to continue its dominance in glob al market, Coca-Cola Company has in the last two years actively involved itself in various social media platform. The company’s engagement in social media platform has as a result formed the bases for the company’s social marketing plan. ... In these two promotion strategies, the two teams were expected to use social media platforms such as YouTube Face-book and Twitter to identify what makes people happy in the world and to document the occurrences of the trip. Participants in the two activities used Face book and Twitter to express their experiences. The respondents’ comments were as posted in the Coca-Cola Face-book and Twitter pages Advantages To start with, the 2010 social marketing plans in Coca Cola Company proved to be very effective in the company’s internal and external operations. Internally, the use of social media tools triggered effective communication between the marketing team, communication department, and public relationship team (Katz, Blumler and Gurevitch, 2004, p. 509). Productive communication between the three teams led to the creation of an effective marketing strategy which has so far helped the Coca-Cola brand to be one of the most competitive products in global market. The compan y’s current marketing strategy has incorporated customers’ opinions and suggestions. The communication department has the mandate of updating the company’s social site and transferring the posted feedbacks to the department of public relation and marketing for action. Externally, the two promotion strategies were as well successful in linking the company to its customers. The two campaigns strategies helped the company contact more than 650 million customers in a span of 12 months. Most of the contacted customers created a very close link with the Coca-Cola brand thus advancing the brand reputation in global market. On the other hand, the two plans also demonstrated the involvement of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Kosovo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Kosovo - Essay Example Thorough investigations will be carried out to find the technical process that goes behind in making these visual designs. The investigation also explores the successful factors of using visual designs, such as logos and identifying their processes, techniques and development. In contrast the not so effective visual designs will also be investigated, to find out what went wrong in the process and development. For this project it was essential to undertake a motive and start experimenting to what can be done with visual design. Moreover to see the impact of how these techniques change the perception of a country. The chosen country for this experiment is Kosovo. Kosovo proved to be more of a challenge to experiment with as many still view Kosovo as a war torn country. The experiment on designing for Kosovo is an attempt to replicate the development and effort that goes behind branding to engage the audience to a visual design. 1. Definition of Visual Design Visual design is not about what the message is through the word. The design is supposed to show both emotions and visuals. The graphics elements must incorporate visual art skills prior to any graphic elements are applied to a design. Visual art includes works which are primarily visual in nature using anything from traditional media to state of the art logo design. Majority of basic visual design concept include colour, contrast, typography, composition, lie, texture, space and shape. Lines are used to guide the viewer thought a composition also the use of type in a visual design can add visual interest. A logo is a name or trademark of a company. Logos are used by companies o represent a concise image of the company. Our eyes are drawn to visual objects; people generally find it easier to remember a simple image over works alone. A logo is also graphical mark that’s used to identify an organization, company, production or brand even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. A logo ca n either be purely graphic as a symbol/Icon or it can be composed of the name of the company/brand etc. 2. The importance of visual design and their effects in nation branding Visual design symbolizes the establishment and provides a quality image, representing one of the missed elements needed the nations’ nation branding factors. Either the country doesn’t have one or it isn’t good enough. The research conducted will provide some in depth details of the process that is done in the background on how to make a logo that can help Kosovo stand out it a fears completion when it comes to branding. There are countries, cities and tourist resorts that are facing increasing competitions to attract tourists, possibly inhabitants and various companies to visit their regions or to promote exports, according to Teemu Moilanen and Seppo Rainisto (2009). Figures compiled by Teemu Moilanen and Seppo Rainisto, show that there are more than 300 cities in the world with over a m illion inhabitants. Most of the cities want to stand out from the other competing cities, in terms of attracting the tourists to visit the city’s tourist attractions. Indeed there is more to branding a country than visual design. However, the visual design is the first step to promoting the country at its core. 3. The successes and failures of visual identities The destinations that are going to be investigated for this research are four distinct country tourism destinations. The research
What are the Pro's and Con's of Obama Care Research Proposal
What are the Pro's and Con's of Obama Care - Research Proposal Example alysis of the research topic will further assist in having a comprehensive understanding about the intentions and implications of the healthcare plan for the people. In the US, healthcare plans and policies are developed as well as implemented with the objective of providing better care and treatment services for the public. Principally, initiators of healthcare plans aim at providing adequate care along with treatment services in a cost effective manner, contributing to the overall social health altogether. Additionally, the US government has been spending substantial amounts of funds concentrated on the continuous development and growth of healthcare segments and policies for the enhancement of the entire healthcare system. In this regard, Obama Care was introduced as an affordable healthcare plan, under the Affordable Care Act. Obama Care has been initiated with the provision of offering affordable as well as low cost health and care services to a large number of uninsured people. The health plan has been implemented in order to improve insurance coverage. The plan is beneficial for providing affordable health services with better coverage. O n the other hand, the health plan has been criticized on the ground of racial prejudice and additional taxes. However, healthcare industry analysts criticized healthcare plans implemented through the Obama Care healthcare bill as fragmented in approach. Hence, the healthcare plan was also recognized to be ineffective as well as inefficient in its approach. In order to justify this claim, the healthcare plans were recognized to be inadequately covered within the diverse population. Contextually, the healthcare plans were perceived to provide uneven healthcare facilities and services. In addition, they were seen to have increasing gaps between the intended benefits to be delivered to the people and the realistic approach taken by the government (Chua, 2006). Subsequently, in this p proposed research study, a critical
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Kosovo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Kosovo - Essay Example Thorough investigations will be carried out to find the technical process that goes behind in making these visual designs. The investigation also explores the successful factors of using visual designs, such as logos and identifying their processes, techniques and development. In contrast the not so effective visual designs will also be investigated, to find out what went wrong in the process and development. For this project it was essential to undertake a motive and start experimenting to what can be done with visual design. Moreover to see the impact of how these techniques change the perception of a country. The chosen country for this experiment is Kosovo. Kosovo proved to be more of a challenge to experiment with as many still view Kosovo as a war torn country. The experiment on designing for Kosovo is an attempt to replicate the development and effort that goes behind branding to engage the audience to a visual design. 1. Definition of Visual Design Visual design is not about what the message is through the word. The design is supposed to show both emotions and visuals. The graphics elements must incorporate visual art skills prior to any graphic elements are applied to a design. Visual art includes works which are primarily visual in nature using anything from traditional media to state of the art logo design. Majority of basic visual design concept include colour, contrast, typography, composition, lie, texture, space and shape. Lines are used to guide the viewer thought a composition also the use of type in a visual design can add visual interest. A logo is a name or trademark of a company. Logos are used by companies o represent a concise image of the company. Our eyes are drawn to visual objects; people generally find it easier to remember a simple image over works alone. A logo is also graphical mark that’s used to identify an organization, company, production or brand even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. A logo ca n either be purely graphic as a symbol/Icon or it can be composed of the name of the company/brand etc. 2. The importance of visual design and their effects in nation branding Visual design symbolizes the establishment and provides a quality image, representing one of the missed elements needed the nations’ nation branding factors. Either the country doesn’t have one or it isn’t good enough. The research conducted will provide some in depth details of the process that is done in the background on how to make a logo that can help Kosovo stand out it a fears completion when it comes to branding. There are countries, cities and tourist resorts that are facing increasing competitions to attract tourists, possibly inhabitants and various companies to visit their regions or to promote exports, according to Teemu Moilanen and Seppo Rainisto (2009). Figures compiled by Teemu Moilanen and Seppo Rainisto, show that there are more than 300 cities in the world with over a m illion inhabitants. Most of the cities want to stand out from the other competing cities, in terms of attracting the tourists to visit the city’s tourist attractions. Indeed there is more to branding a country than visual design. However, the visual design is the first step to promoting the country at its core. 3. The successes and failures of visual identities The destinations that are going to be investigated for this research are four distinct country tourism destinations. The research
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
To What Extent Have UNHCR's RSD Procedures been an Effective and Fair Essay
To What Extent Have UNHCR's RSD Procedures been an Effective and Fair Tool in the Refugee Decision-making Process - Essay Example The United Nations High Commission on Refugees is reposed with the dual task of both ensuring the protection of refugees and reducing their vulnerabilities, whilst at the same time being charged with the role of refugee decision-maker in Refugee Status Determination (RSD) procedures, when individual States renege on this role. This duality of roles – protector and decision-maker – has been theorized to lead to quantifiable adverse effects on the refugees themselves. This is particularly problematic in light of the particular vulnerabilities that refugees already face, simply by being refugees. According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union: Refugees have been the targets of violent attacks and intimidation, largely because they were perceived as â€Å"different†from the communities in which they had temporarily settled. Tensions between refugees and local populations have erupted when refugees were seen as competitors for natural and economic resources. Armed combat ants have been allowed to mingle freely with--and intimidate with seeming impunity--the civilians who sought safety in refugee camps and settlements. And, increasingly, governments have resorted to detention of illegal entrants, including women and children, many of whom are seeking asylum. Given this, it is imperative to craft an international legal framework that ensures an adequate standard of protection for the refugees. Indeed, the trend must be to heighten protections and reduce impediments to the full exercise of their rights. If the legal regime that covers refugee protection and selection results in outcomes that are contrary to the interests of refugees, then indeed it must be subjected to critical examination. II. Statement of Aims This paper intends to conduct an exploratory analysis on whether the existing legal framework that grants the dual mandate of the UNHCR and sets down its RSD procedures has led to inequitable outcomes for the refugees. By â€Å"inequitableâ₠¬ , this paper means either of two things (1) that, as a result of the legal framework, an individual that would otherwise have been granted refugee status under a more liberal contemplation, would be denied such status; (2) an individual granted refugee status would be given less protections than would otherwise have granted under a more liberal contemplation. Is the UNHCR deviating from its palliative protective role, and transforming into a refugee problem solver for the individual states, or even worse, as an enforcement mechanism for donor states’ policies of containment and exclusion? This preliminary proposal aims to analyze in depth the accountability of UNHCR’s RSD practices and the ethical issues arising from its additional role as one of the largest refugee decision-makers in the world. III. Research question and hypothesis This paper is guided by the following research question: To what extent have the UNHCR’s RSD procedures been an effective and fa ir tool in the refugee decision-making process, considering its dual role as a refugee protector and refugee decision-maker? To this end, the following sub-questions are likewise proposed: a. What are the concrete areas of tension between the UNHCR’s role as a refugee protector, and its role as decision-maker? b. What, if any, are the gaps in the RSD procedures, examined vis a vis the mandate of the UNHCR and existing International Law and International Humanitarian Law Conventions? c. Using as basis
Monday, October 14, 2019
Corporate Strategy Analysis Discussion Essay Example for Free
Corporate Strategy Analysis Discussion Essay The Destination CEO videos offered a great insight into the lives of the people that have to run the huge organizations. It seems as if all of them have been faced with a challenge somewhere within their careers. The following paper will discuss the different corporate strategies: growth, stability, and renewal. It will also discuss how each CEO used the planning function of management which are concentration, vertical integration, and diversification. I agreed with my teammates discussions of the CEOs of the companies. We discussed four CEOs: Neville Isdell, Coca-Cola CEO, Gary Kelly, Southwest Airline CEO, Mackey McDonald, VF Corporation CEO, and Anne Mulcahy, Xerox CEO. The corporate strategy that was used by Neville Isdell is growth and the planning function used is diversification. This is due to the fact that he is seeking to branch out by selling non-carbonated beverages. Such as Coca-Cola Black, a coffee and buying all or part of vitamin water from Glasso. The corporate strategies used by Gary Kelly are growth and stability, and planning function of management is concentration. The reason for this is locking up the hedge fund contracts, and keeping cost down. Continuing to fly the same planes (737) so that parts and maintenance are easy is a great strategy. He also promotes treating customers like kings and queens, and employees even better! The corporate strategy used by Mackey McDonald is growth and the planning function is vertical integration and concentration. This is because of the focus on their lifestyle brands, such as Vans and Reef. They avoid getting involved in the high risk fashion brands stayed with the commodity brands. Concentrate more on what the consumer would use every day. The corporate strategy used by Anne Mulcahy is renewal and the planning function is concentration. She took over when Xerox was on the brink of bankruptcy. She had to cut cost to be able to make the company successful. She even had to shut down the division that she herself had started (Destination CEO video). Kathleen McWain wrote, â€Å"Neville Isdell or the Indiana Jones of Coke displayed innovation and commitment to employee morale. Isdell handled flat sales growth, low morale and high turnover with aggressive globalization. Coca-Cola decided to be a total beverage company introducing Dasani water and Fuze tea. Isdell convinced his board that just because Pepsi had branched into other markets successful Coke needed to go more towards global domination than diversification. Cokes sales are no longer sluggish, moral is high and employee turn over is low. I applaud Gary Kellys fuel hedge fund and that he is keeping Southwest airlines in the black. His flying in coach to experience what his passenger do gives Mr. Kelly a better insight into how his company runs, which I feel really helps him make tough resource allocation calls. That being said I do not think that Mr. Kellys Band-Aid patch of Southwests underfunded, profit destroying, pension plan dealt with the problem. (all pension plans paid after the employee retires are profit destroyers) I think it only delayed the fact that either the pension plan needs to be funded or pensioners must have their pensions reduced. As Southwest is not the only underfunded pension plan in the country. I feel Southwest is waiting to see if another company is successful in reducing pension payments to retirees. I also feel that as soon as a company is successful in either dumping or strongly cutting pensioners pay other companies will follow and it will be like domino falling.†As stated in the introduction, my team wrote the same things about the videos. The CEOs of each company made the same impact on us all. They stories of the CEOs and what they went they endured, and in some cases still enduring, is motivational. I personally would have probably given up by now. However, the most motivational one to me is Anne Mulcahy, because she took a company on the brink of bankruptcy and turned Xerox around into a powerhouse. How awesome is that! References Bateman, T. (2011). Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitve World(9th ed.). Retrieved from http//: Destination CEO Videos
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The American Dream: To Get Rich Quick :: Essay on the American Dream
Traditionally, Americans have sought to realize the American dream of success, fame and wealth through thrift and hard work. However, the industrialization of the 19th and 20th centuries began to erode the dream, replacing it with a philosophy of "get rich quick". A variety of seductive but elusive strategies have evolved, and today the three leading ways to instant wealth are large-prize television game shows, big-jackpot state lotteries and compensation lawsuits. In this article, Matthew Warshauer, Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University, examines why so many Americans are persuaded to seek these easy ways to their dream. How does one achieve the American Dream? The answer undoubtedly depends upon one’s definition of the Dream, and there are many from which to choose. John Winthrop envisioned a religious paradise in a "City upon a Hill." Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed of racial equality. Both men yearned for what they perceived as perfection. Scholars have recognized widely varying conceptions of these quests for American excellence. One component of the American Dream seems, however, to be fairly consistent: the quest for money. Few will deny that Americans are intently focused on the â€Å"almighty dollar.†In a society dedicated to capitalism and the maxim that, â€Å"the one who dies with the most toys wins,†the ability to purchase a big house and a nice car separates those who are considered successful from those who are not. Yet the question remains, how does one achieve this success? How is the Dream realized? For many Americans the formula is one of instant, albeit elusive, gratification. Rather than adhering to a traditional work ethic, far too many Americans are pinning their hopes on what they perceive as â€Å"easy†money. This article focuses on three phenomena in contemporary American society that have successfully captured the quest for the American Dream. Savvy marketers have convinced their audiences that a new wave of television game shows, lottery luck, and lucrative lawsuits are the The American Dream: To Get Rich Quick :: Essay on the American Dream Traditionally, Americans have sought to realize the American dream of success, fame and wealth through thrift and hard work. However, the industrialization of the 19th and 20th centuries began to erode the dream, replacing it with a philosophy of "get rich quick". A variety of seductive but elusive strategies have evolved, and today the three leading ways to instant wealth are large-prize television game shows, big-jackpot state lotteries and compensation lawsuits. In this article, Matthew Warshauer, Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University, examines why so many Americans are persuaded to seek these easy ways to their dream. How does one achieve the American Dream? The answer undoubtedly depends upon one’s definition of the Dream, and there are many from which to choose. John Winthrop envisioned a religious paradise in a "City upon a Hill." Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed of racial equality. Both men yearned for what they perceived as perfection. Scholars have recognized widely varying conceptions of these quests for American excellence. One component of the American Dream seems, however, to be fairly consistent: the quest for money. Few will deny that Americans are intently focused on the â€Å"almighty dollar.†In a society dedicated to capitalism and the maxim that, â€Å"the one who dies with the most toys wins,†the ability to purchase a big house and a nice car separates those who are considered successful from those who are not. Yet the question remains, how does one achieve this success? How is the Dream realized? For many Americans the formula is one of instant, albeit elusive, gratification. Rather than adhering to a traditional work ethic, far too many Americans are pinning their hopes on what they perceive as â€Å"easy†money. This article focuses on three phenomena in contemporary American society that have successfully captured the quest for the American Dream. Savvy marketers have convinced their audiences that a new wave of television game shows, lottery luck, and lucrative lawsuits are the
Saturday, October 12, 2019
international terrorism :: essays research papers
After reading Martha Crenshaw’s essay on The Causes of Terrorism, thoughts were provoked that allowed me to look at the causes of terrorism from an entirely new perspective. It took my preconceived notions and feelings towards terrorism out of the picture and really let me look at the subject from a balanced point of view. I found this appealing because I have never been able to comprehend how there could be rational justifications to such a harsh reality. It really motivated me to try and understand more about such a complex subject.      This essay explained settings for terrorism, reasons for terrorism, and individual motivation and participation. All three of which made me think of the America before the constitution, before equal rights were assured to all individuals. These privileges did not come for free; we had to fight for them.      In settings for terrorism, the author talked about subgroups of larger populations that may be discriminated against, or suppressed and not given equal opportunity for political participation. These particular situations may be conducive to terrorist organization and activity. These were some of the same settings for the causes of wars in America’s history, from the American Revolution, to the Civil War. During the American Revolution fighters for their cause were not looked at as terrorist although they did participate in, what was considered at that time to be, unconventional warfare which most consider today to be a personality of terrorism.      Reasons for terrorism are more complex. One intention of a terrorist organization may be to provoke a counter reaction from the government, to increase publicity for the terrorists’ cause, and to demonstrate that criticism of the regime is well founded. The terrorists mean to force the state to show its true repressive face, thereby driving the people into the arms of the challengers. September 11, 2001 was an excellent example of this. After the attacks, Americans were outraged and emotional. Action had to be taken to revenge the lives lost and to ensure our national security. Everyone seemed vulnerable now, more than ever. America’s fight against terrorism led to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and at the same time America tried to spread democracy in, previously, undemocratic countries. The intention of the Al Qaeda to strike fear in their target population was only the beginning of what they were able to accomplish. Al Qaeda showed the world that their criticism of America’s attempt to force democracy throughout the world was true. international terrorism :: essays research papers After reading Martha Crenshaw’s essay on The Causes of Terrorism, thoughts were provoked that allowed me to look at the causes of terrorism from an entirely new perspective. It took my preconceived notions and feelings towards terrorism out of the picture and really let me look at the subject from a balanced point of view. I found this appealing because I have never been able to comprehend how there could be rational justifications to such a harsh reality. It really motivated me to try and understand more about such a complex subject.      This essay explained settings for terrorism, reasons for terrorism, and individual motivation and participation. All three of which made me think of the America before the constitution, before equal rights were assured to all individuals. These privileges did not come for free; we had to fight for them.      In settings for terrorism, the author talked about subgroups of larger populations that may be discriminated against, or suppressed and not given equal opportunity for political participation. These particular situations may be conducive to terrorist organization and activity. These were some of the same settings for the causes of wars in America’s history, from the American Revolution, to the Civil War. During the American Revolution fighters for their cause were not looked at as terrorist although they did participate in, what was considered at that time to be, unconventional warfare which most consider today to be a personality of terrorism.      Reasons for terrorism are more complex. One intention of a terrorist organization may be to provoke a counter reaction from the government, to increase publicity for the terrorists’ cause, and to demonstrate that criticism of the regime is well founded. The terrorists mean to force the state to show its true repressive face, thereby driving the people into the arms of the challengers. September 11, 2001 was an excellent example of this. After the attacks, Americans were outraged and emotional. Action had to be taken to revenge the lives lost and to ensure our national security. Everyone seemed vulnerable now, more than ever. America’s fight against terrorism led to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and at the same time America tried to spread democracy in, previously, undemocratic countries. The intention of the Al Qaeda to strike fear in their target population was only the beginning of what they were able to accomplish. Al Qaeda showed the world that their criticism of America’s attempt to force democracy throughout the world was true.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Theories of Aging
For this part of the assignment I am going to be describing two theories of ageing. Firstly I will be describing the Disengagement theory and then the Activity theory. I will then be comparing the similarities and differences between the two, and also writing up two case studies of older people and explain the development that occurs in older life, relating back to the theories I will have discussed. Firstly the theory of Social Disengagement, disengagement means a person’s withdrawal from involvement with anything. The theory was first put forward by two authors Cumming and Henry in 1961 who believed that it was natural for the elderly to withdraw from social involvement with others, due to having restricted opportunities to interact with other people. There are many issues that limit social interaction which results in disengagement. Some of these may be things like retirement, ill health, mobility, travel or technology. The theory of disengagement was widely accepted as other theorists such as Bromley (1974) agreed with the theory arguing that â€Å"although some individuals fight the process all the way, disengagement of some sort is bound to come, simply because old people have neither the physical not the mental resources they had when they were young. †Secondly the Activity theory, this theory argues that older people need to stay mentally and socially active to limit the risks of disengagement. Being active in older life can help people to overcome many of the problems and issues they will have to endure throughout the older lifestage. Being active can include taking part in sports and activities, joining clubs and groups to go on trips, outings, holidays and even simple things like continuing with hobbies such as gardening or walking the dog. Being active is very important for many reasons when a person is in the later years of life. It is believed that it’s not enough to simple provide facilities for older people they must be educated to make use of them and encouraged to abandon fixed habits. The main argument for the activity theory is that disengagement can ultimately result in loss of physical and mental skills due to lack of practice. My first case study is of a man named Howard Lane, he died aged 75 years old and had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 9 years earlier. Over the 9 years his condition seriously deteriorated. Howard had had a very active life with various jobs such as a Clerk of Works at Par Docks, a mental nurse and other physically demanding roles. He had been married for 52 years and had two grown up children, a daughter Jennie who had two children and a son Richard who had four children. Howard was a very involved grandparent throughout the whole of his grandchildren’s lives until his condition deteriorated so badly he couldn’t even tell who they were anymore. As Howard reached retirement he remained a very engaged active person despite the label he was now given as being ‘old. ’ He very much fitted the role within the activity theory, regularly exercising, seeing his family, keeping in contact with them in a number of ways. He and his wife had a particular passion for ballroom dancing†¦ they had won competitions! He had a very healthy appetite, and had never smoked or drank at all throughout his life. Although Howard had always been healthy and had no previous health issues and had stayed active throughout his final lifestage he still developed the disease Alzheimer’s. As the illness progressed Howard gradually changed as a person. He became forgetful, got confused easily, and as he began to seriously deteriorate he became violent at times, physically incapable of doing things for himself, he would forget things that had happened and who people were. Further into his illness Howard became more and more disengaged. His whole life had changed due to the process of ageing along with the unfortunate illness he had. Not only had the disengagement affected Howard as a person it was also affecting a lot around him. Firstly the most obvious effect it was having was on Howard’s family. They began to be constantly worry about him therefore would be constantly in contact asking him if he was ok. It also put a large amount of stress on his wife Vera, and because she was in her older age as well she found it very hard to deal with the stress she was under. By the time Howard was the age of 71 Vera had no other option but to put Howard in a nursing home so he could receive the care that he needed. Due to Howard’s illness Vera had now become disengaged, she had spent all of her time looking after her husband, worrying about him and visiting him constantly. Another major factor that affected Vera’s stress was the fees she had to pay at the nursing home. She was very worried about the scale of the costs and was worried about having to sell her home. She had gradually lost contact with her friends and had no time for any personal hobbies or even time to properly look after herself and because of this Vera had become stressed and run down and was finding caring for Howard very hard to cope with. Her biggest worry and fear constantly being how she would cope with it if Howard died. Bereavement is usually hard to cope with for the elderly especially disengaged people, they are likely to feel more isolated and alone and this is what Vera was frightened of. In actual fact Vera died suddenly in December 2003, shortly followed by Howard June 2004. By this time Howard had no understanding of anyone around him as he had little response to anything, therefore he did not grieve for his wife as he didn’t even understand that she was gone. Their family described it as a blessing because in this way Vera never had to cope with the bereavement of losing her partner and neither did he. Overall retirement did have a positive effect on Vera and Howard to begin with. They had more freedom to be active, pursue their hobbies, spend time together, and with their loved ones. However old age brought ill health which caused Vera and Howard to disengage and become isolated from others which continued to bring ill health and stress. My second case study is about a woman named Ruth Cohen. Ruth Cohen is an 84 year old woman, she had previously been a teacher for nearly 40 years. Ruth has one son of 60 who has two daughters Lisa and Issie, Lisa has a son of 17. Ruth is a very old woman and has a number of health problems including arthritis, high blood pressure, and sight and hearing problems. However Ruth has lead a very healthy and active retirement. Since Ruth has retired she has done voluntary work for a number of charities and her local church as she is a very religious woman. Even in her late 70’s Ruth attends church every Sunday and helped to run the local Sunday school. She regularly met her friends from church to go out for tea. She tries to visit her children and grandchild as much as she can however due to her eyesight she cannot drive anymore so her only way of seeing them is to get the bus. In her old age, Ruth despite still being so active has become quite frail and is frightened easily therefore tries to avoid going to places with people she doesn’t know, she tends to stay in her own village, go to the same shops and see the same people every day. Ruth was married for 60 years to James, unfortunately 14 years ago James passed away due to a heart attack. Ruth obviously had a hard time with the loss of her husband of 60 years however because of the lifestyle Ruth led she managed to carry on with her life and avoided becoming disengaged and easily accepted the support and help of ther whereas a lot of people cannot do so so easily. Because of Ruth’s personality and the way she was her family didn’t feel like they had to constantly worry about her and they knew she would be getting on fine without their constant care. However Ruth is getting rather old now so they do visit more frequently and her granddaughter Issie bought her a dog to keep her compan y and occupied. As Ruth entered her 80’s the physical ageing process could no longer be avoided and began to take over her life. She became very weak and could only walk with a Zimmer frame, she became increasingly isolated in her home due to mobility issues and although people did visit she began to feel lonely and depressed. This case study is perfect evidence of the disengagement theory. Although Ruth remained active and dealt with the bereavement she endured and her health issues it was inevitable that age caught up on her, she lead a fulfilling retirement and kept up all of her routines and hobbies as long as she physically could but eventually her mobility limited her life and effected her emotionally as well as physically. Theories of Aging For this part of the assignment I am going to be describing two theories of ageing. Firstly I will be describing the Disengagement theory and then the Activity theory. I will then be comparing the similarities and differences between the two, and also writing up two case studies of older people and explain the development that occurs in older life, relating back to the theories I will have discussed. Firstly the theory of Social Disengagement, disengagement means a person’s withdrawal from involvement with anything. The theory was first put forward by two authors Cumming and Henry in 1961 who believed that it was natural for the elderly to withdraw from social involvement with others, due to having restricted opportunities to interact with other people. There are many issues that limit social interaction which results in disengagement. Some of these may be things like retirement, ill health, mobility, travel or technology. The theory of disengagement was widely accepted as other theorists such as Bromley (1974) agreed with the theory arguing that â€Å"although some individuals fight the process all the way, disengagement of some sort is bound to come, simply because old people have neither the physical not the mental resources they had when they were young. †Secondly the Activity theory, this theory argues that older people need to stay mentally and socially active to limit the risks of disengagement. Being active in older life can help people to overcome many of the problems and issues they will have to endure throughout the older lifestage. Being active can include taking part in sports and activities, joining clubs and groups to go on trips, outings, holidays and even simple things like continuing with hobbies such as gardening or walking the dog. Being active is very important for many reasons when a person is in the later years of life. It is believed that it’s not enough to simple provide facilities for older people they must be educated to make use of them and encouraged to abandon fixed habits. The main argument for the activity theory is that disengagement can ultimately result in loss of physical and mental skills due to lack of practice. My first case study is of a man named Howard Lane, he died aged 75 years old and had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 9 years earlier. Over the 9 years his condition seriously deteriorated. Howard had had a very active life with various jobs such as a Clerk of Works at Par Docks, a mental nurse and other physically demanding roles. He had been married for 52 years and had two grown up children, a daughter Jennie who had two children and a son Richard who had four children. Howard was a very involved grandparent throughout the whole of his grandchildren’s lives until his condition deteriorated so badly he couldn’t even tell who they were anymore. As Howard reached retirement he remained a very engaged active person despite the label he was now given as being ‘old. ’ He very much fitted the role within the activity theory, regularly exercising, seeing his family, keeping in contact with them in a number of ways. He and his wife had a particular passion for ballroom dancing†¦ they had won competitions! He had a very healthy appetite, and had never smoked or drank at all throughout his life. Although Howard had always been healthy and had no previous health issues and had stayed active throughout his final lifestage he still developed the disease Alzheimer’s. As the illness progressed Howard gradually changed as a person. He became forgetful, got confused easily, and as he began to seriously deteriorate he became violent at times, physically incapable of doing things for himself, he would forget things that had happened and who people were. Further into his illness Howard became more and more disengaged. His whole life had changed due to the process of ageing along with the unfortunate illness he had. Not only had the disengagement affected Howard as a person it was also affecting a lot around him. Firstly the most obvious effect it was having was on Howard’s family. They began to be constantly worry about him therefore would be constantly in contact asking him if he was ok. It also put a large amount of stress on his wife Vera, and because she was in her older age as well she found it very hard to deal with the stress she was under. By the time Howard was the age of 71 Vera had no other option but to put Howard in a nursing home so he could receive the care that he needed. Due to Howard’s illness Vera had now become disengaged, she had spent all of her time looking after her husband, worrying about him and visiting him constantly. Another major factor that affected Vera’s stress was the fees she had to pay at the nursing home. She was very worried about the scale of the costs and was worried about having to sell her home. She had gradually lost contact with her friends and had no time for any personal hobbies or even time to properly look after herself and because of this Vera had become stressed and run down and was finding caring for Howard very hard to cope with. Her biggest worry and fear constantly being how she would cope with it if Howard died. Bereavement is usually hard to cope with for the elderly especially disengaged people, they are likely to feel more isolated and alone and this is what Vera was frightened of. In actual fact Vera died suddenly in December 2003, shortly followed by Howard June 2004. By this time Howard had no understanding of anyone around him as he had little response to anything, therefore he did not grieve for his wife as he didn’t even understand that she was gone. Their family described it as a blessing because in this way Vera never had to cope with the bereavement of losing her partner and neither did he. Overall retirement did have a positive effect on Vera and Howard to begin with. They had more freedom to be active, pursue their hobbies, spend time together, and with their loved ones. However old age brought ill health which caused Vera and Howard to disengage and become isolated from others which continued to bring ill health and stress. My second case study is about a woman named Ruth Cohen. Ruth Cohen is an 84 year old woman, she had previously been a teacher for nearly 40 years. Ruth has one son of 60 who has two daughters Lisa and Issie, Lisa has a son of 17. Ruth is a very old woman and has a number of health problems including arthritis, high blood pressure, and sight and hearing problems. However Ruth has lead a very healthy and active retirement. Since Ruth has retired she has done voluntary work for a number of charities and her local church as she is a very religious woman. Even in her late 70’s Ruth attends church every Sunday and helped to run the local Sunday school. She regularly met her friends from church to go out for tea. She tries to visit her children and grandchild as much as she can however due to her eyesight she cannot drive anymore so her only way of seeing them is to get the bus. In her old age, Ruth despite still being so active has become quite frail and is frightened easily therefore tries to avoid going to places with people she doesn’t know, she tends to stay in her own village, go to the same shops and see the same people every day. Ruth was married for 60 years to James, unfortunately 14 years ago James passed away due to a heart attack. Ruth obviously had a hard time with the loss of her husband of 60 years however because of the lifestyle Ruth led she managed to carry on with her life and avoided becoming disengaged and easily accepted the support and help of ther whereas a lot of people cannot do so so easily. Because of Ruth’s personality and the way she was her family didn’t feel like they had to constantly worry about her and they knew she would be getting on fine without their constant care. However Ruth is getting rather old now so they do visit more frequently and her granddaughter Issie bought her a dog to keep her compan y and occupied. As Ruth entered her 80’s the physical ageing process could no longer be avoided and began to take over her life. She became very weak and could only walk with a Zimmer frame, she became increasingly isolated in her home due to mobility issues and although people did visit she began to feel lonely and depressed. This case study is perfect evidence of the disengagement theory. Although Ruth remained active and dealt with the bereavement she endured and her health issues it was inevitable that age caught up on her, she lead a fulfilling retirement and kept up all of her routines and hobbies as long as she physically could but eventually her mobility limited her life and effected her emotionally as well as physically.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Social regulation in the workplace
An Examination of the Concepts and Theories Associated with an Analysis of Social Regulation in the Workplace And the Groups and Representative Institutions Associated With These Procedures Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Bibliography.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦ . 9 Introduction Globalization as a phenomenon that has and is utilized to depict the vicissitudes of our universe today, has been attributed as a cause, status, underpinning, end and procedure that has and is polishing how and what we are as persons, companies, organisations, states and parts. Some have described globalisation as making an addition in societal interactions and connexions over infinite ( Chase/Dunn et al, 2000, pp. 77-95 ) . The preceding does apparently hold cogency given the broad spread additions in international communications that has helped to further thoughts with images of films from foreign venues, low cost telecommunications for personal calls and Internet confab suites, instant messaging every bit good as web sites and electronic mail allowing enlargement of our positions. This new environment has besides caused some states to take a closer expression at their societal constructions with regard to past events and current tendencies. One such country is the issue of feminin e equality. The Women’s Movement of the sixtiess has ne'er died, it has merely taken on a more broad spread veneer as adult females, cognizant of the varied societal inequalities, have rolled up their arms and taken the affair up on a by and big personal 1 on one footing. Evidence in support of this can be found in the addition in educational committedness. In 2005 ( UCAS, 2005 ) females represented 239,331 of all appliers for grades in establishments of higher acquisition in the United Kingdom, as compared with 214,502 for males. The entire figure of females accepted represented 170,003, males – 153,215, with the per centum rate for the predating representing 73.5 % and 71.4 % severally ( UCAS, 2005 ) . However, there is still a disproportionate relationship found in wage graduated tables, the gender wage spread for corporate director places is 27.8 % , whereby females earn 73.2 % of what their male opposite numbers do for the same degree of work ( Purcell, 2002, p. 6 ) . In an economic and matter-of-fact sense, globalisation has tended to increase the power of capital in its relationship to labour as directors cite retrenchment, increased productiveness and quality along with wage as a coefficient of merchandise and or service cost. Governmen tal response to threats associating to its corporations, intending companies housed within its boundary lines, is to cut down societal protections therefore increasing the flexibleness of the labour force ( Gummett, 1996 ) . Governmental policies on corporate societal duty are a big construct in that it encompasses the undermentioned statement ( Corporate Social Responsibility, 2004 ) â€Å"The Government sees CSR as the concern part to our sustainable development goals†. The statement goes on to add that it is seen by authorities as â€Å"†¦ how concern takes history of its economic, societal †¦ impacts in the manner it operates †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( Corporate Social Responsibility, 2004 ) . It goes on to add that it sees â€Å"†¦ CSR as the voluntary actions that concern can take, over and above conformity with minimal legal demands to turn to †¦ its ain competitory involvements and †¦ . involvements of wider society†( Corporate Social Responsi bility, 2004 ) . This scrutiny shall take a expression at the constructs every bit good as theories that are associated with societal ordinance in the workplace, along with the persons, groups and representative establishments that as associated with these procedures. The criterions for gender balance in working environments is put away by the authorities are defined by the transition of ordinances get downing with the seventiess. The execution of legislative policy is an historical cheque on the societal procedures and demands for alteration that preceded their debut therefore supplying hints as to the underlying societal alterations that represented issues prior to enactment. The Equal Pay Act of 1970 ( International Labour Organization, 2005 ) provided that work forces and adult females have the same equal terms with respect to the conditions and footings of employment stand foring occupations comprised of the same degree or similar degrees of work. An amendment to this Act was implemented in 1983 ( HMS, 2005 ) to bespeak that all persons executing the same work must have the same rate of wage, bespeaking frontward advancement in societal duty that was further strengthened by the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 ( Stationary Office, 2005 ) which specified that favoritism against adult females has occurred when they are treated less than favourably in comparing with work forces and that where conditions and or demands are implemented or imposed whereby it consequences in places skewed unevenly in favour of males, every bit good as demands and or conditions whereby adult females would non be in a place to follow with. It legislated that adult females and work forces are equal and included statute law to extinguish favoritism utilizing gestation and or childbearing. The authorities through legislative amendments has strengthened assorted facets of the preceding over the old ages as represented by the followers: A. Equal Wage Amendments ( HMS, 2005 )Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1992Employment Rights Act 1996Employment Rights Act 1998B. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Amendments ( HMS, 2005 )The Sex Discrimination Regulations 1999Legislation nevertheless can non do companies to speed up or increase their committednesss and or ethical patterns in the country of societal duty as wonts and the position quo tend to be engrained in corporate civilization and decelerate to alter. Rubery ( 2003 ) points out that as a consequence of the deficiency of mechanisms that are effectual in turn toing employer behaviour, the chance for extra additions in the country of societal duty will stay slow. His position has besides been adopted by Roivaset et Al ( 2004 ) . It has been argued that the concern issues with regard to adult females in the workplace is a accepted issue and that gender equality represents an of import societal duty, the consensus is that it is good policy to put to the promotion of adul t females in the workplace ( Mattis et al, 2002 ) . It has besides been put forth that speed uping equal chances with respect to adult females in the workplace can be advanced through combinations of legal attacks in the country of conformity every bit good as the concern instances and through societal ordinance ( Dickens, 1999 ) . Corporate Social duty entails three facets that are associated with the ground for the pattern and why it exists in the first topographic point:Corporate Social Responsibility entails conformity with statute law. This has been pointed out by Carol ( 1999 ) in his â€Å"Corporate societal duty – development of a definitional construct†paper.Corporate Social Responsibility has to boot emerged in footings of a concern instance that is connected to put on the line inauspicious investing, employee satisfaction, additions in corporate repute and increasing the corporation’s capacity for invention as theorized by Siegal et Al ( 2002 )And in conclusion, Corporate Social Responsibility has become an facet of the societal cloth through soft statute law by assorted authoritiess, every bit good as through alliances stand foring authoritiess and evidenced by the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Companies, and non authorities organisations ( Moon, 2004 )And while the feminin e issue has taken a back place in the procedure, corporations utilize their engagement in Corporate Social duty to advance their standing in the concern and public spheres, with companies in assorted alliances every bit good as associations and organisations such as Business in the Community, the Global Reporting Initiative and the United Nations Global Compact. Corporate Social duty is an activity that is engaged in the societal facets in their context of concern success that are external societal and internal extensions of the company. It is involved in procedures implying the allotment, coverage and measuring of societal public presentation in concurrence with political facets such as the shaping of duties every bit good as rights in the context of stakeholder engagements. Monbiot ( 2000 ) every bit good as Hertz ( 2001 ) see Corporate Social Responsibility as important in footings of society in the wide context every bit good as in the context of the societal facet of single con cerns and chiefly in transnational corporations whose public and international actions are scrutinized. It besides is understood in footings of the addition in which authorities is and has encouraged battle to do concern to see its importance as a turning context of the overall societal cloth. Despite the comparatively slow advancement in female promotion connected through Corporate Social Responsibility agendas it is an active and bing focal point which adult females have at their disposal to help in farther progresss, despite the limited tools and resources in that respect. Its arrangement in the countries of human capital direction, corporate societal duty guidelines every bit good as socially responsible investing are employee and diverseness issues that represent support mechanisms to farther hereafter progresss. The Council of Europe ( 2006 ) states that societal coherence represents the â€Å"†¦ capacity of a society to guarantee the public assistance of all its members, minimising disparities†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and has added that gender quality is an country that means equal visibleness every bit good as authorization and the engagement of the sexes ( both ) in all facets of public every bit good as private life. The Council of Europe ( 2006 ) has indicated that t he betterment and development of policy procedures should be evaluated and reorganized to integrate the position of gender equality in all degrees and at all phases of public and concern activities. The Council indicates that gender equality needs to be positioned at the nucleus of societal rating and analysis from the beginning and the gender issues need to be farther identified and reviewed in the context of policies every bit good as the publicity of gender equality as a mainstream of societal duty. Walby ( 2004 ) adds that it goes beyond the thought of merely adding adult females in footings of employment Numberss it is a inquiry of policies and the affects. Rees ( 2004 ) sees the procedure of corporate societal duty as necessitating to deviate its attending in footings of persons to the systems and constructions which gave rise to the state of affairs whereby it arose in the first topographic point. He continues that there are three distinguishable attacks to the issue, which are 1. legal, 2. best pattern, and 3. gender mainstreaming Rees ( 2004 ) . Advancing adult females in the context of corporate societal duty represents the use of the political every bit good as societal procedure and that garnering information from adult females as the foundation to measure ways in which to trip the procedure represents a cardinal measure in doing it work. The procedure of supplying and giving gender equality more dentitions is non feminism but world in seting the position of enabling so ciety to deduce the most benefit from all of its participants and therefore progress itself beyond its present boundaries and restrictions with new and fresh inputs. The procedure besides includes outside groups and organisations that are engaged in the procedure whose influence at nowadays is minimum, yet active. The figure of groups and organisations stand foring societal duty in the context of females is modest. The undermentioned represents a partial list:The Association of Sustainability Practitioners located at hypertext transfer protocol: // is engaged in trade and gender issues.Business for Social duty provides a wealth of information every bit good as rank for persons interested in advancing all facets of this subject, including women’s issues at hypertext transfer protocol: // Europe is a non-profit organisation advancing corporate societal duty and states its mission is to assist companies attain profitableness, every bit good as to prolong growing and human advancement. Its web site is at hypertext transfer protocol: // for Corporate Accountability, which is l ocated at hypertext transfer protocol: // is devoted to societal answerability and duty issues and offers legal aid every bit good as academic and militants.The activities in the country of gender equality have developed, yet the motion is still slightly stuck in its ain inability to specify itself in more direct footings. Many companies have developed the concern instance attack and therefore the betterment of their patterns with regard to promotion of adult females in the workplace. The sphere of equal chance as put Forth in 1970 is taking a long clip to go more that an legislative Act, it is apparently taking the remotion of one coevals and portion of another to prosecute the procedure as a normal, instead than legislative fact. Organizations such as Opportunity Now in the United Kingdom, every bit good as Catalyst in the United States have demonstrated that to prosecute the effectual promotion of adult females in the workplace, organisati ons need leading that is effectual every bit good as committed. The concern every bit good as societal instance for gender equality represents a concern chance that needs more active battle in HR patterns every bit good as keeping, preparation, wage, work-life balance and publicity to supply it with life. At present, there is some grounds that there are programmes whereby the sweetening of gender equality can be advanced through the arrangement of monitoring and measuring that is conducted on a regular footing with the aid of authorities to do the procedure to go actively occupied instead than the inactive phase that authorities takes soon. The committedness on the portion of authorities represents a committedness on behalf of the people, and that is the musculus this procedure needs to acquire it out of the clay and back on the route. The slow growing policy has been developing velocity since the 1970s and still has non truly moved to any appreciable grade. The statute law has been in topographic point, now it needs to be activated as a portion of societal duty to supply impulse. Decision With all the preceding, so the inquiry is what has happened to the focal point and context of Corporate Social duty? Focus, is the primary reply. World events such as terrorist act, the war in Iraq, concern fight issues, offense, pension financess, and wellness attention issues have taken phase with societal duty and eroded the societal focal point. It no longer commands the same tableland in face of economic, wellness, public assistance and safety issues and therefore corporate focal point and social focal point has been diverted. The predating illustrations and countries represent the get downing stage of a larger docket that has merely entered is embryologic phase, therefore farther growing is expected. But, as with all things it will necessitate a consistent diet of growing and attending, maintaining it watered and fed until it is strong plenty to hold legs of its ain. The growing in the procedure will come from rules that are based in justness, equity and an apprehension of equity to broaden the context to societal inclusion. As stated by Rees ( 2004 ) the focal point is pull offing diverseness which needs to go one of enlightenment. The displacement is from the feminine position to acknowledging that the systems and constructions that have developed over decennaries has given rise to a system and processes whereby the state of affairs developed to the point that it became the normal behavior of life. Changing that facet will necessitate work as positions, and the comfort of things being the manner they are represent wonts that are engrained and hard to readapt. The full context entails traditional thoughts from a cultural and societal position which has conditioned behavior to the point where in many instances most males are non even cognizant it is an issue, and that is precisely the issue. Bibliography Carol, A. ( 1999 ) Corporate societal duty – development of a definitional concept. Vol. 38. , Issue 3. Business and Society Chase-Dunn, C. , Kawano, Y. , Brewer, B. ( 2000 )Pull offing Social Policy.Sage Publications, London, United Kingdom Corporate Social Responsibility ( 2004 )What is CSR? .hypertext transfer protocol: // Council of Europe ( 2005 )Social Policies.hypertext transfer protocol: // Devils, L. ( 1999 )Beyond the Business Case: A three pronged attack to equality action. Vol. 9, Issue 1. Human Resource Management Journal Gummett, P. ( 1996 )Globalization and Public Policy.Edward Elgar Publications, Cheltenham, United Kingdom Hertz, N. ( 2001 )The Silent Coup d'etat. Heinemann, London, United Kingdom HMS. ( 2005 ) .Equal Pay Act 1970.hypertext transfer protocol: // HMS. ( 2005 ) .Sex Discrimination Act 1975. hypertext transfer protocol: // International Labor Organization ( 2005 ) 1970 Equal Pay Act. hypertext transfer protocol: // Mattis, M. , Giscombe, K. ( 2002 )Leveling the Playing Field for Women of Colour in Corporate Management: Is the Business instance Enough? ?Vol. 37, Issue 1. Journal of Business Ethical motives Monbiot, G. ( 2000 )Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain.MacMillan, Basingstoke Moon, J. ( 2004 )Government as a Driver of Corporate Social duty: The UK in Comparative Perspective. hypertext transfer protocol: // Network Partnership. ( 2005 ) .Equal Pay.hypertext transfer protocol: // Purcell, K. ( 2002 )Qualifications & A ; Careers. University of Wales. Rees, T. ( 200 )Contemplations on the uneven development of gender mainstreaming.Leeds University Roivas, S. , Reinicke, K, Thorbergsdottir, B ( 2004 )The European Employment Strategy and national employment policies. In From public assistance to knowfare. hypertext transfer protocol: // Rubery, J. ( 2002 )Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Equality in the EU. Vol. 33, Issue 5. Industrial Relations Journal Siegal, D. , McWilliams, A. ( 2002 )Corporate societal duty: a theory of the signifier position. Vol. 26. , Issue 1. Academy of Management Review Stationary Office ( 2005 ) .The Sex Discrimination Act 1975.hypertext transfer protocol: // Universities and Colleges Admissions Service ( 2005 )Applicants and Acceptance for Degrees.hypertext transfer protocol: // Walby, S. ( 2004 )Gender mainstreaming: productive tensenesss in theory and pattern.University of Leeds
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