Monday, January 20, 2020

Hitlers Rise To Power :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As most people on this planet know, World War II has been over for more than 50 years. The ideals of Hitler, a man wanting to eliminate all Jews and minorities, are views that can be questioned. Most people have difficulties accepting failure, and when failure arises people look elsewhere to blame someone else for their shortcomings. In society these people are called scapegoats. The question that comes to mind is Who was Hitler and what were his thoughts?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most prominent leaders that can be thought of as great dictators were extremely forceful. Julius Caesar and Napoleon both rose up during troubling times of their country. They did this by going to war and winning, they would take over a country, set up a government, and then move on. Hitler was the exact opposite, he was a barbarian who ruled by striking fear into people. â€Å"They regard me as an uneducated barbarian. Yes, we are barbarians! We want to be barbarians! It is an honorable title.† (Rauschning, Hermann. The Voice of Destruction New York, 1940, p.80) The government that Hitler proposed had no real law. The people were to follow what they were told by those who were ranked above them, thus always leading back to Hitler. Hitler taught children to spy on their parents, and then report their wrong doings. He wanted people to hate their neighbors. He wanted those people of different, and for that matter â€Å"wrong† religions, political party, and/or race to be eliminated. A lot of the time when people look at history books and see a leader such as Hitler they might think that it was a long time ago, or that people were not that smart. Hitler rose to power in a time when people were literate, a majority of people were fairly smart, and none the less it was a mere 50 years ago.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As most people across the globe will agree Hitler had unsightly political views. He preached that before a government can reach a victory or a happy state it must first undergo a change. This is why the nazi movement was necessary. Hitler preached propaganda, the information that today would be found in The National Enquire. What he preached was what people wanted to hear, it was an easy route out of all of their troubles. He was able to relay his message across the people in Germany and draw more than a third of a vote in a free contested election.

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