Monday, October 21, 2019

Industrial Revolution. essays

Industrial Revolution. essays By reading this chapter I learned that three major thesis conquered the history of Western society between 1750 and 1914. They there: political disturbance caused by major Revolutions in the West; introduction of Western European institutions and values to colonist countries such as United States; industrialization. The greatest change of all was industrialization. The Industrial Revolution modernized the economy, first in Britain and then in the rest of western Europe and United States. It presented dramatic new technologies and a new systematization of work. The Industrial Revolution was a period from 1700-1850 in which new technology was being discovered at an alarming rate. The average British person born in 1760 saw more changes in his or her lifetime than ten generations of descendants had seen in theirs. There were many factors that aided the Industrial Revolution. In the 1700s many wealthy landowners began to look for new ways to increase the size of their harvests. The first man to experiment in this way was Jethro Tull he improved the process of sowing the seed by a seed drill; it allowed farmers to sow seed in well-spaced rows at specific depths. The second invention to follow was the invention of crop rotation; many farmers wanted to find a way to keep their fields fertile so they would waste a year of planting. So instead of letting the field be barren was to grow a different crop each year so it would stay fertile and you could still grow crops. The next improvement in farming was when Robert Bakewell began trying to raise his quality of livestock; by allowing only the best animals to breed he increased the weight of his sheep and also greatly improved the taste of the mutton. This improvements in farming had great effects on the population, since there was a more food more children were born and that fuel more workers for the factories. The next fuel for the Industrial Revolution wa ...

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